Six - Not Your Place

1669 Words
ZAYA’S POV I was startled awake when cold liquid splashed on my body. I gasped with arms flaring not knowing if I was drowning or not. I was then pulled out of the bed by my hair so harshly I was sure a few strands of it came off. “I didn’t get married to you for you to lazy around like the lady of the house. When I say you work, you f*****g work. You’re here because your father owes me and I will not have tardiness in my pack simply because you feel that you can.” Alpha Kade’s face was so close to mine I was sure he was going to rip my head off with his teeth. “Unless of course you want to be sent back to the prison cells down in the dungeons and this time I promise you that not even my sister will save you.” He let go of my hair with a push and I fell to the floor. I dared not look at him. I could either meet with his icy expression or get punished for even looking back at him. “Get your ass off the f*****g floor and get to work.” He spat before leaving the room. Tears streamed down my face as soon as he was out. The other maids peeked from the door frame but none entered. I pulled myself from the floor and proceeded to change. The last thing I wanted was to upset him any further. I didn’t think he was going to make me work even after the doctor had suggested that I take the time to rest but it wasn’t a surprise. Once I changed out of my wet night gown, I hung it out back to let it dry. My mind drifted to the bed that was now soaked and it needed to be taken out but knowing Alpha Kade that was the least of my worries. I marched slowly, unsure of where to enter or what I was supposed to do until I got to the living room area where the others were. “Starting today, Zaya will be responsible for cleaning the Alpha’s wing alone. The rest of you can continue on the other wing.” The Alpha’s voice boomed before we caught sight of him approaching. He didn’t look a tad bit pleased and I already knew it was because of me. I hung my head low as he spoke because there was nothing I could say about his orders. “Yes Alpha” we all answered and got to work. I was shown where all the equipment for cleaning was and I too like the rest of them started my chores. The only difference was that I had to do everything while they got to share the labour amongst themselves. I went from sweeping and scrubbing the floors, to washing the curtains that were too big for one person to handle. It took me more time than I cared to realize or admit and soon I found myself getting dizzy from stress. Once I was done with those, I headed outside with the intention to get my soaked bed out to dry when I bumped into a few of the other maids seated on a slab. “Done already?” One of them asked in a tone that didn’t sit well with me but I nodded hoping to make my way to the room without having to necessarily interact with them. They didn’t give off the aura that was welcoming. “Oh, that was fast. Would you like to sit with us? I mean the others and I were just talking about why we think the Alpha hates you.” Now that peeked my interest and I found myself staring at her with eyes full of curiosity. “You know why he hates me?” I asked forgetting that I was supposed to head to my room and not waste time discussing things that could land me into trouble. The maids exchanged glances and nodded all at the same time. I didn’t care if they were trying to make fun of me but if they had information about why Alpha Kade hated me and my father, then I wanted to know what it was that happened. “We can’t say for sure but we think it has to do with your father pissing him off at the wrong time. My guess is that he did it at the time the pack lost its Luna and the Alpha lost his mate and son.” The pain in her voice was loud and I couldn’t begin to imagine what the pack had went through on that day but it still didn’t answer my question. I wanted to know what my Father really did to make Alpha Kade not only hate him but me as well. I knew nothing that conspired between them yet I was paying for it. I stared at their faces, taking note of the sadness in their eyes that made me want to do better. Maybe if I did my job well enough he would see that I was not the one he needed to hate. I had no way of contacting my Father and I didn’t want to. Not with the way he left me out to the big bad wolf. And there was no way I could return to HIM, the other man that was supposed to have protected me yet chose not to. The mere thought of him sent shivers down my spine and caused my stomach to churn. I shook my head to clear the thoughts away and stood to my feet. I walked back into the house, making sure that everywhere was as clean as it should be. I was exhausted and famished. My stomach had grown tired of growling for food and I wasn’t sure when I was going to get a meal. On my way through the corridors, my steps halted in front of a room I hadn’t been to. My curiosity got the better of me and before I could stop myself, my hand was already on the door knob. The door was unlocked and a part of me screamed for me to stay clear from the room but I just couldn’t. The room was dusty, like no one had been in it for a long time and I felt the need to clean it up. From the decorations and the furniture, it was evident that the room belonged to Alpha Kade’s son’s room. I got to work right away, arranging toys where I thought they should be and wiping off the cobwebs that dangled around the windows. The entirety of my cloth was covered with the debris of the dust but I was able to get the room squeaky clean except for the changing table that was far inside the room. I moved towards it and picked up the picture frame that was one it. It was covered with so much dust I couldn’t make out the faces in the frame. With the back of my hand I wiped off the dust a little just enough to see the faces clearly. It was odd to see the smiling face of the Alpha. A smile wide enough to show his teeth and a joy that I understood was taken from him. It was like I could feel the pain that came with his loss and maybe it was because I knew just what it felt like. Between the both of us, I knew we were both broken in our own ways, connected by pain and anger that seemed to be emotions of the same family. He just didn’t know what my pain was like I knew his. And despite everything he’d done so far, I wanted him to be happy. Because deep down I knew that if he were to be, then I would have a chance at being happy myself. Maybe then he wouldn’t be so cold and ruthless in his dealings like he was right now. Maybe then he would hate me less. I wanted that. I wanted for him to hate me less. Beside him in the picture was his mate, who looked breath-taking and as beautiful as the sun on an early morning. It was no wonder everyone seemed to love her around the pack and her death was felt by all. I also got a glimpse of their son with his cheeky smile and I found myself tearing up at the sight of him. What a beautiful boy. My hand moved to my belly and stayed there for some time as pain that I thought I was beginning to get a hang of clenched my heart. “The f**k do you think you’re doing?” A voice so cold and dangerous said from behind me, startling me. I didn’t need a fortune teller to tell me who it was. The way that Goosebumps and fear rippled through me, shook me. I jumped where I stood, causing the picture frame that was in my hand to fall on the tiled floor. It shattered into pieces and my body spun in such speed that I knew fear was what was controlling me. Standing in the threshold was Alpha Kade with a cold expression. I couldn’t bring myself to answer other than shake in my roots. He stalked dangerously slow towards me with strides that screamed bloody murder. A predator and his prey His eyes were pitch black and I knew then that I was in big trouble. My heart hammered in my chest the closer he got. “I. Asked. You. A. Question.” He hissed emphasising each word like he was teaching me to speak. I didn’t answer, not because I didn’t want to. But because I couldn’t. Alpha Kade grabbed me by the hair tightly and began to pull me out of the room as I screamed in pain.
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