According to the dictionary, it means stimulus.
What gets you stimulated?
Stimulated in the sense that... as used here in the contemporary world...
Trigger means gets you wild... gets you mad or loosens your screws...
Nigger is a word used to describe black people. The black use it because they can. Nigga is a shortcut to n****r and this word came from n***o which means black. So... what do you derogatorily call the white people?
Call them Blancs/Blanks. In another world, Blacks are the oppressors and they call the white oppressed as Blancs. Blanca/Blanco... means white... however... it had double meaning which means empty. They see white people there as empty minded individuals.
Is this a systematic racism bullshit?
Why do we have this thing called Racism?
Words are indeed powerful, but does it have to be like this?
Are people getting dumber and dumber?
I'm white because I am better... yeah better sit down on your couch and grow more beard and just tell them how stupid black people are while you bask yourself in front of your television contributing nothing.
Black is Beautiful.
No... honestly, all of us are beautiful.
I believe that you just complicate things with your words and your history and your emotions. It doesn't have to end up like this.
I'm not saying that you call the whites Blancs from now on if they ever call you nigga or nigger... I'm not saying that you should continue these racism bullshit...
I'm saying that racism of any kind is not tolerated.
All of us are equal:
> We live
> We eat
> We die
> We wake up
> We fall asleep
> We dream
> We exist
> We age
> We learn
> We feel
What makes you different from others?
Are you god?
Or are you just plain dumb?
There is this what we call the Imbecile Virus...
It is from another world actually...
The signs of Imbecility are:
> Denial of being an imbecile
> Frequently changing your name and forgetting your real name
> Trying to prove that you are right when you know for the fact that you are wrong or dumb enough to think that you are right despite others telling you that you are already wrong
> You think that nothing can stop you but you know that you are just always one bullet away
> You think that you are excessively perfect despite all your imperfections... which means that you are excessively prideful
> You get triggered by simple little things and cause great depression because of those little things...
> You are close-minded... or very narrow-minded.
> How about this? You are contagious... because you want others to turn like you instead of saving the world from you.
Are you triggered yet?
So... women... men... another type of inequality.
Gender inequality...
What do you want me to tell you? We live? We die?
What about your body system?
Yeah, women are capable of giving birth...
Men are capable of making women pregnant...
What else is new?
I'll tell you this.
Do you see that...
Roughly 70% of the people in the world... (67.3 - 72.6) are lacking or having little respect for others. Where did I find that? Why should I tell you? I am just a conduit for specific individuals who are currently aware that they are in a dying world.
We try to wake up, believe us, but we still find ourselves asleep...
It came from a single person who said that...
I tried to wake up, but still I found myself asleep...
He's a dreamer and an innovator... but he chose not to do anything.
This world is dying anyway... I can't save this world without completely changing its history.
We only know a shallow fragment of this world we are living in... It is too shallow that you have no idea that wars are actually done sitting down face to face with the enemies first...
Not being able to come up with an accord or a meeting point... they sacrifice their people.
Resources that were meant to be free... are being used for corporate s**t shenanigans.
While the rest of us contribute to polluting the world...
While the rest of us are being dipshits...
We listen to people who would like to wake us up...
And yet most of us do nothing.
I'm proud of those people who do something...
I still believe that one person can make a difference...
I still believe that one person can become viral...
Until that person comes... the one in charge of me will not make his move.
I'm disappointed.
How many of us can't let go of their guilt and regrets?
You know, if you die, you might be physically... but can never get peace because of those regrets.
I do still carry a lot... because I ended up remembering everything... from my previous lives up to the present.
Letting go?
Is it really that easy?
It's easy for you to say... but to do... will take years...
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) isn't just for people who were once war veterans and victims... rape victims... child abuse... domestic violence... and such... it is also for people who were isolated and mentally abused. Being left out is one of the traumatizing things that you can experience... NO MAN IS AN ISLAND.
Triggered... huh...
Well... is really triggering?
In debates, you lose if you get triggered. You always lose if you let your emotions get to you.
In a battle of words, the winner is always the one who is calm and composed.
Even if he were to get killed for it, he still wins. When you lift a finger it means that you lose... it means that you are guilty of it...
So... what else should I talk about? I already started with my taboo lessons.
Racism, n*****s and Blancs... two domineering races pitting against each other.
A world of disgusting truth... welcome to this reality...
Feminists... what else? uh... religious s**t and stuff... dying for once religious belief. I do respect your religions... but dying for it... your life is more important than your religion because religion will continue to exist with or without you. So what you need is give meaning to your life.
To feminists... do you understand gender equality? To me, honestly... you guys think that you are already more supreme than the males... WE LIVE WE DIE>>>
Respect for women, when a man offers a sit to a woman. That is respect... don't get triggered... I know you can stand for a long time but this is a sign that we respect you as a woman. Hmmm...
Homosexuality... shall we just discuss this together with feminists next?
Are you triggered?
Are you stimulated?
I hope you are... but I'm just a conduit... and this world is dying...
Believe me... this world is dying...
It's because of us humans...
Believe me... we are also conduits of our own demise.
This is Professor Mysterious. Thank you for listening or reading...
I'm very sorry everyone...