The Start of a New Day

762 Words
Kat's POV While running to jump into my brother's car I jumped on his back to tell him, "Thank you for the quick save! I soooOOOooo...much!!! You are the BESTEST BIG Brother a girl can have!!!" He looked over his shoulder at me and said with a smile, "I will always have your back little sister! No matter what!" This just makes me cling to him even tighter than before. He drops me off at his passenger door unlocking it so I can jump in while he runs around to the driver's side door. Andrew looked over at me and said, "So, since today is your day little sister the radio is yours to command." I about died in excitement plugging in my phone before he could change his mind and flipping to my favorite song by five finger death punch Jekyll and Hyde. To which Andrew surprises me even more by turning up the radio as loud as the bass can handle. As I start dancing and singing along from my side of the car. All while he is laughing at my actions. Not that I care though, because I am as happy as I can be at this moment in time. This continues throughout the entire drive to school and I barely notice us pulling up into the parking lot. So, of course I go back to my first song choice of the day before getting out of the car to start our day at school. It's almost sad that as the next in line Beta of the pack that my brother has a front roll parking spot reserved for him and I can't continue to just blare music while he drives around looking for a parking spot though. Once he parks his car and turns down the radio he looks over at me to say, "Hey, today you stick close to me okay?" I looked over to him with a mix of confusion and amusement on my face to ask him, "Why?" and wait for his answer. Too which he just turned around in his seat and sighed loudly. Only to finally say what is on his mind, "You haven't shifted yet though your scent that attracts your mate has already started to become present. Which means that if your mate is older he has already shifted. So he will be able to start to find you before you shift. You are my little sister and I will be damned if he doesn't have to go through me first. You understand?" I couldn't help it. I started to giggle, but I felt extremely loved by his words. So, I decided to let him in on a little secret, "Brother...I will tell you but you must promise to NOT and I mean NEVER tell Mom this!!! Do you promise?" He nodded his head in agreement to my question. " I have no interest or intention of looking for my mate or wanting to find him actually. Though I could never tell Mom that! Do you understand or does that make you feel any better?" He looked at me with wide eyes while nodding his head yes and I reached over to give him a bear hug while laughing. He finally let out a deep breath that he was holding in while telling me that he wishes that I never grew up. I noticed that all of our friends are now walking up to his car and I start to leave while he growls lowly at the fact that I am not going to be glued to his side all day. This makes me laugh even harder starting to stand up out of the car. Though out of the corner of my eye I see my brother's best friend Devon freeze at the sound of my laughter. Devon is going to be the next Alpha of our pack in a few years. I try not to think anything of it though because for as long as I could remember I've always had a crush on him. I mean he's as dreamy as he can be standing at over 6 feet tall with muscles for days and the most amazing blue eyes. Before I can think any farther about Devon I am surrounded and almost tackled to the ground by my group of friends wishing me a happy birthday. Though I swear I heard a possessive growl over their birthday wishes that sent shivers down my spine but I dismissed the idea and left with my group to walk into school.
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