Birthday Dinner

2559 Words
Katerina's POV As I am standing there lost in Devon's eyes I cannot help but notice just how crystal blue they actually are. It's like looking into the clearest blue parts of the ocean. They are extremely beautiful and calming to stare at and extremely easy to get lost in. I mean I always knew they were beautiful before but I've never paid this much attention to them either. I just can't seem to look away. Until my Father yells at me to snap out of it and put on a shirt. Oh my goddess!!! I have been standing here this entire time in my bra and sweatpants in front of everyone! I swear I could die right this second and I know I am seriously blushing. Is it a thing to die from embarrassment because if it was I am going to die any second now. At the sound of my door closing Laura peaks her head out of my bathroom asking if it's all clear. I can only currently stare at her wide eyed in horror while her face mirrors mine. Until we burst out in a fit of laughter hard enough that we end up rolling on the floor laughing for a while. Finally as our laughter starts to die down Laura suggests drying and styling our hair before dinner is ready. Though after the recent events I don't know if I want to go downstairs to eat dinner. It's going to be weird, that's for sure. I mean what is going on between Dev and me today? It just doesn't make any sense to me at all. Unless he is my mate...I mean that could account for the change in Andy and between Dev and me. Could he be? I've had a crush on him for as long as I could remember though. I guess only time will tell. If nothing else I will know by midnight tonight. I am brought out of my thoughts by Laura saying, "All done. Now help me style mine. Since I dried it in Andy's room." Which reminds me that I haven't asked what all happened during my experiment with my big brother and best friend. I get up out of my spot and motion for her to take a seat with a wave of my hand. Now for the fun part with a grin on my face I decided to ask her, "So tell me everything that happened while you were gone?" Her cheeks started to turn a bright red at the thought of whatever happened. I have to know what went on and as my smile spread her cheeks became even a darker shade of red. She finally caved and told me everything once I pinned her with a tell me everything stare through the mirror. Now I'm currently trying to control my laughter. So I don't burn her with the flat iron that I am using on her to add thick curls to the ends of her long hair. Once my laughter is finally under control I manage to say, "You walked out in nothing but a towel and he was so caught up in everything that he ran from the room beet red!?!?!" Though now I can not help the laughter and I am currently bent over laughing. That is until she comes back with, "Oh yeah. So what was going on with the scene I ran into in your room. Huh?" Now my laughter is caught in my throat and I don't know what to say to her as I finish the last curl. Luckily for me I hear Mom call us all for dinner at this exact second and I bolt out of the room. She is now falling over laughing as I open my door only to literally run into Dev and as I am starting to fall he wraps his arms tightly around me and pulls me to him to steady my balance. All while she's yelling, "Wait Kat!!!" Though I am not paying attention to her as I am lost again in the clear blue orbs in front of me. That is until they are covered by Andy's hands and Laura is laughing on the floor so hard that she is curled up into a ball. She finally extends her hand holding up my shirt. goddess!!! No way!!! Did I really run out of my room without my freaking shirt on!!! Andy is giving me a what the f**k is wrong with you glare and I can feel Dev's hands move. Almost like he has only now just realized that I do not have a shirt on. I can feel his hold becoming tighter by the second like he is currently fighting himself or afraid that someone will take me away or both. I am now stuttering nonsense. Since I can't even pull together words and I can feel the heat currently rising on my cheeks. I finally managed to tell Devon a weak and breathless, "Thank you!" As I twist out of his arms and snag my shirt from my friend who is currently dying of laughter on the floor. Only to throw it on as quickly as possible and turn back in time to see Andy's face softening while looking down at Laura still dying of laughter on my floor in a ball. Now that was worth my embarrassment. I will have to remember to ask him about that later. Though all of us are snapped out of the situation by my Mother yelling at us again to hurry down to dinner. I helped Laura crawl up off the floor and we all headed downstairs to dinner. It smells amazing and I cannot wait to dig in. She made one of my favorites for dinner tonight: chicken parmesan smothered in mozzarella cheese with pasta, baked asparagus, and cheesy garlic bread. I am currently sitting in between Laura and Devon at the dinner table seriously focused on my dinner plate. Suddenly I hear my Mother clear her throat just slightly which causes all eyes to move in her direction. Once she has all of our attention I swear I see the hint of an evil genius behind her smirk plastered on her face. Ohhhh...this cannot be a good thing and I happen to have just taken a big bite of my chicken right before she got our attention. Damn it! Chew faster woman!!! Before she makes me choke on my dinner. As I am trying to focus on not dying after she plays out her evil plan. Her eyes meet mine and she asks, "So my darling daughter. Did you find your mate today? Or have any thoughts as to who he might be?" As if on cue I start choking on my dinner along with everyone else at the table. My eyes are bugging out a little bit while they travel around the dinner table to everyone else. Laura, Nathon and my Father share my expression. Except for the fact that Laura is now recovered from the shock and is starting to giggle. Though Andrew and Devon will not meet my eyes and I swear Devon is paler than before. I can't even seem to get words to form to be able to answer her. I am currently still coughing a bit. So, I reach out my hand to grab my glass of water. Though I end up grabbing Devon's hand while he is passing me my drink. While patting my back with his other hand to try to help clear my coughing fit. It seems so natural to hold his hand that I don't seem to want to let it go. He doesn't seem to be in a hurry to move it either. That is until he meets my father's eyes and goes