Chapter Seven

2011 Words
**BERLY** "Alpha, Beta, Gamma, or Omega lineage?" We heard from behind us and I'm certain I've heard that question from that same voice. With that, I and Gard swerved to the back only to see Alpha Aiden chuckling as he approached us. "We needed personal time, I never remembered adding a stalker to the list." I scoffed and he didn't even answer me. He just stared at Gard while Gard looked down in guilt. But the question was why he was looking down in guilt. "You remember when I asked you that question or don't you Gard?" Aiden asked inquisitively squinting his eyes and Gard nodded in affirmation. "Then why did you lie?" Aiden enquired as his eyes turned bloodshot while he gazed at Gard. "You had a beta and I was rouge, I had low chances of entering your pack if I divulged the truth to you, but then you were in need and I needed a home. I had to use what you needed to get what I wanted." Gard replied straightforwardly and for a moment I was lost when Gard spoke. What exactly did Aiden need back then that made him turn blind to such a lie? And what did Gard have? "And so you had to fake being a gamma?" Aiden questioned as he stared at Gard intensely and Gard nodded again. And suddenly it clicked! Now I finally understood what they've been talking about. Aiden needed warriors and Gard needed to fake being home so he could join as a member of Aiden's pack thus giving himself a home. That aside, what the actual f**k is Aiden doing here? "Okay fine, let's ease the temperature a bit. Aiden, you've listened to the explanations you needed so please can you get out of here already? Like I said, I don't need a stalker around here. " I stressed half yelling because I knew instinctively that if I didn't do that, Aiden wouldn't leave any time soon. "Now tell me Gard, why did you leave your pack?" Aiden asked slowly and hoarsely, his voice dripping with authority and demand. He had just simply ignored everything I ranted out. I stared on at Gard and realized that my brother would want to start explaining everything that happened 15 years ago both the ones I was aware of and the ones I was unaware of to Aiden and I immediately interjected. "Don't you dare explain anything to him... He doesn't deserve any of it." I blurted out and Gard couldn't help but gaze at me with wide eyes. I felt as if Gard kept staring at me so piercing and intensely that, an insect might perch into his eyes. "The only thing I can think of right now is wanting to chop off your tongue," Aiden growled nonchalantly and Gard immediately swerved towards Aiden giving him a questioning look. After a few minutes of intense silencer, Aiden finally began walking out of the woods and I felt relieved almost immediately. That guy sure has some intimidating aura around his sleeves, it's like he makes the air stale and boring when he's around. As Aiden was out of earshot, Gard glanced at me like I had suddenly grown horns. "You shouldn't stare at me like that, it makes. my skin crawl!." I complained, fed up with the way he was perusing me suspiciously. "What are you doing here Berly?" Gard asked me with a scrutinizing look displayed on his face. "If that's what you wanted to know so bad, you should have just asked away instead of hazing like that," I stated rolling my eyes as I let them wander towards Aiden. "Uhmmm....Aiden was my mate but then he drugged me for three days and rejected me while I was asleep." I confessed to Gard and watched as his face got twisted and he immediately ran after Aiden who was exiting the woods and I immediately realized that a fight would break out. Before I could process what was going on, Gard dragged Aiden by the collar and threw him a punch in his face which prompted Aiden to get angry, and immediately a fierce fight broke out. I stood transfixed at a spot for a moment as I thought of what to do and how to go about the whole situation. I felt like blaming myself for what is happening now but then, Aiden deserves it and I also felt like beating him into a pulp. That was the main reason I had hesitated to tell Gard about what transpired, he was quite sensitive and always overreacted when it came to me. "Gard, that's enough," I yelled walking towards both of them but that wasn't enough to make them stop fighting which could result in something really bad. "Gard! I said that's enough!!!" I screeched out. If Gard doesn't stop now, Aiden wouldn't mind throwing him out of his pack and I wouldn't want that to happen. Gard doesn't seem like he is going to stop at any time so I had to stand in between the both of them. "You asshole!! If someone should do this to your sister how would you feel? You dare drug my sister! What if she does from there? You rejected her and yet you won't let her go! How stupid can you be?" Gard barked but Aiden remained silent. After standing mobile for a while, Aiden started walking out, Gard made to go after him again but I stopped him this time before he could proceed further. "Gard that's enough..." I said trying to calm him down. "It isn't enough and you know that!" He hissed. "What has happened has happened and we can't rewind the hand of time," I said coaxing him in the process. After saying that, he calmed down a bit and stared at me with pity regret, and pain. "Everything will be fine, let's just go back