Last breath

1723 Words
''Are you good at sucking d***s yet?'' Before I could stop myself, my hand fled from my side and landed on Danial's cheek with so much force that his head whipped to the side, shocking not only them but me too. Max, the alphas's future beta with Poppy his then-girlfriend witnessed what happened and looked at me in shock while the quads looked sober now. Danial rubbed his cheek like contemplating himself if he was dreaming. I stood there too shocked at my action when their growls shook me off my dream. I shook my head, shivering in fear at their growls when I suddenly got lifted by the back of my neck, before being thrown into the air by the pissed-off Dean with so much force that I got smashed into the tree, hitting my head so hard before sliding to the snow below. I felt the pain of every bone breaking in my body, looking at alphas in a daze, "Dean!" I heard voices in the distance. "Is she Dead?" A panicked voice of someone before I slowly slipped into darkness. It took me a whole six months to even get my consciousness back and walk again even with all the werewolves blood transfusion to my body. It did a lot of damage to my body, but all the quads got was a month's grounding and that's all. The alpha paid my medical bills and helped me recover, Mom was devastated the whole time and suffered a lot more than me. Everyone thought that I was a goner but I did survive somehow, The alpha made his sons apologize to me, though it sounded so genuine and regretful, even promising me a brotherhood relationship and swearing to help me with anything I asked for in the future. But it didn't take long to realize those were just bold-faced lies to get my word of forgiveness in front of the alpha. They lied and I think their words kind of ticked their egos off. Cause after I recovered and finally started going back to school, my life turned into a literal hell. When the rumour about mom started, thanks to alpha Dale it ended but the fight with quads gave birth to the rumours of me. The quads steered clear of me, they ignored my presence but since the quads hated me for getting them in trouble, the people in school thought torturing me would get them in their future alphas's good graces, and by time it just became a routine or casual thing to make fun and sexualize me to till this day. I tried to get used to this bullying but no matter how much I tried, it never helped me cope with these cruel monsters. I don't know how, but with god's grace, I survived till this day, just a week more, I will be able to leave this s**t hole and go back to live my real life, the life where I truly belong. I wiped the tears from my eyes harshly. I already spoke with Alpha Dale, that man oblivious to everything his wife did, offered a permanent stay for us here but little did he know, I have no plan of even stepping into this place the second I turn 18. After subtly refusing his offer, he said the oath of blood would take a week to arrive. Coincidentally, the day of my birthday and the arrival of the documents will be just right! With that renewed hope, I reached home just in time for the preparation of dinner and I got right into it. *** Two days went by, and today is the last day of training for the week, Usually the alphas train the students for three days a week and conduct a tournament at the end of the month to see the improvements. The method is so famous here that those who win many contests can get a chance to get into higher ranks. Of course, I'm not a part of it, they never let me in it, and I know I can never come out whole if I ever fight with these monsters, so I never tried either, but today, the girl that usually helps in arrangement is on leave, so I was ordered to fill up for her. I helped around the ground, distributing water bottles to the people and helping the groups but then, it was never-ending. I did everything I could until midnight, but I could not stay any longer; I had to get up at 5 a.m. to help in the kitchen, and the bus to the pack house had already left, so only if I started now would I be able to get home quickly and get some sleep. I packed my belongings and informed the beta, Max, my other bully, but I feared the alphas more than him, so I just told him and began my long walk. I walked for about 30 minutes on the road, all the while feeling creepy as if someone was following me. I kept looking back every now and then in fear, delaying my walk even more, so I stopped looking back and started running, but the feeling of someone following me just got worse and worse until I stopped to check. I turned to the bushes, where the strange feeling was strong. I took slow steps towards it, the bush suddenly shook hard making me jerk back and fall on my butt. ''Who is there?'' When two tall figures emerged from the bushes, I screamed in terror, my body shaking horribly. I recognised them as Chad and Chandler from my math class, their eyes deep black of their wolves, a sinister look and cruel smile on their lips, clearly not here for any friendly purpose. I took a step back instinctively, they growled at my movement. I know if I run they will catch me in no time. ''Guys, please let me go '' I stuttered, trying to reason with them but I know that's useless. ''Let you go? why?'' Chad asked in fake amusement, grasping my hand, and ripping me to him. Cold sweat broke on my body as I tried to wriggle my hand free from him. ''You think we followed you all this way to let you go?'' He said cruelly, his face inches away from mine. I flinched from his tight grip but he didn't let go. Chandler moved behind me, ripping my shirt along with the skin on my back from behind, I screamed in pain as his claws pierced my skin. ''I will tell the alphas, '' I cried, trying to pull my hand and free myself but of course, they were too strong. The sky thundered above us, and the sound of thunder always scared me but I was too terrified of these monsters to be scared of it. ''Oh? you think we will let you tell this to the alphas?'' Chandler chuckled behind me, his lips on my cheek, running his tongue from my chin to my ear, sending shivers of disgust down my spine. "Once we finish with you, you can never open your mouth about this; we will make sure your voice is gone from all the screaming we are going to make you do." Chad laughed, smashing my lips to him, when the rain started pouring. My torn shirt with blood washed with the rain, while the hand moving on my body made me feel disgusted, no amount of crying was able to stop them. No, I can't let this happen, I need to live, just a few more days, and then I can live the life I wanted, the life I worked hard for, the life I dreamt of all these years, I can't let these monsters destroy me, destroy my dream. With that, I pulled every ounce of strength I had left and, taking one last breath, I shoved him back just enough to get away from them. I forced myself to run, run as fast as I could, I had no time to waste. I pushed myself forward on the slippery road, the lack of blood making me feel woozy, but I knew that the minute I stopped running, I'd be over, I could already feel they were close behind me. But in a second, Chad skidded to stop before me, his face contoured in anger. ''Where do you think you are going slut?!'' He spat, lifting me off the ground by my neck, Chandler caught up to us. ''Let me go Chad, I will not say anything to the alphas, just let me go'' I sobbed, struggling to breathe, but his rage was overwhelming and totally overshadowed by his lust. ''Chad, let her go, we will get in trouble if you kill her!'' I vaguely heard Chandler yell. ''We can't, we will only get in trouble if we let her live, we already planned this, no one is going to look for this human w***e, they will just think she ran away or something'' He said, gritting his teeth, his grip tightening even more. '''' I tried to say. I only wanted to live my life with my mom, a life where we have each other, and thrive, is that too much to ask for? All I wanted was to live, live a life peacefully, I don't want anything else, I wanted to convince him but his grip was too tight, cutting off my oxygen supply even more. "I don't believe you b***h," He sneered, tightening his grip even more. I tried to pry his hands but couldn't do anything as my lungs burnt for oxygen, darkness seeping around the corner of my eyes, letting me know my end was near. With my last vision of Chad and Chandler, my eyes rolled to the back of my head, and I felt my body hit the mud ground with a loud thud, rain hitting straight on my face. My mind went blank and I couldn't open my eyes any longer, but still heard the unmistakable sound of a loud growl, more sinister than any regular wolf's, piercing the air, along with the sounds of Chad and Chandler's guttural screams. Before I exhaled my final breath and went completely unconscious, that was all I could recall.
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