Chapter Six

2001 Words
**Berly** As I stared at the face of my long-lost brother tears filled my eyes as a realization that the same man I had mourned for years was still alive hit me hard in the face. I had sat year after year under the moonlight blaming the moon goddess for letting all my family members for as they did not know that this asshole was still alive. I spent years crying and wailing, beating myself up, wishing I died along with him I guess Athena was right when she said he can't be dead Now coming to speak of Athena, if she saw Gard the way he's looking now...I'm certain she's going to reject her mate. When he didn't even have any looks or bright facial features, she fell in love with him. He didn't even look different, he just looked taller, broad chest, a nice jawline, and a pointed in all descriptions. It should be sinful for him to look like this and if he wasn't my brother, I'm pretty sure I'll be hitting on him already. Okay Berly, no more sinful thoughts. I and Gard locked eyes, staring at ourselves forgetting that there was a battle ongoing. It was when I heard the next s***h of swords and saw a rouge about to attack my brother I jerked out of the shock of seeing Hard and pushed him out of the way, also ducking so I wouldn't get slashed. My seraph blades were no longer in my hands and while putting myself in a defensive position, my eyes scanned the whole room for it. "Hey Berly!." I heard Gard call and I swerved immediately only to see the blades I was searching for in his hands. "Make sure you catch it!" He warned with a tiny little smirk plastered at the edge of his lips and with that, he threw both blades in the air towards my direction. I immediately raced after it, lifting myself off the ground, I caught the first blade and caught the second one as I twisted landing with one of the knees to the ground and my face bowed. "Good girl, now you have to fight. If you don't fight, you get us both killed." He yelled and it was like something was activated in me as I immersed myself in the fight, clanking swords and swooshing heads, killing rouges. Alpha Aiden and his Beta I could tell were secretly bewildered and wondered how an omega could be so daring. Well, the benefits of having parents who believed that even as an Omega, I had the potential to fight as an Alpha. And besides, Gard was always there to coach me no matter how small we were. At 8, he was already the best fighting Beta in the whole of Lightwood pack. We fought until the rouges realized they were on the losing side, they had lost many warriors already and so as their leader shouted a command, they began retreating slowly. Seeing that we were in control of the fight now, we chased them down to the southern border till we were sure that the rouges were no longer in the pack. "Ready to tell me what the hell you're doing here?." Gard questioned from behind me and out of impulse, I swerved and sent a dazzling slap to his face. "Damn! What was that for?." He whined holding his cheeks like a baby. As I raised my hands to send another brain-resetting slap to his face, he caught my hand in mid-air and stared at me pouting his lips. "You both know each other?." And that was Alpha Aiden asking from behind me. As soon as Gard caught sight of Aiden, he bowed his head and pursed his lips in obeisance. "You fought beautifully Luna." Beta Daniel complimented and I smiled. "I'll take the compliment but don't say the word Luna ever again," I warned and he nodded immediately after receiving N hard glare from Aiden. "Luna?." Gard slowly called and raised his head, his eyes bulging out in surprise. "You're the—" He was saying but I quickly cut him off. "Shut the f**k up dude, I've not even permitted you to say a word yet. Just shush." I warned casting him a daring look. "I believe I asked a question!." Aiden growled and I swerved to look him in the eye for the first time since the tight-ended. "Yes, you did ask a question and no one answered it on purpose. Sometimes, you have to stop acting like the big bad wolf you are anyway." I said and resumed walking back to the pack. "Gard, go and get the maids to take care of the wounded gamma. Besides, spread the news that there'll be training for the Gamma this evening." Beta Daniel instructed and I saw my brother bow in respect. "Wow, you're under the rulership of this pack Gard?" I asked and he nodded as he was about walking away. "You can't just nod like that....." I said and trailed off remembering all the years that I sat under the moonlight and mourned my brother not knowing he was alive and not even thinking of me. "Did you even remember you had a sister? Did you even think for one slight moment how I was faring?........" I asked, my voice trailing off as I got choked up by tears with every word that proceeded out of my mouth. "Berly...." Gard called his eyes moistening up. "Just stay the fuvk away from me," I yelled and ran back to the pack without looking back to see if any of them had followed me by any chance. Now it just occurred to me that I didn't even know anywhere in this pack, the last mistake I would make is to get lost in this pack so when I got to the front of the pack house, I stood and waited for them to get to me. "So Gard is your brother?." Aiden asked