The Future Alpha's Recognition

690 Words
Devon's POV My wolf has been driving me crazy since last night. I had about had it with all of his pacing back and forth inside my head. It caused me to barely be able to sleep last night because of it. Though now he seemed almost giddy as I pulled up to school next to my best friend Andrew's ride. We have been together our whole lives and there is no one else in this world that I trust in like him. That's why he will be my beta when I take over for my Father. I notice that he hasn't gotten out of his car yet because he is saying something to his younger sister Katerina. God why does her name sound soooOOOooo...freaking perfect and amazing to me today? It's not like I haven't heard it before or thought that she wasn't beautiful because she was. She really was. Katerina was about 5'6, with porcelain colored skin, raven black hair, and the most amazing emerald colored eyes that sparkled with life. Oh and don't get me started on her perfectly plump and slightly pink lips. God I need to clear my head from thoughts of her right now. Though she was extremely beautiful she was my best friend's little sister and he was extremely protective of her. Even though I've been secretly in love with her forever. I had set that aside a long time ago out of respect for him. As I got out of my car to walk over to him she started to climb out of the passenger side door of Andrew's car with the most heavenly laugh I have ever heard in my life and I froze in place. Wait!?!?! Why am I all of the sudden thinking this way!?!?! I have heard her laugh a million times before and it was always beautiful. But it never made my heart skip a beat before. As she turned back to Andrew with one of her million dollar smiles I felt my heart skip a beat again. What is happening to me today!?!?! It has to be the lack of sleep. That's right! That's it! Just a lack of sleep and nothing else. I just can't control my thoughts today because of that. Though I can bet that my eyes are turning a darker shade of blue because of the lust that I am currently thinking at this moment for Katerina. I need to get control of myself now before Andrew tries to kill me. Though any hope of this went out the window when the wind picked up and blew her scent my way. She smelled heavenly. I could not get enough of her strawberries and cream scent. I've never smelt something more amazing before in my life and her eyes met mine for just a second before her friends took her attention from me, but it was long enough for my wolf Demon. He yelled in my mind, "MATE!!!" and I about died from his revolutionary finding. Before I realized that her friends had her in a group bear hug yelling "Happy birthday!" to her. Wait there are guys in THAT group with their hands on MY MATE!!! A loud possessive growl starts to leave me when I notice Andrew's glaring eyes on me. I muffle the growl while looking at him. s**t!!! My wolf Demon says, "Ohhhh...this isn't good. With you thinking to throw her in your backseat and take her right there." "Wait!!! What the hell Demon!?!?! I never thought that!!!" Demon's only response was, "It was just a suggestion and an extremely amazing one at that! Just saying!" "I'm not talking to you about this any longer, Demon!" "Dev I don't care if YOU want to talk about this subject any longer or NOT!!! Now GO and get OUR MATE out of the hands of those guys that ARE NOT OURS!!! SHE IS OURS!!! ONLY OURS!!!" Demon all but growled at me. "Demon, we have to fix things with our Beta first!" Andrew's eyes were looking extremely possessive and deadly towards us at the moment. This is NOT good at all.
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