Wolf in human

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I will turn 18 today, and I can't wait to leave this place for good. Mom has recovered enough to walk again, but I still refuse to let her go to work, the last thing I want is for her to get sick again, and that too while we are this close to leaving this hell. I still didn't tell mom what happened to me. After blacking out that day, I swear I thought I was dead and I could never see my mom again but looks like I was just unconscious, I woke up at dawn, covered in mud from head to toe, luckily Chad and Chandler were nowhere to be seen, they must have left me thinking I was dead. I walked the rest of the way home, and to my surprise, the claw marks, Chad left in me were healed by some miracle. I wanted to report it to the alphas, but I knew it would only make them happy to know I got hurt. I'm not one of them, and their laws and fairness are only for their species, they won't give a f**k what happens to me. And after all, this isn't my first assault, since the news I attacked the alphas spread, the people hated me, no question asked, I hit their alpha and I'm not worth living, that's it. While people hated me, some predators wanted me as their prey for them. They sexually objectified me, an eye candy, a doll for their cruel pleasure. I can't even remember How many times I have escaped from their grasp. But I have to say, it's the first time the assault got this bad, they downright wanted me dead, with no intention of letting me leave. That only showed me one thing, they got bolder, harassing me is no longer enough for them now, they now want to destroy me the whole. I really thought I was a goner when I got caught by Chad and Chandler, usually When someone tried anything, people were always close by and I could easily escape, but, that time, it scared me, cause no one was near. They clearly planned all those, maybe they know I'll leave their world soon? And wanted to finish me off before I slipped from their hands? I sighed. The school ended in a blink, and before I knew it, dinner time came, but due to a sudden request from the alphas to change the menu for the night, the dishes were way more than what I will wash usually. I watched the time, it 9'o o'clock, 3 more hours and my freedom. My legs tingled in anticipation of leaving, and my stomach did flips and flops, kind of making me nervous. But I knew watching the clock wouldn't finish the work, so I picked up the scrub and started washing the dishes. Time flew by and before I knew it, everyone left the kitchen leaving me alone with half the dishes still unwashed. I checked the time, it was close to 12 by fifteen minutes and for some reason, that made me nervous. Sweat dripped down my forehead and I almost bathed in it, suddenly feeling so hot and bothered. I wandered from the kitchen and ran to the garden, to get some air on my flushed body. As the minutes passed, I began to tremble violently, causing my knees to buckle and me to fall to my knees. ''Daisy'' I heard a voice calling out to me, and I quickly turned to face who it might be. ''Daisy'' It called again, but I was the only one present. Sweat started to drip down like a waterfall, and I found it difficult to breathe. ''What's happening to me?'' I screamed in my mind, my mouth too dry to let words out. ''We are shifting '' The voice said, but still, no one was around and I swear I didn't scream out the question. ''Who are you?!'' I asked, but it came out as a strangled noise. ''Your wolf, I'm Dahlia '' The voice said, now sounding more feminine but still rough and animalistic. ''What?, no, no I'm a human, I don't, I can't have a wolf'' I said, panicking when the clock in the garden chimed, indicating the time sharp 12 when my left leg got twisted painfully first. It chimed again, and my legs and arms started twisting painfully with sickening snaps. With each chime, my bones cracked and snapped and rearranged itself painfully. ''Breath Daisy, don't fight it, let it go,'' Dahlia said, but I was in too much panic to follow her instruction as the shift of my bones pained me. By the 12th and final chime of the clock, my body completely shifted, and I looked down to see I was no longer standing on my knees but instead on my paws. My vision is clearer than ever, even though it's midnight I can see everything. ''We did it'' The voice said, suddenly feeling like it was coming from behind. I slowly turned to see a huge wolf, its fur was pure white like snow from head to toe. It looked huge and majestic as she stood in front of me. ''How is this possible? I'm just a human, I'm not one of them, I'm not a werewolf'' I stumbled, gripping my hair in my hands. ''Aren't you happy to see me?'' She whined sadly, tilting her head to the side. ''No, I'm not! I'm not a monster like the rest, I'm not a monster and I don't want a monster!'' I cried. She nudged her face to me, ''Don't say that Daisy, we are not monsters and we will never be'' She said, wiping my face with her furry head. She got up before going to peer out through my eyes which are now her's. I'm no longer in my human form but her form. ''What do you say, let me take you for a ride to cheer you up'' She said, before taking off. She ran through the garden before breaking into the tree line, she glided effortlessly and jumped off the trees gracefully. It felt like riding a roller coaster, it did calm me a bit and I actually enjoyed it, forgetting all my worries, when it hit me. "Wait! Are you the one who healed me? the claw marks that Chad and Chandler put on me? Did you heal it?" I asked, and suddenly everything made sense. Werewolves can heal themselves super fast! "Yeah, I did, I was not fully awake but I was close by," She said and I tried to process everything. "Then... Do you know what happened to them? They have been missing ever since that day," I asked, feeling a bit afraid. "You don't have to worry, we had someone save us," She said. "We are lucky to have them at the time, if not, with me not being awakened yet, we could have lost our lives. Who? I wanted to ask but got distracted as she raised her speed, making it more thrilling and fun. We both squealed as she ran, enjoying the cool air caressing our bodies. We ran for a few hours until we got too exhausted, she stopped at the back door of the pack house. We shifted back to my human form, it was painful but not as painful as turning into a wolf. My clothes were torn to pieces from shifting leaving me naked on the ground, cold air lapping on my skin but luckily no one was near, so I ducked my head and dashed to my room. Mom is still in hospital so the room is empty, I quickly put on my pyjama and fell head first into the bed. I'm so dirty and I need a shower so bad but it's 3 in the morning, and I don't want to run into anyone and explain why I'm wandering around at this time. I tried to sleep even though I only had two more hours to rest, but sleep didn't come at all. Dahlia kept talking in my head, too excited to meet me, but It's sad to say I don't feel the same about her. All my life, I was hated and shunned for not being one of them, but turns out I am, one of them all along. ''You don't have to worry about those, once they feel me, they will stop pestering us'' She chirped up happily but I don't know how to feel about this. After all, I'll be leaving in a few days, and I don't want to change my mind now. ''Dahlia '' I called her. ''Yeah?'' ''Can everyone feel your presence now?'' I ask her. ''Yes'' ''Can you hide your presence from others?''
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