back to his dinner quickly. Though my mother is smiling like she won the lottery watching his actions. Does she know something that I don't? Now that my coughing fit is under control. I finally answered her question with a "No." She still looks pleased with herself and my Father is eyeing her closely with questioning scrutiny. All while I just want to get lost in my dinner again to avoid the weirdness of today. But I am reminded of my birthday present from the guys. So, I cleared my throat and decided that now is the perfect time to get permission for us to go this saturday. I look towards my parents and just go for it. "So the guys gave me my birthday present earlier for a concert this saturday night and Uncle Jace already approved the four of us going. Now, I am just wondering if we could have your permission and also to maybe crash after here for a sleepover movie night?" Mom is normally my hard sale but she seems completely fine with the idea. Though my father seems dead set on answering a firm no while glancing our way and staring down the boys. So, I flash him my best puppy dog eyes and say in my slightly whining and sweetest voice that I can manage, "Please Daddy!" I can see his reserve starting to crack and push it a little farther by using my pouty face on top of the eyes. Bingo! I've got him right where I want him. Just a few more seconds and adding a slight quiver to my lips and he finally breaks, "Of course Princess you guys can go and have a movie night here after. Everyone sleeps in the rooms afterwards though. No crashing in the living room together!" As he said that last line he sent a deadly glare to the guys. I am glad I am not on the end of that look because I can see the boys gulping under the severity of it. It's extremely comical to watch. So, I find myself hiding behind my hand trying to contain my giggling fit from being too noticeable. I can feel glaring stares focused on me and look up to connect eyes with my brother and Devon. Though my brother's look could kill. Devon's seems to have a hint of laughter underneath the glare along with something else I can't place. So, I just smile their way and go back to my dinner. Until my Father asks what the plans are for saturday and my brother answers, "We are going to go out to eat before the concert and after the concert we will come back here for a movie night with snacks and all the fun stuff." My Dad nods his head in approval of the day and asks Nathon if he wants to have a sleepover that night at his friends house. Nathon of course is elated with this new idea. All while Mom is looking questionably at Dad. He just shrugs his shoulders and says, "I figured that we could go out for a date night and who knows maybe we will invite Jace and Jillian along. Since the kids will be gone that night anyways." My mother is currently beaming with happiness. Though I swear that Andy looks a bit paler than before. I almost want to ask him why he's paler now because of their plans. Though I will wait until after dinner. I went back to my dinner only to realize that I am out of my cheesy garlic bread. Though before I can ask for more I see Devon handing me some. I reached out to take it from him and our fingers brushed together and he froze stiffening at our contact. Though neither of us seemed to pull away from the other. My eyes roamed down his hand and along his arm up to his beautifully chiseled jawline past his perfectly pale lips and into his beautifully clear blue eyes. Almost instantly I am pulled into their trance. Until Andy elbows Devon and he releases the bread to me and goes back to his plate. While I am left here looking like an i***t trying to catch up with what is happening. Finally I snap out of it and go back to eating. I cannot wait for this dinner to be over. This day cannot get any weirder can it? Goddess I hope not. Once dinner is over we start to clear the table while the four of us work on putting away leftovers and washing the dishes. Now it's time to find out why Andy paled at the idea of Mom and Dads date night. So here goes nothing, "Hey Andy." He just looked over at me and nodded his head for me to continue. "So why did you look soooOOOooo...pale when Dad brought up date night for him and Mom?" Now he looks all clammy and seriously pale. Though as he is trying to talk now I swear that he's turning a bit green. Finally he composed himself enough to answer me, "Well let's just say that the only one of us that will be spared from horror that night will be Laura. Since she does not have her wolf yet." I just look at him quizably while Devon's face now mirrors his. Well atleast Laura is as lost as I am and I just need to know now. He looks like he wants to kill me for making him actually say it out loud though. Finally he breaks down and says lowly, "You understand that the house is not soundproof like the pack house correct?" I just nod my head for him to continue and he takes a deep breath then spills out quickly, "We will be able to hear them at night together." I must of still looked a little lost so he bit out, "Having sex." Now I am about to lose my dinner and must look comical because they are currently laughing at me. While I am shaking my head denying any chance or want or I don't know what. Ohhhh...goddess no!!! I never want to hear that!!! What child does!!! Ohhhh...I will be scarred for life!!! Mom picks this time to walk in the kitchen and observe all of us. While I can only look at her in horror. Which only makes the others laugh harder. This is totally NOT okay or even funny. All I can do is glare death glares at all of them while they try to contain themselves. Then my mother asks, "What's so funny?" and we all freeze and stutter, "Nothing!" Now she is just looking at us like we are all nuts and up to something. She finally says very skeptically, "Okay...Devon your parents are here and we can have your chocolate espresso cheesecake now. Sweetie." At least her statement makes me somewhat forget what my brother shared with me a minute ago and I go to greet my Aunt Jillian and Uncle Jace hello. Once I turned the corner into the dinning room. I am engulfed into a giant bear hug by them. Followed by them telling me happy birthday. Though I refuse to let them go because their hug is currently comforting and currently chasing the horror from Andy's earlier words away. All while they start chuckling and holding me tighter until Mom starts serving the cheesecake and we all sit down to eat.
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