I sighed rolling my eyes in frustration. "How many times do I have to tell you that I don't want your opinion on my affairs? Gard, can I talk to you real quick? Privately?." I said eyeing Damon and he just broke the eye contact he had held with me. Gard then looked at Daniel and Aiden and they nodded in positivity but everything just infuriated me. Gard was way stronger than Daniel and Gard was a born Beta so why was he brought low to a gamma level? Well, that's what happens when you're not in your original pack. You can't blame anyone. As they gave him consent, Gard started moving and I followed him. We walked till we got into the woods and sat beside a lake. "So..." I said waiting for him to start the conversation. He must have an explanation for choosing to remain anonymous for all these years while I mourned. "How have you been, Berly?" He asked, feigning ignorance of what I wanted to hear. "As you can see I'm still alive!." I responded defiantly and he chuckled. "I'm sorry for staying away all these years." He pleaded and when I looked at his eyes I knew that he meant every inch of what he was saying. "I know you're sorry Gard. I don't even need the apology because I know you are, I just want to understand why you stayed away. Every full moon, I and Athena waited in anticipation of you but you never came for 15 years. I had to conclude you were dead." I said as I remembered how the thought of my brother being dead haunted my sleep causing me a series of nightmares. "I didn't die, I just had to leave." He said and I felt confused. No, it's not a feeling, I was damn confused. "Please just start explaining." I spurted out then he heaved a sigh before embarking on the journey of explaining to me what happened 15 years ago. "That night Mum and Dad died, I overheard one of the pack gammas saying that they had to eliminate the whole family of the Dark fangs especially the parents and the heir so they wouldn't get in the way. " He started and I had to place my hands on his mouth to prevent him from talking. What an irony!! A few minutes back I was whining and crying for him to explain, now he starts explaining and I'm covering his mouth so he can shut the f**k up. "You're trying to say that the fire that started was lit by someone, and not just anyone but someone from the Lightwood pack," I asked as horror filled my skin. I suddenly began hating the Lightwood pack, the place I said I would escape from this place and return to. "And not just anyone but someone close to the gamma, either someone influential or someone from the royal home." He stated and I sat mortified. "But why would anyone from the royal home want to eliminate our family line?." I questioned hoping he would have a clue as he sat opposite me with calculating eyes. "That's what I'm yet to figure out. So when I heard those words, I had to run away. If I had stayed, I wouldn't be alive up to this moment." He said and I finally understood. This is a good lesson in not to base your theory on assumption. "But you left me?." I asked softly and slowly and he shifted the strands of hair that covered my eyes, sending them to the back of my head. "I had to. You were safe because of how close you were to Athena and her family and besides, I was just 10 years old with no destination in mind." He reiterated and I nodded in understanding. "So what do we do about those slaps?." He asked leaning forward with a smirk on his face. "You deserved them either way," I answered and we both bursted out in laughter. "I know." He answered and hugged me, placing my head on his shoulders and I wrapped my arms around his neck. The comfort of having someone to call your very own family by your side. "You never changed your cologne, you still smell like Gold Choice cologne. " I commented and he chuckled. "Why should I even change it? Now your turn. What is the name of the goddess are you doing here? " He asked, giving me a suspicious look perusing my body. "I got abducted by the Alpha. " I stated in a nutshell and he stared weirdly at me. "Normally, Aiden has no interest in outsiders so why would he abduct you?" Gard asked, more like he was asking a rhetorical question. "I was his mate?" I answered and Gard stared at him with a look of surprise. "So you're the Luna?" He asked teasing me. "Don't you dare, I can never be the Luna of that asshole, and besides he already rejected me because I'm not his choice of Luna. He sure doesn't want an Omega. " I explained but I noticed that Gard's eyes had darkened instantly. "He did what?." He asked almost like he was growling. "He rejected me but he had refused to let me return to Lightwood," I whined then I realized that I now hated Lightwood but either way, Athena was there and I loved her. "Now, I'm not sure if I want to return or stay here. " I added and sighed, rubbing my head in frustration. "Whatever you want to do remains your choice!" He admonished and I nodded. We were still conversing when Gard suddenly stopped talking and sniffed the air. Then he signaled for me to stand behind me as he placed himself in a defensive position in front of me. "Who's there?." Gard growled and his good fang popped out into view. "Alpha, Beta, Gamma, or Omega lineage?."
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