Chapter Eight

2010 Words

**Berly** I was lying comfortably on the king-sized bed after having my lunch in full when suddenly my door busted open in haste. "Who is it again?" I queried because the only people my mind wandered to were either Gard or Aiden. They were the only ones that could barge into a room I was in like that and they were the only ones that would act so indifferently. But as I looked up to face whoever it was and give whoever it was a tongue lashing, I beheld a strange face. I'm certain I have never seen this face since all my stay in this pack. It's not like I've stayed here a long while anyways but I'm sure that all the faces I've seen, I would at least remember his/her faces or names. This one looked strange in every sense. "Berly.. right?" The girl questioned, her tone dripping with a

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