Time to Pay The Piper

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Dev's POV I never imagined that I could ever be this happy or content with my life. It was like a dream come true. As we turned to walk into the house I linked our fingers together and started to head towards the house. Though halfway there I heard Uncle James yelling and I panicked being pulled out of our happy and safe bubble hearing his anger. Venom seemed to be dripping from his every word which caused me to pale in fear of walking in front of him. I gulped loudly and of course my mate being who she is started giggling at me. I turned to face her pulling her in to inhale her scent for comfort and enjoying the sounds of her giggling in my arms. Though I could not let this pass. I found myself whining to her, "Kitten this is NOT funny...you know that it was extremely funny watching all of those fuckers try to hit on you. Only to look up and meet all of our death glares and run away for fear of their life's. But it is NOT fun being on the receiving end of it…" I continued on pouting farther, "You know Andy wanted to kill me this morning and when I told my Dad he even growled at me Kitten!!!" Her eyes shined with laughter and love while she told me, "Just hide behind me baby. I've got you!" I nuzzled her nose while telling her, "Then I am never leaving your side for a second in fear that Uncle James might kill me...Okay, Kitten?" She just patted my arm and said, "Let's go face the piper Alpha." I groaned because hearing her calling me Alpha had me reacting in ways I did not need to be while walking into the line of fire. Demon pipes up, "Good goddess!!! This woman!!! Mark her Now!!! We need to claim her NOW with her talking like that!!! Damn…" I just laughed at him agreeing with his thought process. I took a deep breath and tightened my grip on her hand walking through the front door. Only to come face to face with everyone. As all eyes turned to us they trailed down to our interlocked hands with our mothers becoming giddy, Laura was down right ecstatic, Andy smirked my way along with my father, Nathon looked at a loss at how to feel about it, and Uncle James let out a fierce protective growl. I jumped a little and Kat wrapped into my side to settle me down. This only further pissed off Uncle James though. But Nathon seemed to warm up to the idea seeing Kat so happy. I finally met Uncle James' eyes and they were dark as night. I loudly gulped in response and Kat gingerly ran circles on my side to calm me down farther. Uncle James was about to speak when my father put up a hand for the room to remain quiet. I have never been happier to see that gesture in my life than I was at this moment. Demon pipes in laughing, "Damn...saved by the bell!!!" I couldn't help it as a smirk found its way to my face at his comment. Then my father spoke, "We have to go. The prisoner's woke up and said that they have critical information for Katerina and refused to share it without her. That is if you are up for this Kat." He looked pained when he said it while looking straight into my eyes and then shifted to Kat for her answer. Four protective growls reached his ears. While his wife and Aunt Joyce gave him death glares. Demon laughs out, "Well at least you are not the most hated person in the room at the moment." I can still hear him laughing as he fades into the back of my mind. Though I can't help but agree with him. My father did take most of the heat off of me for a bit. Which I can't help but be grateful for at the moment. He answers all of us, "They said the information will help possibly keep her safer." None of us are comfortable with her going around them but of course she doesn't care about it and answers him, "Of course Uncle Jace. I don't mind at all." I am struck speechless as I pull her tighter to my side hoping that this was all a bad dream. But of course it wasn't because I found myself following my Father, Uncle James and with Andy on her right side to my father's office in the pack house. I just lean my nose closer to her to inhale her scent of strawberries and cream to calm my nerves for what we are walking into. I just want to run away with her. As we near my father's office I can smell the rouges behind the door and take one more deep breath of her before following them through the doors. They are sitting chained in silver in two chairs in front of the sitting area in the office with four guards behind them. My Father sits in the head chair to the side of the couch with my Uncle James in the chair to his right. While Andy, Kat and I take the couch with her in-between us in a protective hold. Once we are all seated my Father says, "Alright you have us all here. What do you want us to know?" The rogue that appears to be about a year or two older than the other male looks at Kat with adoring pride and says, "First can I be granted one answer from Kat before we begin. I swear it is not inappropriate and I will share everything afterwards." My Father just nodded his head for him to continue. So