
The Alpha's Chase

childhood crush
first love

Katerina just turned 16 and can't wait to meet her wolf for the first time. Though the thought of finding her mate right now is her greatest fear of her 16th birthday. What will happen when she finds out her mate is her brothers best friend and future Alpha to her pack? Join her on over coming her fears and learning who she is meant to be because the future Alpha Devon has no plans of letting his mate slip away. Especially since he has secretly been in love with her since they were children. Though unknown to them is her stalker laying in wait. How will that change the events of everything playing out in their life's? Only time will tell...

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As you know there are morning people and there are those of us who are not morning people. Well, I am not a morning person at all. Without caffeine I am completely useless and a total b***h. Which brings us to where I am currently in my bed trying to snooze my alarm without opening my eyes or moving anything but one arm. Of course this is an inefficient way of doing this and I'm just knocking everything over in the process. I should really keep this area void of everything else because of this. I know that I should probably be looking forward to today, but at this current moment I could care less that it's my 16th birthday today. I am enjoying the sound of the light rain on my windows, and how comfy my bed is at the moment. Also, how perfect the temp of my room is at the moment to want to leave. Though since I have yet to find my alarm at least it snoozed itself already and as I am trying to slip back into my dream. I swear it sounds like someone is running towards my door, but I decided to ignore my thought of it. Though that was a big mistake because a second later my door is thrown open and I am pounced on by not only one but my two brothers screaming together, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIS!!!" Ergh, I know Mom sent them to drag my ass out of bed. So, I push my older brother to the floor and steal my little one under the covers to cuddle and tickle him until he can't take it anymore and I have to let him go so he can catch his breath. Though, this is unfortunate because I left myself open to the attack from my older brother without thinking about it. Then the next thing I know I am completely uncovered and squished by him with both of them now tickling me awake until I can no longer breathe. "Damn, mercy guys...mercy! I can't breathe and I need to!" I try to say in-between laughing during the tickle attack. Next I go for the "I really need coffee!!! Mercy!!! I give up!!! You guys win. I'm up!!!" All while we are still laughing like complete idiots. They finally accept my defeat though and wrap me in a bear hug together again giving me their birthday wishes. Mom is yelling at us to get dressed for breakfast so they finally free me and I'm off running to grab a quick shower before school. Now, what to wear. Let's see here. I think that I'm going with my black ripped jeans, my sleeveless five finger death punch band shirt and black combat boots. Ooohhh...and of course my comfy hoodie. Now, I just quickly dry and straighten my hair for today with light makeup and I am off rushing down the stairs for coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. As I am rounding the corner to the kitchen to find my coffee I'm caught up in a bear hug by my parents wishing me a happy birthday as well. This hasn't been a horrible morning at all in the least. Especially when Mom informs me that she put a cup of coffee next to my breakfast plate already. She earns one of my million dollar smiles with this information. Though of course she's laughing at me for it. We all sit down for breakfast before going our separate ways. As I am eating my breakfast sandwich and enjoying my coffee I can tell that there's something they want to ask me. So, I finally look at my parents and ask them, "What is it that you want to know!?!?!" They are both now looking at me. Though my Dad has an amused look on his face while my Mom looks a bit miffed. This makes me start laughing slightly because what can you say I'm Daddy's little girl. I can get us out of almost any trouble with our father just by giving him my puppy dog eyes. My older brother lived by this fact when we were children. We used his puppy dog eyes on Mom though it was a solid system as kids. Dad finally broke the silence though. "We were just wondering if you are excited about tonight Katerina?" Ohhhh...that's right, my first shift is tonight. I blame this thought slipping my head on not enough caffeine yet. This thought makes me chuckle a little too myself. While getting up from my seat with my now empty coffee mug to fill it up again. I find myself responding to my parents, "I still don't have enough caffeine in my system to process past the events of breakfast." Of course my older brother Andrew seems to find this statement extremely funny for some reason. All while I love the idea of finally meeting my wolf, but I am not looking forward to finding my mate. I'm not ready for that. Maybe I will get lucky and it will take a little longer and my mate won't be in our school. That would be perfect if you ask me. Though this thought would make my father and brothers happy. It would definitely not make my mother happy at all. I finally gave in a little and answered them, "I wonder if my wolf is going to be a smartass like me? Also what color will she be?" I know that she's going to have my emerald green eyes at least I hope so. All throughout my own thoughts I finally notice that I have both of my brother's falling out of their chairs laughing at me. This puts a smile on my face. Until I look at Mom's annoyed face and finally ask her, "What!?!?!" She sighs and finally asks me, "Is that all you are looking forward to Kat?" I deadpan with "My wolf? Yes. Why should I be looking forward to anything else?" Of course Mom has the comeback of "Yes, your MATE!!!" Now this statement of hers has my dad and both of my brother's glaring daggers at her and causing me to laugh out loud at the scene because on my younger brother Nathon it's just too cute. All while she is waiting on my answer to her question. Which comes out of my mouth while laughing to myself telling her that I'm more than happy to wait a few years for that. Which makes my Father and brothers happy and now my Mother is glaring at me while I am sipping my coffee. Man, I can't win with this subject. So, I looked to my older brother Andrew for an out. Which he happily supplies me with by saying to the table that we must get going to school. Now it's his turn to receive my million dollar smile as we run out the door for school yelling, "Goodbye" to our parents and our younger brother.

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