Big Brothers Mini Freakout

725 Words
Andrew's POV There's a knock on my door from my Mom and I tell her to come on in. She walks in and shuts the door and tells me to text Devon and have him come over for the night. I just looked at her funny because it is a school night and all. She rolls her eyes at me and finally says, "I know that he must be going crazy being away from Kat." My jaw just drops and I keep staring her way hoping that she will explain herself. Finally she sighs and says, "I know that he is her mate, son. I have known since before she was born that he was. Also, it confirmed it to be true when you decided that you would possibly be okay with her having a mate. The only person in this world that you would trust her with is your best friend." My mouth is still wide open and my eyes are comically wide open at this moment. I don't even know what to say. She continues with, "It will be easier tonight on your sister if he is there for her and if he is in the same house as her tonight. That is all. Plus controlling an Alpha wolf to stay away would be hard on Devon. Extremely hard." Still not knowing what to say I just nod my head in agreement with her and she says, "Great dinner will be done within 2 hours." Then she walks out my door to leave me to text Dev. Me: WTF!!! Dev: What's wrong brother!?!?! Me: I don't even know how to process that conversation… Dev: Is Kat okay!!! What is going on!?!?! Me: Pack a bag and come over. Aunt Joyce's order. Dev: Wait what… Me: She's known since she was pregnant with Kat who you two are to each other. Then she said that we are bunk mates for tonight because it will be easier on the both of you. Somehow I think you are not leaving for a while though. So I'd pack at least a week's worth. Dev: I was just about to tell you that my Mom told me the same thing. Dad's eyes almost popped out of his head when he heard. Along with mine. I don't think that they told their mates. OMG!!! Uncle James is going to kill me!!! My own Dad growled a bit at me before he could control himself. This sounds like asking for death MAN!!! Me: LMFAO. Possibly. Though I'd worry more about Nathon if I were you. Dev: Now I know what it feels like to be one of those idiots trying to flirt with her and turning around to see all of us staring back death glares. f**k!!! I don't like being on this end of it!!! Me: LMFAO. Well man unless you want to be on the end of my Mom's death glare you better suck it up and hurry over here. Kat and Laura are in the middle of makeovers currently. LOL. Dev: Wait why? My kitten is perfect the way that she is. Me: Damn man. I can hear the whine in that text all the way over here. LMFAO. Dev: Shut it man! What if Laura's hair is no longer fiery red anymore? How do you feel about that? Me: Why would that matter to me? Dev: Don't lie to me brother. I know that you like her. I can see it in the way you look at her and the way you blush when you talk about her. Me: Should I show my sister the pictures from earlier today? Dev: Truce!!! I call a truce man!!! Me: Fine. I agree to a truce for now. Dev: Okay. I better get my stuff together and hope that Uncle James doesn't kill me. Say a prayer for me brother! Me: LOL. Stop being so dramatic man and quit stalling. Dev: Fine. I will see you soon. I still do not know how to process the information my Mother laid on me a little while ago. But I can't wait to see my Father's reaction to it all. Anubis pipes up suddenly with, "Man don't forget the snacks it will be like our own soap opera." I can't help but fall over laughing knowing that it's true.
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