he looked at Kat again and with pride still showing through his eyes said, "How did you figure it out so quickly on how to break our ranks?" She just looked at him surprised and answered, "I watched your approach with a warrior's mindset. He was tender on his back left side. Which was protected by the middle wolf. While you seemed to be sugglish and moving slower than your size would have allowed you. I figured that you were still recovering from a serious set of injuries. So at that point to even the odds and draw him out on his weaker side you were the most logical first target. Plus he seemed really worried about you at that moment when his wolf kept clocking your every move. I knew deep down that he'd charge to protect you and leave himself open to be taken out of the fight to even the odds the easiest way and I saw no weakness in him. It was easier to stall him until help arrived." Everyone looked at her with pride in their eyes and Uncle James' chest even seemed to puff out a bit hearing her reasoning. There was no lack of pride in the room, especially from the warriors who had figured out by now how I was clutching onto her for dear life. That she was their future Luna. The rouge smirked and answered back, "Well damn...okay now for your answers. Please be patient with me because you need to understand why we are coming forth to tell you this information first." Everyone nodded his way to continue. He sighed, "This is my younger brother. We were not born rouges or cast out of a pack. We are two of the only surviving members of the blood moon pack. We were too young to fight and our Mother hid us away during the attack on our pack. We are the sons of the beta of the blood moon pack. Most of the surviving children were moved to an orphanage but they wanted to separate us and we could not lose each other. After all we were all that we had left of our family. So we ran together." He paused for a shuddering breath and I found myself and Andy uncoiling a little along with everyone else in the room. He started to continue once his brother slowly reached over to put his hand on his arm for comfort. "That was five years ago." He was interrupted by my Father saying, "Goddess how old were you two! You can't be much older than our children." He smiled slightly though it looked haunted and answered, "I was 12 and Matt was 10. It was a good thing that our Father and Uncle had been training us for years beforehand or we would not have survived. Though we had to change tactics to survive for as long as we did. Some older rouges took pity on us along the way. We learned how to avoid the rouge collectives and also stayed away from pack lands. We traveled with bear shifters, loin shifters, jag shifters, vampires, and so on. They each taught us something along the way to survive and trained us. So the fact that you took us out in one move impresses us beyond measures. You will make a fierce Luna. Though we messed up close to a year ago. We miss judged the edge of a rogue collective territory. They took us and gave us a choice. Serve or die. Well as you guys can guess we chose to live to run another day. Though the Alpha is smart as hell and extremely crazy. He is as blood thirsty as they come. Mind you now he is smart. So we were never allowed to leave together and if the other failed to return. Then they signed the death warrant on the other. Which is something we would never do. Tonight was the first chance we ever got. But we could not force ourselves to save ourselves and leave you behind. The other that was with us is named Jacob. He is the Alpha's son. He is just as wicked and nuts as his Father. He also fights dirty as hell. I've never seen anything like it. To be honest we had planned to turn on him to save you from being in his grasp no matter the risks. Noone should be stuck with him." I watched as he shuddered thinking about him. Only to continue, "He has a girl in your pack that he is sleeping with. To be honest I think that she is his mate. But he is so obsessed with you that he is ignoring the bond with her. He is dangerous. Do not take his threat lightly. His father will back him. They have close to 300 wolves on their side. I'd say only 100 are loyal though. The rest are there out of fear or keeping their mates and children safe. I also need to tell you that you are under constant watch. He knows where you sleep and your entire schedule. The only things that he does not know are what my brother and I leave out of what happens on our watch. Like your birthday. The concert and the fact that he is your mate. The next suggestion that comes out of my mouth will piss off most people in this room. So before I say it, can you guarantee our safety at least for the remainder of this conversation?" As he looked around his eyes landed on my Father who grunted in approval. So he continued, "Finish the mating process. The faster the better." Then in the flash of an eye Uncle James was up swinging at him. He dodged but barely while raising his hands in surrender saying, "Hear