Andrew's Stressful Situation

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Andrew's POV I am startled out of my thoughts by a knock at my door. Before I can answer the door it cracks open and Laura's head pops inside. I finally snap myself out of it enough to ask her what's up. Only to be shocked to hell and back from her asking to use my shower. I don't trust myself enough to talk so I nod my head and point towards my bathroom. She tells me, "Thanks!" Ohhh...did she just blush a little or am I seeing things? Nope definitely seeing things. Yep that's it. I refuse to see anything else. Though once I heard the shower turn on and the shower door close. I couldn't help the groan that left my mouth though because I know that behind that door she is as naked as the day she was born. Goddess I need to run from here though if I do it will look weird. Just breathe in and out. Screw this. I am calling in backup. Me: Dev I need you to be here now!!! Like 5 mins ago to be exact!!! Dev: Why!?!?! What's up brother!?!?! Me: Laura is in my bathroom borrowing my shower!!! That's why!!! Dev: LMFAO!!! What is wrong with that? Me: Do NOT play with me now brother!!! Or I will go show Kat all of the pics from today. Do you understand me!!! Dev: Whoa brother!!! No need to go nuclear!!! I just finished dinner with my parents. I am heading your way now. Me: OMFG!!! Dude I just noticed that she forgot her clothes and towel on my desk by the door!!! This is serious!!! I am going to make a fool of myself!!! Help me!!! Dev: Okay man I swear I am driving your way now!!! Thank the goddess! Now I just need to not make a fool of myself until he gets here. Fingers crossed that I don't. Though of course this might not be my lucky day because as soon as that thought crossed my mind I heard the water shut off behind the closed door. This is straight torture. Or at least I thought that it was until the door opens and out walks Laura in a towel. Goddess help me! She is just amazingly gorgeous! Especially with the water droplets rolling down her shoulders straight to the top of her breasts only to be soaked up by my towel. While I can not stop myself from my eyes continuing to travel down her curves to her beautifully toned legs and back up again. God my pants are extremely tight at the moment. I hope that she doesn't notice the change. Maybe if I just bend one leg at the knee and adjust how I am laying against the headboard it won't be as noticeable. Yes. That's it and what I will do. Then to my dismay I realize that she's been talking to me this whole time. Damnit! I am soooOOOooo...done for and I know the tips of my ears are red. I shake my head to clear my mind and tell her, "I am sorry. What were you saying?" She started giggling at my response to her. Damn, I am totally busted and she has the most angelic sounding giggle. Damn okay. Just play it cool and don't forget to breathe Andrew! Until Anubis pops up and says, "Thank the Goddess!!! I think that I could die a happy wolf at this moment!!!" "Seriously Anubis, you are NOT helping at the moment!!!" I all but shot back at him. Of course my smart ass wolf chips in, "Oh well I could be showing you what you could be doing at this moment if you'd like. I have a lot of ideas currently. Let's see…" Now I am panic yelling at him, "NO!!!" and cutting off our link. I just decided on nodding in agreement to what she repeated again for me because I did not hear her again due to being lost deep in my own thoughts still. Thankfully I hear in the background the doorbell go off and my mother calling me to tell me that Dev is here. So I excuse myself and run from the room like I am being chased in a horror movie by the killer themselves. Damn that was not smooth at all. f**k my luck! Her giggling did not help the situation either. Oh well. At least I am out of the room now. Though I know that I am never hearing the end of that especially once Kat hears about it.
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