Chapter Seventy—five

1133 Words

CHAPTER 73 Beryl's POV “What the hell?” I suddenly screamed more out of surprise than of fright, though fear was still evident in my voice. Before me was a Dark Hunter without a face. Yes! I removed his mask and guess what I met with? A blank face. There were no eyes, no nose, no mouth, no ears, just a blank face. I wondered how he had gotten through the palace gates without the guards noticing and raising an alarm. I mean, what sort of power could he have that he had passed through the gate without being noticed even as a faceless creature. My survival instincts kicked in as I began fighting for my own life. That was my priority at the moment and nothing else. If only I could escape with my life intact, that would be one thing I'd be most grateful for. How he could still fight me

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