Five - The Man in the Shadows

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KADE’S POV I saw her pleading eyes call out for me, the pain in them made me want to kill every rogue that had dared to cross my borders and attack my pack. They did this to her and our boy. I was in pain because of them, because he gave them the orders to take my family and I out. What was the point of being alive? Knowing that they were my reason for wanting to live? With them gone, how was I supposed to f*****g live on? I tried to get to her, but like always just when I thought I was close enough to reach out and pick her up, the image of her moved to a far distance beyond my reach. It was the same f*****g circle and I felt useless every time I tried to save them. Only this time instead of her pleading words for me to save them, I heard laughter echo. One voice turned into two and then they became an audience that I didn’t want around me. The voices resonated to the depths of my soul that gave my mouth bitter taste. “Not good enough Alpha Kade, you’re simply not strong enough. You do know that they died because of you, don’t you?” a voice louder than the rest said to me. There was no doubt that a man owned it but he was nowhere to be seen. It was like he was in my head and there was no way to get him out of it. “I’m going to have my revenge you coward! I’m going to make you pay.” I growled turning my body in every direction it could face in search of him, the leader, the reason they were taken from me. “I’m going to make sure that you suffer a tenfold more than they did.” He didn’t say another word back to me. Instead a shadow stood in front of me, blocking any chance I had to saving or reaching out to Olivia. She was in pain behind him yet I couldn’t get to her. The man in the shadows had a sinister smile, and I had no inkling as to how I knew that but I did. I just did. “Every pain that you feel is nothing compared to what you deserve Alpha Kade. You think you’re a saint. A man on a revenge mission but you and I know well enough that if she knew who you really were, she would have left you.” He said his voice turning to an icy tone that made all the hairs on my back stand at an attention. “You should be thanking me for getting her to leave you before she got to see the real you. Imagine her disappointment.” I snarled at his words, flaring my arms angrily and desperately hoping to catch the slightest glimpse of who he really was. “Then why are you hiding in the shadows like a coward? Face me if you dare. You don’t know s**t about me you fucker.” The shadow, the man or whatever the f**k he was, moved at a speed that shocked me. He was beside Olivia in an instant. My brows furrowed as I wondered what he was about to do to her. I knew this wasn’t real but it felt so and only for her sake did I not want to leave. Each time I felt like I could save her and I had to try. And each time I failed but I didn’t care because I in the least got to see her. I watched in horror and he gripped my mate’s head and pulled it up. The rest of the body remained on the floor and even in this f*****g dream, I felt ready to empty my insides. Her head dangled in his hand and I saw red. I growled so loudly my physical body shook. I just knew it. I was in this dream but I was aware of my physical body. Sweat trickled down my forehead. I wanted to move but I was stuck. Why did he have to have so much control in a dream that wasn’t his? I concentrated on him, growling for him to let her go. If he kept messing with her body, just to get me here, how else would she rest in peace? “You f*****g asshole” I roared dangerously feeling my body shake from the anger that surged through me. “Let my mate go. f*****g put her down!” I knew already that I had no powers in my dream. Each time I came to this dream, I got to see how powerless I could be without my wolf’s abilities. It was no wonder I had no speed to get to Olivia in time. The man in the shadows smirked then proceeded to walk away with Olivia’s head in his hand while the rest of her body followed on its own. It was disturbing to watch. This was no an image I wanted to have in my head of my mate yet here I was. I screamed, so loud at him but instead of getting him to return, I was startled awake. I heaved a deep breath the moment my eyes opened and I sat up in an instant. Frustration wasn’t even understatement to what I was feeling. It was a dream, a usual nightmare that shouldn’t bother me because I knew just how my mate died. But watching him do that to her took my anger to peaks I didn’t know it could reach and yet my wolf somehow didn’t over react. It was still dark out; my eyes glanced over to the clock on the bedside table. It was just three in the morning. “Just great,” I mumbled to myself before slipping out of bed. Sleep was far from my eyes and I knew there was no point trying to get some back when I’d only just have another twisted dream of losing my mate. I had a bittersweet feeling about the dreams that came. On the one hand, I got to see my family moments before they died while on the other, I had to see every time how they died. Leaving my room, I found my way to my office. I had the sudden urge to go through the files Drew and I acquired during the investigation on the rogue attack. I had no idea why, considering I had skimmed over every detail with the number of times I had read through it. Was there something I had missed? I flipped the pages as I sat in my seat only to realise that something about the attack was off. While the identity of the leader was still a mystery, the attack looked carefully planned on where they had a target and once they took them out, they retreated back to their hole. I sat pondering, questioning what their motive was and why they dared to f**k with me. I should have gone after them but the pain of losing one’s mate and child could cripple even the strongest to ever exist. Before I realized, the sun was starting to rise. This was the time the maids began their chores for the day and my mind drifted to her. I got on my feet, feeling a surge of anger burst through me and I headed for the maids’ quarters right outside the Mansion. “Where’s Zaya?” I asked the moment I laid eyes on two Maids out and about their duties. “Good Morning Alpha. Zaya is still asleep. We didn’t know if it was right to wake her up or not, considering she’s your wife. Forgive us, Alpha.” Wife, they said. The only reason why I married her was because I had her father on his knees begging me to do so. She would never be what Olivia was to me. I would never consider her a wife, let alone mine. All that she was to me was a slave for serving. My expression darkened; even the Maids felt it radiate off me. “Get some ice in a bucket and fill it with water. I want it this instant.” I ordered through gritted teeth. They left in a hurry and in no time, I was holding a bucket filled with water. I stomped to where her bed was and, truly, she was sound asleep and the sight of her only angered me more. I lifted the bucket, and downed the whole content on her. She woke up with a gasp but I wasn’t satisfied. I wanted her to feel some type of pain. “When I give you an order, I f*****g expect you to obey!” I growled at her, then grabbed her and pulled her out of bed.
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