Growing up

2471 Words
Kat's POV I watched as Uncle Jace looked through his liquor cabinet trying to decide on what poison was best for this conversation. We were all at a loss of where this was going. He finally pulled down a decanter of his top shelf scotch and grabbed two glasses before walking back to his seat and pouring a hefty amount in both glasses. My Father raised an eyebrow in question to him when he handed him his. Uncle Jace just said, "Trust me. You will be glad that you had it when this is all over." He leaned back and took a few large sips before he started to finally say, "Okay...first the easy topic. I think for now you're family and Laura need to be moved into the pack house. It will be harder to get to anyone here. I know that Joyce was the one who wanted you two to have your own space for your growing family. Though now it leaves your family open to danger. At least that is until we can deal with the upcoming threat. Once it is over then you can go back to your house. What do you think?" My Father was just steadily drinking his drink intently listening to Uncle Jace talking. After another sip he nodded his head in agreement with Uncle Jace though he answered, "You get to tell Joyce." Uncle James just choked on the sip he had just taken which started a coughing fit. Once he finally collected himself he looked at him wide eyed saying, "How is that fair!!! She is your wife!!!" My Father just busted out laughing, "You are the Alpha, boss!" Uncle Jace just paled from his answer mumbling something under his breath all while shooting my Father the deadliest glare yet. I couldn't help it. I started falling over for the second time tonight with laughter saying, "This will you two in 10 years!!! I can totally see it now!!!" Which only made me laugh harder while everyone looked at me with a slight glare. Uncle Jace cleared his throat and Dev pulled me up and into his side to calm down my laughing fit. Though my s**t eating grin remained on my face until Uncle Jace started talking again, "The children need to be homeschooled for a bit as well. Including Laura and your nephews." Wait what!!! I looked at him with my pouty face and he looked me dead in my eyes saying, "Don't start with me Princess! I am already running through ideas so that you can still go to your concert. Unless you'd prefer to not go." My answer was seamless, "No! No Uncle Jace! I understand completely!" Then I sat there like a good little girl. Not wanting to miss my concert. When the door opened all eyes shifted to my Mother and Aunt Jillian walking through the door. They eyed us all suspiciously as they walked through the room. Once they stopped side by side they squared their shoulders and crossed their arms across their chests starring us all down. I was squirming under their glare. They finally decided to speak up, "So what have we missed?" Uncle Jace cleared his throat and said, "Just a little bit." My Father now has their full stare on him since Uncle Jace was not sharing and he too was squirming under the full weight of their stare until he busted out with, "Well you know the rogues that Kat took down are more than likely your long lost nephews." In a flash my Mother's deadliest stare was on me. I yelped "I didn't know!" and hid behind Andy. Barely peaking my eyes over his shoulder. I swear steam was coming out of her ears. I just looked at my Father like he betrayed me. Though he refused to meet my eyes. She started yelling something at me. I don't know what it was though because I was trying to figure out a way out of this. Man, I need to convince Andy to help me. So I start to whisper in his ear, "Hey big brother if you help me. I can give you some information on Laura." I waited to see if there was a sale. Nothing yet. So time to use the big guns. Here goes nothing. I whispered in his ear slowly, "How about I never bring up the fact that Laura was in your room in a towel and you ran out like you were being chased by the killer in a movie?" I get a slight nod. BINGO!!! Though I know that this could backfire quickly because it was a bribe and a mean one at that. Next thing I know Andy is speaking, "Oh Mom, why don't you two lovely ladies settle down for a drink. The guys will make you one I'm sure. For this discussion I've heard that it is needed." They nodded their heads towards Andy and started to sit while my Father and Uncle Jace just stared wide eyed at Andy until he nodded for them to go get their drinks and they snapped out of it running to fix their drinks. I could have laughed at the situation if I wasn't so scared of them turning on me again. They just kept sending wide eyed expressions back over their shoulders towards the scene while Andy continued talking, "Well and of course you know that you two lovely ladies have more important things to discuss anyways right?" They looked at him with questioning glances. So he continued, "Like the mating ceremony for these two love birds." I slapped his back and my Father whipped around losing his grip on the glass which Uncle Jace quickly caught mid air. As I hissed in his ear, "I will remember this big brother! Remember Laura is my best friend!" He tensed just a smidge under my touch. While my mother turned her look that could rival a mad scientist towards me saying, "Yes...that's true. I can't wait to put her in a dress." I whimpered and ditched hiding behind Andy and hid behind Devon instead. He chuckled at my change in hiding spots. The guys then gave them their drinks and set down again. While Aunt Jillian pipes in, "Ohhhh...I can't wait for you two to give me grand babies!" Everyone else in the room was choking on air. Dev looked to his Father for help and he just passed him his glass of scotch. While Aunt Jillian yelled at him for it. Uncle Jace just told her, "If you are talking about the boy becoming a father then he's old enough for that!" All while pointing towards the glass. Dev threw it back all in one shot and passed it back to his Father. Uncle Jace decided to take back the room after pouring himself another hefty glass saying, "Okay. For now we are getting a DNA test on the boys. Noone can know who they are until the threat is over. They are on the beta floor under guard. So they are not in the dungeon. I also sent the doc to them to fix them up. Though here's the parts that you might not like Joyce. Kat's in danger of being taken. Though he can't get to her alone. So we've been informed that