Alphas of East

1443 Words
She knows, that by choosing this, she is throwing everything she earned over the years away, her life, her career, our home and everything she worked hard for, but she still chose me over everything. Even though doing a sacrifice like that, she never put that in my face or made me feel like I owed her anything, all she wanted was to give her everything even when we had nothing. The grey wolf man who we saw, named Elias, brought us to this world where everyone was just like him, even though at first sight they looked like normal humans, When we looked closely, they were far from it. Half humans, half wolves, all of them, everyone held a different feel to them. Elias took us to the pack house and in front of the alpha. If I thought Elias was intimidating, he had nothing on this alpha. My stomach was twisted in a knot from the moment I saw him. His Honeycomb eyes looked at us with so much intensity that made my tiny form shudder in fear. A woman, surely beautiful with her brown eyes looking at us over, her hand draped around the alpha, seemingly unaffected even a bit by the dark atmosphere he held. The alpha gave us a room on the ground floor of the pack house and the luna gave us works. An unpaid one that is. The head omega showed us around before showing us our work. Leaving my old life behind didn't sit well with me in the least bit, but Mom didn't seem to mind it as she tried to settle and move on with her life and she encouraged me to do the same, she motivated me that it's all only till I turn 18 and after that, we can both just give a blood oath and leave this place for good. But we didn't know that settling here is how much of an impossible thing. We didn't expect any respect from them but we didn't expect the level of hostility either. It became clear as a day how every single person in this entire pack hated us because we are humans and they made sure to instill it in us and realise we don't belong in here, and we don't belong with them. The f****d up hierarchy of this world is Alpha and Luna, Beta, Gamma, Delta, pack warriors, pack members and omegas. It didn't even have a place for humans like us which means we are even lower than the lowest-ranked omegas. Each day went like hell for us, the omegas first taught us how to do the work around the pack house, at first we thought the omegas are kind enough to show us around, only to find it's all just a facade to dump their work on us. They bullied my mom if she refused, they even made my eight-year-old tiny self do odd works of adult omegas. Mom tried to help me along with doing hers, but it started taking a toll on her health as helping me meant she had to work double the work she already had, so to help her, I started doing the work on my own. I struggled a lot but got a hold of it eventually, I had mom to protect and she had me to protect, we each had each other in our mind to motivate ourselves to survive. ''Are you okay honey? You look so tired'' Mom said, touching my forehead to see if I was in a fever. ''I'm alright mom, you are the one in the hospital remember? '' I sighed, even now, I'm her only concern. ''Is the work and school weighing you too much?'' She asked sadly. ''No Mom, you don't have to worry, I got it all handled '' I tell her, not wanting to tell her I once again complained to Alpha about the omegas snitching works. The omegas always dump their work on my mom now and then and mom never speaks up for herself to avoid any confrontation but unlike her, I always complain to the alpha when they do. Like! We are humans and we have way less energy than they do, we can no way do that much work on our own! But that led to the omegas locking me in a dark storeroom for a whole night. But no matter how many times they did that, I refused to back down and let Mom do that much work. Despite my efforts to reduce her work, the doctors said her legs were too weak for her to go on at this rate and advised to stop her working, she even spoke with the alpha for us and admitted Mom to the hospital. I can't even think in what condition she would be if I didn't stop her from doing all those works the omegas dumped on her. Now that Mom is in hospital, her work along with mine landed on my head, which is taking a toll on me. I have to work and go to school, and I barely have time to eat or sleep, so I can no way do other's work too I made myself clear I would not do anyone's work and I would tell the alpha if anyone forced me. I do know the consequences of it, I'm scared to go to school now as the omegas's children are studying in the same school as me. But I know, just a week more and I will turn eighteen and I will give them their damned blood oath and leave this place with my mom for good. I can't wait to go to my home, the home mom brought for us, our paradise, the place where we belong, our real world where we will finally be happy. With that hope in my heart, I kissed Mom's forehead, said bye and dashed out for the bus. I reached school just in time, ducking my head down to avoid gazes and trying to be invisible. I feel highly conscious of my patched-up clothes. There is a huge black patch on my grey hoodie cause I couldn't find any cloth with the same colour and I know wearing this will make me get picked on. But then again, Every dress I have will get me picked on, as all I have is run-down clothes of higher rank kids. Just one more week Daisy. I sighed, getting to my locker when Mrs. Taylor stopped me. ''Daisy, take these to Alpha's office '' She said, It's not even a request but an order. Nobody in here knows how to request. I groaned internally at the task of going to the alphas's room but didn't say anything and took it from her before making my way to the Alphas's office. The moment I opened the door, bile rose up in my stomach at the revolting scene in front of me. The alphas, Dean, Darius, Danial and Declan as per the birth order are identical quadruplets, with identical devilishly handsome looks with their chiselled jaws, soft subtle, high cheekbones and dimples. A split image of their father Alpha Dale, even Inheriting his honeycomb eyes along with the pack, but what they didn't inherit from their father, is his personality. All four of them have the same identically disgusting personality, each is certified d***s. Their father Dale, gave his title to them 3 years ago when they finished high school. My tormentors since day one, bullied me daily while they studied here, Now, being alphas, come to school three days a week to train students and torture me. Dean is the intimidating one being the alpha of alphas, scary at most, his growls hold so much power and authority than the others or maybe he uses them more than the others as he is the one that always leads. Darius is so soft-natured, mature and knowledgeable, he is always calm no matter the situation and can be a bit of a nerd. Daniel is the impulsive one, doing first and thinking never, the typical middle child always wants the spotlight to himself while fighting with his younger brother just for fun, the pack members worshipped him, well all of them, but he got more attention than the others. Declan is the typical last child, always off the hook no matter what he does, Pack's famous for his fun jokes and party animal vibe, and even though he gets anything he wishes for, he likes to fight his brothers for theirs. And another thing they all have in common is, they all hate me.
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