Meeting Angel

718 Words
Devon's POV As we all start to filter out of the kitchen after Kat I can not help but smile looking at her embraced by my parents. They have so much love in their eyes while looking down at her in their arms. I could not have asked for a better soul mate. She is amazing. I mean who else could keep me on my toes for the rest of my life? Once she finally untangles herself from my parents we all head towards the table for cheesecake. I can't help but start to feel nervous about her reaction to me after she shifts. Now, I just need to put my head down and focus on eating and yes the fact does not pass me that I have already had two dinners tonight either. It does make me laugh a little at myself though. Thank the Goddess that Andy gave me a heads up before I sat down for dinner with my parents so I only made a small plate at both dinners. I would hate to have Aunt Joyce glaring at me for not eating her dinner. Though as I am engrossed in my own thoughts Demon pipes up, "HER Wolf is surfacing NOW!!! She has the most beautiful voice and her name is Angel!!! How perfect is that!?!?! should get her outside soon before she shifts in the house and brakes Aunt Joyce's dinner table." I am still dumbstruck when he yells, "NOW DEV!!! NOT TOMORROW!!!" I finally snap out of it and scope her up and run out of the house yelling she's starting to shift! Everyone is caught off guard and slow reacting. Though once my words sink in they take off after me. I have already set her down and told her that everything is going to be okay and that we will all be right here with her. I locked eyes with Andy and shifted into Demon to curl around her. He is a large black wolf with blue eyes like mine, white socks, white tipped ears, and also a white spot around his eye. He looks like a mix of my mother's and father's wolf's. My mother has a solid white wolf and her name is Snow. All while my father has a large solid black wolf and his name is Dexter. Uncle James is looking at me like I have lost my mind but all I can focus on are my kittens whimpers of discomfort and pain as she curls into Demon for comfort. Andy seems to notice the tension rolling off of Uncle James. So he shifted into Anubis and curled up on Kat's other side. This seems to ease a little of the tension from his father. I wonder if Angel will look like Anubis. He is a steel gray wolf with black and white patchwork along his fur. Though I hope that it doesn't take long to find out because hearing her whimpers is breaking my heart. We reach our head down to nuzzle our mate hoping to ease her pain from her first shift. When I started to hear a scuffle going on around us and I looked up to the deadliest glare from my Uncle and gulped in slight fear. My father was holding him back and whispering something in his ear. Whatever it was stopped him from trying to break free from my father's grasp. Though I swear his glare deepened. Yep, there was my answer. I am a dead man walking. But I did not stay on this thought process long because I noticed the sparks becoming stronger. Then in a blink of an eye my beautiful mate was shifted beside me. Goddess she was a beautiful wolf. Angel was a white wolf with emerald green eyes, black socks, black tipped ears, and a black eye. As her senses start to completely form she notices our scent and her head snaps our way. Now to see how she handles this new information. Hopefully it is not bad. As her eyes widen with the realization that we are her mate. I can see all types of emotions flash through her eyes including love, compassion, and most importantly panic. Then she is off in a flash with Andy and me close on her tail.
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