Dinner Time

398 Words
Devon's POV I still do not know how to process Aunt Joyce's request though. But I am happy that I will at least be under the same roof as my mate. It will definitely help with everything and not feeling the stress of being away from my mate. I know that it's draining being away from her for just a little while. I couldn't imagine being away from her a day let alone longer. It's stressful on mates to be parted after you find the other half of your soul. Not only that but it weakens your wolf. It would be easier on me than Kat though because both Demon and I have had almost a year to bond. Where Kat is just shifting with her wolf for the first time tonight. I wonder what her wolf will look like? I bet she will be the most beautiful wolf around. I also know that if I shift and lay around Kat tonight that it will help her shift with less pain and at a quicker pace with us by her side. God I hope Uncle James doesn't kill me first. Once he understands why I am doing it. I know that he already views me as his son but that's his baby girl and boy he makes the rest of us look tame on our over protectiveness. Which was funny when it was someone else he was directing it towards. But scary as f**k to know that it is going to come my way ten fold. Goddess...please help me survive the night! I need your help for sure. At least 3 out of 5 of her overprotective figures are on my side considering one is me. Though I know that Andy and my own Father considered not being on my side. I saw it in their eyes. I all but remind myself all while laughing at my current situation while packing my belongings up for a week. Before going to tell my parents what's going on and that I've been summoned to the house by Aunt Joyce after dinner. I open my door only to be hit with the amazing smell of my Mother's dinner. Running down stairs to eat I drop my bag by the door and head to dinner hoping that this isn't my last meal once Uncle James finds out that I am Kat's mate.
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