Kat's Panic Attack

2275 Words
Kat's POV As my senses start to become clearer I notice the sparks running along my side and the most amazing smell. It smells just like my caramel macchiato latte. Strong espresso, laced with vanilla, sweet caramel and a milky undertone. I can never get enough of that smell in my lifetime. I just want to wrap myself up in it and never leave. Though as I looked around I noticed that it seemed to be coming from someone. Then I paid attention to the sparks along my side and turned into the amazing scent. I stiffened for a second as I looked at Demon laying beside me and my wolf Angel shouted, "MATE!!!" I was dumbstruck at her words as an onslaught of emotions traveled through me. Though I realized throughout the onslaught of emotions that meant that I would be the future LUNA of the pack. All of the love and compassion I felt had been replaced by pure panic and I was off in a flash running towards my safe place that always brought me a peace of mind. It felt so free to run through the forest dodging trees and rocks in our way. I could hear/smell Demon and Anubis close on our heels. Angel let out a slight whimper at the fact that we ran from our mate. Though she told me that she understands that I need to process the information some before coming to terms with what it means. She is amazing and I love her already. I also know that Demon and Anubis are giving me some space as well or they would have already caught me. As I reach the clearing I can already hear the waterfall splashing in the near distance. I cannot wait to get to my favorite place beside the water to process what all happened today. Dev is the most amazing man and I have been in love with him forever. Noone else has ever compared to him and in all honesty it's why the overprotective men in my life never really bothered me much before because I was never interested in anyone else either. As the clearing opened up in front of me I was dumbstruck at the sheer beauty of the place with my enhanced eyesight. The water seemed bluer than before and at night there were also fireflies flying around the trees and flowers. It was so peaceful and I felt like I could finally breathe. I decided that first before I sat down to think I wanted to see Angel in all of her glory. So I walked towards the water to get a good look at her. I was frozen by her beauty temporarily. It also did not pass by me that she was the mirror image of Demon except with reverse colors. They made the perfect couple and could their names not be any more perfect? A Luna is supposed to be a mother to the pack and keep her Alpha sane and happy. She is the backbone that an Alpha cannot live without. Can I be that? Angel decided to pipe in her input on the information running rampant in my mind. Her soft voice entered my thoughts saying, "Of course you can be. You are pure of heart and can stand your ground without worry. Along with that we are strong and can handle anything that is thrown our way. You are not alone in this. Not only do you have me. You also have Devon, your family and Devon's family. Along with your friends. We all have your back in life. Never forget that." I just took a deep breath letting her words sink in and told her, "Thank you! You are right, I am not as afraid as I was before." I can feel her pride radiate through me though before she can answer we smell them. Rogues! I yelled out through the pack mind link to warn them of the trespassers on our lands. I hear Dev and Andy yell through it together, "We are almost to you! We are coming!" Also my Dad and Uncle Jace asked me, "Where I was at?" in the packs mind link as well. I quickly relayed my position as I saw 3 rogues enter the clearing. I growled out a fierce warning growl and in turn the middle one shifted to speak to me. He was around my age though on the thinner side of lean muscle. He had brown curly hair. With a sharp jawline and a pointed nose that looks like it has been broken at least once before. A scar ran along his right cheek under his chocolate brown eyes. His voice was smooth as silk as he said, "Well...well...well...what do we have here boys?" The two wolves on his flanks snickered. I could feel my anger rising and my fur fluffing due to the disrespect of this wolf. He seemed to take notice of this as he snickered out, "No need to get your panties in a bunch hunny. It would be a horrible way to start our life together." My wolf huffed in response to him. This seemed to bother him as he replied, "You are outnumbered and by the looks of it. I'd say this is your first shift. Now come with us peacefully so that we don't have to hurt you beautiful." This earned a challenging growl from Angel. He replied, "Don't say I didn't warn you!" He then shifted to his wolf but I was the Beta's daughter and the future Luna of my pack. I am stronger than most newly shifted wolves. They do not scare me. I have been training since I could walk with both my father and Uncle. I am the third best fighter in the younger ranks. The first spot belongs to Devon and the second belongs to my brother Andy. Plus I can feel them close by. The wolves are advancing on me currently as I study them for weaknesses. The one one the right has a limp on his left side. While the one on the left seems to be healing from some heavy injuries and is moving a little slower than the rest. Though the man in the middle seems to be completely calculating with his every move. I cannot see any weaknesses for him. So he would be the last one I'd leave standing. After I use the others' weaknesses against them. I decided to make my move and darted towards the rogue on the right to make them break formation to dodge my attack and made a hard turn slamming my head full force into the wolf on the left and throwing him full force into a