they'd go after Nathon or Laura to draw her out alone. We've also been informed that she's being watched day and night. So we need you guys to move back temporarily and all of the kids to be homeschooled for the time being until.." My Mother cut him off yelling, "What do you mean in danger of being taken!!!" Damn...if looks could kill we would all be six feet under. Whoever said don't mess with a momma bear has yet to see a pissed off momma wolf ready to protect her pup. My Father cleared his throat and both women's eyes snapped to him. If I didn't know any better I'd swear he was about to pee his pants in fear. He took a deep breath and continued, "Yes. Apparently the next in line Alpha King of the rogue collective has his eyes set on Kat as his Queen. Tonight he made a move to take her and she screwed up his plan." I squeaked out, "He threatened that he would be back for me and that I would be his soon." Growls were heard throughout the room in response to my statement as all eyes settled on me. Dev pulled me out from my hiding place behind his back and pulled me into his lap to calm himself down. While he was holding me tightly and with his nose buried in my neck he asked, "Why have you not mentioned this before now Kitten?" With everyone staring at me wondering the same thing I answered them all, "Well it's been one thing after another tonight and we had not gotten to what happened. I mean we walked in the door and it was like dominoes falling down one after another of issues." My Mother shot my Father a glare saying, "You were the first domino." He just looked away. Uncle Jace asked, "Anything else Princess?" I sighed, "No not really. Everything else was about us starting our life together bullshit. He didn't like Angel challenging him at all though. He is determined that he will make me his. That I do know." My Uncle nodded his head only to make the entire room silent with his next statement. "That's the next part I needed to discuss. I think that the boys are right. They need to be fully mated and mark the other as soon as possible. It will make them both stronger and stop him from forcing the process on Kat. Even if he managed to get her by chance. Then he would have to go through us for Dev to try to complete the process with Kat. Not only that Dev could track her through their bond." He was eyeing my Father out of the corner of his eyes the entire time waiting for him to explode. He didn't, so he continued, "Not only that, the fact that someone is threatening to take the other away from them will make them unstable around other people. Let's put this to the test huh? Yes, Laura, come in please." Laura walked in the room. I could tell that my Uncle was mind linking orders. Dev set me down on the couch and went to stand by Laura. I was shifting uncomfortably with their closeness. Then he turned to her and she set her hand on his arm. All I saw was blind rage and sprung out of my seat ready to rip her throat out. Andy caught me around the middle and pulled me back to him. Dev was in front of me in a flash to calm me down and Andy ran to Laura. Once my head cleared I nearly died. Tears were pouring down my face and I reached out to Laura to apologize to my best friend. I know that she would never do that to me and that she's in love with Andy but none of that even had a chance to come to mind before the blind rage took over. She just pulled me into her embrace saying, "It's okay honey. I understand. It's just been too much tonight. Ssh. You are okay. I am okay. Ssh…" Uncle Jace just said, "Point made. Dev will be even worse." The whole room was quiet after Uncle Jace's experiment. My Father just said, "I still don't approve of them mating now. They are too young." Andy surprised us all by saying, "They've been in love with each other for years. Could no one else see it?" My Uncle came back with, "Would you prefer her to be forced to mate with another against her will?" He still didn't answer my Uncle so Aunt Jillian piped in, "Is our son not good enough for your daughter?" My Father's eyes went wide while he stuttered out, "Goddess no!!! I never said that!!! I love Dev like he is my own son. Though frankly I just don't want her with any man ever." My Mother laughed out, "Are you living in Oz my dear because that's a fairy tale ending. You should just consider yourself lucky that she hasn't dated every boy in the pack already." He sent a glare her way that will leave him sleeping on the couch for sure. But she just started laughing even harder at him. Followed by, "She has to grow up sometime. Just be glad that you know, trust and already love her mate like your own. Why do you think that we didn't tell you guys about the fact that we were almost 100% positive that they were mates before she was born? If nothing else your current behavior should explain that reasoning." Their faces said it all but Dad spit out, "WHAT!!!" This only caused them to laugh harder. Devon decided to ask, "Do we not get a choice in the matter?" Uncle Jace turned to him and said, "Sure you two do get a choice. Though you will not leave the house until at least both of you are marked. Though we also need them to stay in the same room together. Due to the fact that she is being watched at night. We can not take the chance of someone coming through the window and taking her while she is sleeping either." My Father yelled out, "No! Andy can watch her at night!" Uncle Jace shook his head, "I don't think that is a good idea James. It could put Andy in danger from Dev. He is keeping Demon in check at the moment but he will lose sleep not having her nearby when she is in danger. Eventually we will have the earlier situation in reverse but with an out of control Alpha wolf. He already almost lost it when Andy stopped Kat's attack on Laura." My Father sighed in defeat and looked like he was about to cry with everything going on. I left Devon's warm embrace and crawled into my Father's lap hugging him tightly. It was the only thing that I could think of doing. Uncle Jace said, "Anyone else? If not Laura you need to stay as well on the beta floor and your parents should be here as well too. Best to have every base covered. Just in case and it has been a long day, let's get some rest. I can fill your parents in on everything tomorrow morning." Everyone started leaving the office to head to bed shortly after Uncle Jace's statement.

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