Girl Time

543 Words
Katerina's POV Once Laura and I had our colored hair dye in our hair and the timers started. For when we have to rinse out our colored hair dye. We start in on each other's nails. Since I have her stuck here for a while I think that I am going to see if I can get some information out of her. Now to see if I was seeing things or if she actually has feelings for my brother. Might as well rip off the band-aid and just ask out right. Here goes nothing. Though it kinda comes out of my mouth more like I'm blurting out a fact at her by saying, "So you have the hots for Andy huh?" Next thing I know her face matches her fiery red hair and she's stuttering back, "W-w-what!!!" I can't help but laugh at her now. Ohhhh...this will be fun. So I just repeated myself again watching her squirm in her seat and laughing at her reaction. I mean what else are best friends for anyways. Plus payback is a b***h. Especially since she did the same to me this morning about Devon. It is all in good fun anyways. Honestly it would be amazing if they were mates since she would really be my sister then. Though her birthday isn't for another two months. She finally stutters out a response of "Maybe." Though I can tell that she is trying to feel me out to figure out if I would not be okay with her actually having feelings for my brother. I squeal a little her way saying, "Who knows maybe he's your mate and we will really be sister's!!!" As I watch her tension fall from her shoulders due to my response. She finally looks me in the eyes and tells me, "Goddess I hope so! I am soooOOOooo...relieved to hear you say that though, because I was really worried that you wouldn't like to know how I felt about Andy." I looked at her with sad eyes and told her "You are the only person that I would fully trust with him from the start. I love you already like a sister and it would be amazing if you were actually my sister!!! Now let's finish up so we can wash up before dinner." As we fall into easy conversation finishing our nails. They dried just in time for us to jump in the shower. So I jump up and grab some sweats and workout shirts for us both after our showers. Though as I hand her the clothes I can't help but say, "Hey Laura, why don't you go tell Andy to let you use his shower so we aren't late for dinner. Especially since we still need to dry our hair afterwards." Her face is now full of shock, redness, and nervous ticks from my statement. All while I try to hold in my laughter at her changing expressions across her face. As I watch her square her shoulders and say "Alright" while walking out of my room closing the door behind herself. Smiling to myself I jump in the shower to wash out the dye from my hair and wonder if she will kill me later for this.
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