nearby tree. The tree cracked under the pressure of the impact and he shifted back to his human form shortly after he blacked out from the impact of the hit. One down two to go. This seemed to anger the wolf that was on the right side originally and he dashed off after me. I easily dodged his attack to his left side and bit down on his injured back leg. All while reaching out to drag my claws down his left side. He was whimpering in pain though I did not release his leg until I heard the bone crush between my jaws. This happened just in time to roll out of an attack from my third opponent. He growled in annoyance at me. His wolf was a chocolate brown fur color and rough around the edges. Though before he could attack again the strong smell of Dev and Andy hit us and he was gone in a flash. Though I swear I heard him say in the wind, "I will be back for you my sweet girl because you will be mine!" I turned to take in a panicked Demon and Anubis racing to me. Once they were both satisfied that I was safe and unharmed. Their wolves started rubbing their scents all over me to calm themselves and me down. I realized that I needed them to know that there was a third man here as well. So I opened the pack mind link to them saying, "Guys I am fine but there was a third man here who ran when I smelled you close by!" Dev called out to his father and you could hear the pride in his voice that he held for me at the moment telling him, "Kat has two of the rogues knocked out on the ground here. The third got away though. We need to check the borders for any more rogues that might have gotten through." His father answered back quickly, "I will send some warriors to you guys to take them away and sweep the pack for intruders. Once the warriors are there I expect you three back at your Aunt Joyce and Uncle James house immediately. I want to know what all happened. Do you three understand me?" We answered him in unison, "Yes Sir!" We did not have to wait long before the warriors showed up to take the prisoner's away and we were off towards our home. Once we reached the treeline we saw clothes carefully laid out for all three of us on different trees so we could shift and dress in privacy. I took the longest because I was afraid to face Dev after finding out that he was my mate. As I emerged from behind my tree I saw him pulling his shirt over his head and down along his muscles. He smelled amazing and as my scent hit him he froze and met my eyes. His shirt was still not all the way on as his attention was now all mine. I looked at Andy and silently asked him for a minute alone with Devon. He thankfully agreed and walked off towards the house. Though if I wanted to concentrate I needed to pull the last corner of his shirt completely down because all I wanted to do was take it off of him and run my fingers across his muscular chest. As I walked towards him he smiled a little my way and I can tell that he was as nervous as I was at the moment. Once I closed the gap I reached out to him to fix his shirt and he let out the deepest chuckle at my actions that had shivers running down my spine. Next thing I know he was saying, "Was that distracting you?" I turned away hoping to hide my tomato red cheeks from him but he gently set his fingers under my chin forcing me gently to look towards him saying, "Please do not hide yourself from me. Though if it helps you to know you have been distracting me more than ever today." He was slowly moving closer to my lips with his. Though I caught him off guard and closed the distance first slamming my lips on his with my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. It only took a second for him to react to my kiss wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling us even closer together. His tongue traced along my bottom lip slightly but I was not going to easily let him in. Until he nibbled along my bottom lip while his hands dropped to the globes of my butt grabbing them with a little pressure making me gasp and allowing him to slip his tongue in deepening the kiss. We were lost in our own world until we heard giggles coming from my doorstep and our mothers calling out to us to come in. We broke our kiss both out of breath while he leaned his forehead against mine and kissed the tip of my nose lightly. To which he finished by saying, "You have no idea how long I have dreamed of doing that with you. Though I could never in my dreams have imagined it as amazing as it actually was. I have always loved you. To find out that you were my mate only makes it that much more perfect because I could never see myself with anyone other than you." He had so much love and truth in his eyes as he said this I just had to tell him my hidden feeling as well. I took a deep breath and went for it, "You know that you are not the only one who has dreamed about it. Did you ever wonder why a stubborn woman like me neverminded all of the protective men at her back?" I questioned him with my eyebrow raised. He just smirked and looked at me to continue. So I did, "It was because I was already in love and I could not ever see myself with another man. So I did not mind them chasing everyone off. Especially since he was one of them doing the chasing off. I have never been able to see myself with anyone other than you. At your 16th birthday I was so scared that you would find your mate and that I would be crushed in disappointment if it was another she wolf that you were supposed to spend your life with. Even though the thought of being the future Luna scares the living hell out of me. Losing you scares me more. But do not think that I won't make you work to catch me love." I winked at him and he laughed, kissing me softly one last time before we turned to head inside.
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