Chapter Five

1003 Words
Beryl's Pov "You'd be the only Omega in battle!." Daniel yelled and I just smiled. "Berly, don't try to be stubborn. Go to your room." Aiden yelled, maybe he thought I was joking. Almost immediately, the pack warriors assembled at the back of their Alpha, I just stared at Aiden and did the last thing everyone expected from me. I went to the weapons stand that was by the side and took out two seraph blades. "Do you even know what you're holding?." Aiden questioned with squinted eyes. "I won't use what I don't know. This is the legendary seraph blade of the goddess Athena. It would work in sync with me because I have my wolf, Athena. " I said and chuckled a bit. I took the seraph blade in both hands and stood in front of the armies. Before Aiden and Daniel would get the chance to protest, a rogue sprang in from the pack's grand door that led to the hallway and we all readied ourselves. I could feel the menacing look that Aiden threw at me, it was more like a warning look. Soon enough clashing of blades, howls, and cries of pain could be heard in the pack's grand hall as a cry of battle befell pack. I stood transfixed at a spot not knowing what to do, I did not know how to go about anything....I haven't fought in a war before so am I supposed to know? I watched as a rogue hit Aiden down and another saw that as an opportunity and readied himself to delve his claws and fangs into Aiden... That one move made by the rogue divided Daniel's attention entirely. I felt like things changed in swift moves and it seems that the rogues now had the upper hand as more and more sprang into the pack house, hurting the innocents in the process. I couldn't quite comprehend anything, other than thinking of how miserable I would die. It seems like the rogues planned on distracting both the Alpha and Beta as everything seems to be a well-planned scenario. Due to the shock of things, I wasn't well conscious of my safety. I kept thinking about others not until I saw a rogue staring at me with that devilish look on his face. I held both blades in my hands doing nothing and I felt they were useless... The urge to throw the blades away so I could be free and run away crept into my head but I couldn't. Immediately the rogue tried hopping on top of me, I closed my eyes and my mind ran wild and thought of the worst scenario ever... I waited for the pain to come but it wasn't coming. Slowly I opened my eyes to see what exactly was happening because the clashing sounds of swords stopped and everywhere was quiet. As I flash, my eyes are flung open because of the scene in front of me. The rogue sprawled on the ground with spears formed out of a mist all over its body. It seems like the world came to a halt...I don't know how that happened but I was satisfied with it. Looking at both Aiden and Daniel, I felt an adrenaline rush in my body. Aiden's gaze wasn't okay but I could manage it...Daniel's gaze was far from okay, I felt him to be a demon... Those gazes felt like they were piercing into the soul. It felt like he could see right through me and it also felt like there was a hidden suspicious and questioning look down his eyelids. I didn't know why but immediately I gazed at him and our eyes glued, I felt chills run down my spine as an eerie feeling enveloped me. Gosh, the war was at an abrupt stop but the second I shifted my gaze from Daniel, it was like the rogues became aware of the ongoing war and began fighting again. I felt so lost...I just held the blade like a naive fighter. I wasn't attacking anyone and no one was attacking me, I just stood there like a monument staring at others who were fighting. With each sword and spear clashing, I became worried for the lives of each warrior of this pack, the NightClaw Pack. I don't know why but I felt so attached to this Pack, after all... Their Alpha rejected me so why was I feeling this way? Can someone attack me, please? It seemed like the blades I grabbed earlier were now some tools for fancy or some toy. If at least I've been attacked and I'm fighting, it would at least clear my head. With each battle cry and blood whooshing, I felt my heart beat race faster. Daniel and Aiden were no longer staring at me as they once again indulged themselves in the fight but something felt awkward and off about this fight. None of the rogues apart from the first one shifted into their wolf form, they were all in human form. That was quite an unusual sight but this isn't the time to think of it. I just need to be in the present and stay positive... Well, now I see why Aiden was feared. The moment he started fighting again, he tore apart every rouge that came his way. His eyes were cold and distant, filled with nothing but emptiness and darkness. Just as I was still staring, I felt strong arms push me aside and I fell hard on the floor. I swerved to see what had caused the impact, only to see one of the gammas of NightClaw Pack lying on the floor as blood gushed out of his chest. He had blocked and protected me from an incoming attack that I was unaware of. Out of impulse, I groped towards him but when I stared at his face, shock and surprise filled me. I couldn't believe that any of this was happening. GARD!? MY BROTHER!? How is this possible?
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