me out. Okay!" My Father had my Uncle sitting again and a firm hold on his shoulder. So he continued, "If he does happen to get her. Which let me tell you he is overly obsessed with her. He will forcibly mate and mark her." I tensed and fierce growls sounded around the office. Once everyone settled I swear if things did not calm down soon. Between Andy and me Kat was going to turn blue from not being able to breathe because of our tight grip on her. He looked around and figured it was safe to talk again and continued, "He will go after someone to draw her out. The easiest target being her younger brother and best friend. Neither has shifted before and they will be easier to control. Which if you ask me would be stupid. He thinks that you can control someone who is out for blood only to protect someone they love. To be honest we are more unpredictable." Then almost on cue my Uncle paled and said, "Oh my Goddess!!! You are Romans children!!!" The boys jumped and turned a little closed off. My Uncle just turned to look at them and said, "I am your Uncle. My wife was your Father's sister. They told us that your whole family was lost in the attack. I know that you wouldn't remember us very well because we haven't seen you in a few years before the attack. Things were always wrong on one end or another to meet up. It was always my wife's biggest regret in life." The whole room went silent with the new information. Uncle James looked at my Father and said, "What the hell are we going to do about this!!! My wife is going to kill us man!!!" My Father paled a few shades and said, "We will call the pack doctor and confirm your theory. Once confirmed they can choose to live here with us or tell Joyce themselves at their own safety risk. That they are choosing to leave the pack if that's what they do choose." Then he nodded to himself, liking the idea and mind linking the pack doctor. We couldn't control our laughter on the couch and fell over onto each other in laughter. My Father glared at me and my Uncle said, "Should we get back to the earlier topic Dev?" I stuttered out, "Nope!" The knock at the door was the pack doctor and my father summoned him in. He informed the doc that they needed a test to confirm the relationship between the boys and the Beta's children. Also that they were not a threat and needed medical care to heal their injuries. But it all needed to be kept secret because no one could know. He looked at the boys, "Now if I move you two to a room together with guards stationed outside the door. Will you run or do I have to keep you in silver and the dungeon?" They seemed surprised by the question and shook their heads no. All while saying, "We will stay put." He answered them back saying, "Good because you have yet to see a scarier woman when on a ramage yet then your Aunt." Kat was now falling on the floor in laughter clutching her stomach trying to breathe. I looked on in awe of her wondering how she can still laugh after everything that has happened tonight and what we have learned. My Dad just looked at her shaking his head calling out to her, "Princess what in the world is so funny? I am not lying here!" He all but whined at the end. She only laughed harder for a few minutes before answering him, "Yes Uncle...she is. But you just have to have a secret weapon to use against her." Looking at their expressions of confusion. Only made her double over in laughter again. My Uncle James said, "What secret weapon Pumpkin!!!" She looked at her father and answered him as seriously as she could, "Her first born." Then fell over laughing again as their realization fell over their faces. It had us all snickering at their expense with her. My Uncle said, "f**k!!! Why didn't I think about that all this time?" Now we were all falling over in laughter at their expense. While they seemed to look like they found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. My Father informed the guards which room on the beta floor. Though before they left he said, "Can I ask you boys a temporary favor to help keep you hidden. Afterwards you are free to leave of your own choice or stay of course. Will you join the pack while things are sorted out and you wouldn't stand out as much smelling like a pack member. Give it a few days for your injuries to heal and trust to form and you can even wander around the pack some afterwards. We just leave out the story of ever being a rogue and move up some timelines. Sounds good?" They nodded in agreement and became full pledged pack members. They were beaming with pride and said, "Thank you! We never thought that we would ever be part of a pack again!" The guards removed the silver chains and led them to their shared room to shower and receive medical attention while the tests were in progress. My Father then turned to us and said, "Now for the hard stuff. James let me get you a drink. You are going to need it for this discussion. Hell who am I kidding. I need it for this discussion."
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