Chapter Seventy-four

1037 Words

Beryl's POV Immediately my eyes met with those of the guy behind the tree, I let my eyes linger for a second before I continued my glance around the area. I hoped it didn't look suspicious that I had noted he was there. I and the other ladies danced back into the crowd and had our seats before the main ceremony began. “Today, we are gathered for the joining together of two beautiful souls. Gard Vision, formerly of Crimson Pack but now of Dark Tide Pack and Athena Gius of Crimson Pack have decided to honor the Moon Goddess who made them mates and legally bind themselves together in love. Can we clap for them?” The MC bellowed into the microphone and the crowd went up with cheerful screams. In this moment were everyone was gretung themselves and agreeing with the MC, I turned very sharp

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