to the pack house," I said and held his hands dragging him out of the woods. "Go back to your quarters, I will see you again, later," I told him and patted his hands softly, and with that, he went back to his quarters. I was so confused about where to go because I hadn't been given a quarter yet so I just stood, staring into space. "What are you doing out here all by yourself? You should be inside." A voice that I identified to be Daniel spoke out from the shadows before he came into view. "Oh Daniel, I'm outside here because I do not know where to go...Like you know, I don't have any room here." I replied. "You do have a room here...just follow the trail behind me, my lady," Daniel said and bowed his head in courtesy which made me chuckle and I followed him. Though there was something off about the questions Daniel kept asking me and I kinda found it uncomfortable but then I flowed with him. If anything I would consider, he was much better and more fun to be with than Aiden's asshole. We chatted while walking towards the royal chambers of the pack house until we arrived at a certain door. Daniel pushed the door wide open and the view before me was marvellous and gigantic. "This is your room!" Daniel announced and I stared at him unbelievably. "What did you just say?" I asked because I needed to be certain that he wasn't joking at all. "Just get in already and feel at home, a maid would be said to attend to all your needs," Daniel said winking at me, and went back. Fuck!!! There was no damn way this was my room. I gazed at the interior and I felt so alive in my spirit. As I got to the center of the room, I realized that the door was still ajar and I ran back and shut it tightly before returning to survey the room one more time. The interior decoration and design of this room was charming. Kudos to whoever did it anyway. Everything was made of white which was my favorite color, from the curtain drapes to the duvet, wall design, and everything, and most beautifully, it was spacious. I was still lost in my world of la la land when a knock on the door jolted me from my ocean of thoughts and saved me from drowning. "Who is it?" I called as I walked to the door and opened only to find a charming lady who should be about my age. "I'm your maid, Luna." She answered inclining her hand and her head in a bow and I rolled my eyes but not to her visibility. Being referred to as Aiden's Luna made my skin crawl and besides, why the hell were they all not aware of the fact that he rejected me? "What's your name?" I finally asked the maid who was still staring at me in respect. "I'm Nara, Luna." The girl replied and I rolled my eyes again. "Can I ask you for a favor, Nara?" I begged and she nodded her head averting my gaze. "Good! Firstly, look me in the eyes when you speak to me, and secondly, my name is Berly, not Luna." I ordered and she nodded in what seemed like fright. " Berly. Lunch is served. Should I bring it up here or you join the royals to have lunch at the dining?" She enquired and I used a moment to reminisce. Speaking of the royals, it was no other person but Aiden and whoever else royal should be and heaven knows I didn't want to spend another minute in the sight of that Moron. "I'll have lunch up here," I answered and she nodded in affirmation before walking out to get my food, I presumed. As she walked out, my opportunity of reminiscing over my room continued and I kept gushing over everything in the room. When I got to the spacious bathroom and saw the exquisite bathtub, the.....Gosh, it's too hard to explain, well, I suddenly felt dirty. I walked to the closet and saw new layers of cloth which I presumed would be mine so I ran back to the bathroom and had my bath. After having my bath, I walked back to the closet and noticed the lotions and oils that I hadn't noticed before. I applied some lotion on my body before taking out one of the dresses and putting them on my body and they fitted perfectly like my measurements had been taken before sewing these clothes. I applied some hair oils to my long, dark, and curly hair and after combing it, I let it fall backward in loosed curls. Feeling more alive and relieved than ever, I slumped into the bed and felt life in abundance. It was like the bed was calling on me to fall asleep. As I was about to doze off, I heard a rasping knock on the door and just like expected, Nara was back with my food. As she set it on the reading table there, I immediately took the vacant seat, thanked her, and the minute she exited, I plundered into the food. It was like I hadn't eaten anything so satisfying in ages and ecstasy enveloped me. Okay, calm down Berly, you shouldn't get too attached to this place no matter how good it is. After devouring my meal, Nara returned to clear the dishes and I found a mini library filled with my favorite books inside the room. If this wasn't happening, I would say we were in some kind of nonfantasy story. I took out one of them and was about to read when I realized my eyes were heavy and I needed to rest. I abandoned the book on the reading table and laid on the bed, sinking into it as I was ready to experience this feeling for a lifetime. But just as I was about to sleep off, the door busted open. "Who is it again?"
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