The Frozen Alpha

1626 Words
Devon's POV The first thing I noticed as Andrew ran towards me had to be how beet red his ears were. It was almost comical how red they were. As if he could tell I was about to laugh at him for it he snaps, "DON'T YOU f*****g DARE!!!" Which of course only makes me laugh harder and if it was even possible he became a brighter color of red then before. I dodge his swing and get out, "Okay! Okay! I am done!" All while I swear the smile I am wearing could split my face in half and he is glaring at me like I am a dead man. So, I decided on asking him where the birthday girl is. He looked at me then caved and told me that she was in her room. That's all that I needed to hear because as the words left his mouth I was off like the flash running through the house. With Andrew chasing me, all while yelling goddess knows what at me because nothing else matters to me at this moment then to be able to see Kat. It feels like I haven't seen her in days and in all reality it's only been a couple of hours. I didn't even bother to knock once I arrived at her door and just plowed through. Only to freeze in my steps because the moment that I opened the door she came out of her bathroom in only her sweats and her black lacy bra. I can't help myself from taking her all in. She is gorgeous beyond measure. Especially since her hair is still wet and I can follow the water droplets flowing down her chest and over her plump breasts. Oh goddess I am in heaven and in soooOOOooo...much trouble at the same time. I can feel my pants becoming painfully tight at the moment and there is no way to hide it from her. Along with the fact that I am sure that the tips of my ears are as beet red as Andy's were minutes ago. I am soooOOOooo...dead. Neither one of us has moved a muscle since I barged in her room and I can hear Andy's footsteps coming closer. Though the problem is that I can not seem to move a muscle. I am just here frozen in place because I am afraid that if I move it will be to pin her against the wall and make her mine in every way possible. Which would not be good considering Andy is so close to running through the door. he needs to hurry because I do not know how much restraint I actually have left in me. But only the goddess knows that I wish that I had none at all. Just as I am about to break Andy runs straight into my back yelling, "WHAT THE f**k MAN!!!" Only to notice that I am frozen in place and not responding to him in the slightest way while just staring straight ahead. He then shifts to my side to see what has all of my attention. Only to see his baby sister blushing while standing frozen on the other side of the room in her black lacy bra and sweats. Which leads to Andrew yelling at me to come on and trying to get me out of the room. Keyword here is trying. I am currently rooted in place and he can't seem to get me to budge. He seems so far away at the moment and the only thing that I want to do is go to Kat. Everything in my body is willing me to go to her and wrap my arms around her curvy waist. Only to back her up against the wall and kiss her like my life depends on it. I can feel the pull as he starts to try to pull me out of the room again but I'm still rooted to the floor and refusing to leave this spot. While our eyes are locked together in a trance. Ohhhh...goddess I love her beautifully clear emerald green eyes. The next thing I know Andy has jumped on my back and is covering my eyes blocking my view of his sister. Which almost causes me to lose my footing and fall backwards on him. Though it was enough of a break to start to come to my senses a little. Until I breathe in her amazing scent of strawberries and cream. Ohhhh...could this get any worse. As I am thinking this I heard Uncle James walk in the door talking to Kat soooOOOooo...the answer is definitely yes it can!!! f**k my LUCK!!! I am a frozen deadman!!! I need to snap out of it for sure, especially since I realized that my pants are still tight as hell. Ohhhh...god!!! Uncle James can NOT NOTICE THAT!!! Next Alpha or NOT!!! I'd be a deadman!!! Okay...okay...I got this...anything that is nasty or NOT the picture of Kat in front of me...running through the forest hunting...yes...that should distract both Demon and myself from the picture of Kat in my mind...That is until Demon pipes in and disagrees with me. Only to make matters worse. He starts showing me what we could be doing with Kat. Ohhhh...god...her pinned up against the wall while I traced my hands along her curves and followed along her jawline down her neck with butterfly kisses. Until I reached her sweet spot on her neck that will one day wear my mark. Good Goddess the little noises that she makes while I'm licking and sucking on that spot cause me to grab her by her thighs and host her up to my waist. Just to have her wrap her legs around me. Allowing me to be able to grind my thick length slowly along her mound. While she makes the most incredible little whimpers that I've ever heard. Only to have Uncle James interrupt the rest of Demons' visuals and leaves me with a very noticeable and throbbing hard-on. "f**k!!! Seriously Demon!!! If I could I would kill you!!! Damn it!!!" Of course he comes back with, "I was only trying to help Dev! I figured that you could use some ideas!" All while I hear him snickering in the background and Uncle James pulling us across the room and into the doorway yelling while Andy is still hanging onto my back and covering my eyes, "What in the HELL is going on here!!!" Both Andy and I are just frozen in place with our mouths wide open and me shifting to try to make the bulge in my pants less noticeable. Though if I thought that it could not get anymore embarrassing. I was dead f*****g wrong because while we were both frozen in place Aunt Joyce answers Uncle James telling him to calm down and relax. All while trying to control her seemingly uncontrollable giggling. I swear if I was not as red as a tomato by now. I'm definitely completely tomato red now. Okay focus Dev. "Demon, we need to at least fix the easiest problem here. Don't fight me about it, please!!!" I swear I can see him rolling his eyes in disagreement with me. So before he can send another amazing visual to me. I block him out and start working on feeling the calm of running in wolf form throughout the forest at high speed hunting. At least it is finally starting to work. So my hard-on is not showing as bad as before. I hear Andrew's door open over Aunt Joyce's giggling. The sight in front of Andrew causes his hands to slide off of my darkened eyes just in time to see Laura leaving his room and Kat still standing frozen in place staring at me. I am instantly pulled back into her gaze and again frozen in place. While out of the corner of my eyes I notice that everyone is now staring at Laura leaving Andrew's room and Aunt Joyce is now stuttering at the sight of it. Laura is now beet red and running for Kat's bathroom to avoid the mess in the hallway. Everyone is stunned into silence by the scene in front of them all while I enjoy gazing into my Kitten's eyes. Until Nathon walks in and demands to know what is going on. Then Uncle James snaps out of it and yells at Kat to snap out of it and put on a shirt. All while pulling us out of the doorway and closing the door in our faces. Andy seemed to finally realize at this moment that he is still hanging on to me like a monkey and finally drops down off my back. Uncle James turns to us and says, "I don't know what is going on here and honestly I don't know if I want to know. So both of you get out of my face and do something to fix this yourselves. Go run, shower whatever because I am over whatever this was or is and I don't want to hear about it anymore!!!" That's all we needed to hear before running as fast as lightning and hiding in Andy's room until dinner. Once we made it into the safety of his room and slammed the door shut. We just looked at each other and slid down the backside of the door with our heads in our hands reflecting on the horror of what just happened. Ohhhhh...goddess I am a deadman!!! Only to hear Aunt Joyce in the background laughing her ass off at the whole scene that just played out in front of her eyes while heading back to the kitchen to finish dinner.
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