
Sold to Alpha Kade

small town

Alpha Kade Sinclair, cold as ice and ruthless, something he became after losing his mate and son in a rogue attack orchestrated by another Alpha. Bound to get revenge he gets the Alpha’s daughter sold to him, ready to make her suffer for her father’s unforgivable crime. Zaya Cross, ever sweet and kind. Yet so unlucky with men. Her first mate abuses her and is made to reject her. She’s sold off to a much worse man who makes her life hell. Their love begins to bloom unexpectedly as enemies from the unexpected start to come at them, more her. Would Alpha Kade allow himself love again, especially the enemy’s daughter? Or will he join in to ruin her kind soul?

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One - No Escaping Me
KADE’S POV There were a lot of things going wrong at the same time that pissed me off. That b***h wasn’t here and I have had about enough with her already. She was messing up with my plans and causing a lot of chaos in my pack. I paced around trying to get a whiff of her scent. It was still strong, which meant she was here not long ago. If I hurried, I bet I could reach her in time. I was angry, but my wolf was angrier. How dare she think I was one to escape from? After all that her father did. “Alpha,-“ the guard that was supposed to be by her cell, to make sure she didn’t move, came in panting. His heart was beating from something I recognised as fear. Good, now you know when you’ve messed up. “I don’t have time for your nonsense; I will deal with you later.” I snapped, pushing past him to go look for her. The whole pack was in chaos because of her. Everyone was searching for her, they were all looking. My anger had already spilled and boiled over. I was sure to make her pay once I found her. I wasn’t Alpha Kade for nothing. I let my wolf take control of my body. He didn’t waste time before pushing himself forward to shift. I bared my teeth and my claws traced forward. We weren’t fully shifted, but not entirely in human form either. Not long before I left the room, I found myself in the woods. I had been so blinded by rage that I did nothing but follow the direction in which her scent led me to. Behind me were my men. They stood tall, ready for action. Not that I needed them here. She was just one woman, a tiny little woman I could handle. But knowing what they were trained for, they came with me regardless. Almost close to the border of the pack, the scent stops. It didn’t move further but it was strong. She was here somewhere. “I know you’re here Zaya. Come out now. Don’t waste my time.” I called out, my eyes roaming the bushes for any signs of her. I had underestimated her ability to obey me and I wasn’t going to make the same mistake again. “We have a wedding to attend, don’t waste my f*****g time woman, or I swear to the goddess I will burn your father’s pack to the ground and take his life with it.” I was fuming and red was the only colour I could see. Everything was supposed to have happened calmly, in a way I didn’t have to take my anger on anyone just yet. My revenge was for later but now, I don’t give a s**t if it’s too early or not. She will pay and so will her father. That bastard! Then I saw it, and then I heard it. The sound of heart beating so fast I was sure the owner had seen death. But it was Me, I was it. I was death. The shaking of leaves behind a rock was not mistaken. I had clearly seen it. Even if it was faint and brief. It was there. She was there. My fist clenched by my side, the urge to go out there and drag her out pulled me but I figured I’d give her a chance to come to me herself. To receive her punishment for costing me time and embarrassment. “Now, Zaya. Come out now or I will drag you out myself.” I said calmly, surprising myself on how I sounded. The leaves shook again and that’s when I saw her. Her dress was torn and she looked like she was about to pass out from fear. I didn’t mind it, the fear that is. It was the thing I was going to use to make sure she knew her place in my pack like everyone else. My eyes scanned over her, her make-up was smudged and ruined with both tears and sweat. A few parts of her body had bruises, but nothing serious. Her small feet marched forward to where I stood. Puffs of smoke came out of my nose, the cold air steaming under my anger. As soon as she was close enough, my hand reached out to her hair so fast she didn’t see it until I had her hair in a tight fist. She winced in pain, and I smirked. This was nothing compared to what I had planned for her in the future. I was going to make sure her father felt every pain she was getting, knowing there was nothing he could do about it. “You dare defy me!” my voice bellowed, even the birds in the trees flew in different directions away from it. “You dare cause a ruckus in my pack. What should I do with you?” Streams of tears flowed down her small face. She was sobbing and her hands were on mine trying to pry her head away from my grip. I tightened it and yanked her forward till her face hit my rough chest. “Please, I don’t want to get married to you. Please let me go.” She cried, making me laugh. What made her think she had a choice in this? f**k even her father didn’t have a say in the matter. Much less her. I hauled her over my shoulders even against her protest. She yelled and kicked. Then got to begging me not to take her back. “You don’t have a choice. Your father agreed to it and my deal was sealed with him. Take this b***h out of my sight. Have her clean and ready. We have a wedding to attend.” I announced, pushing her towards the warriors who stood watching on the side when we got back to the house. The guests that were present murmured and it pissed me the f**k off knowing they were talking about me forcing a girl to marry me when clearly she didn’t want to. What they didn’t understand was that said girl had no say in the matter. And I wasn’t about to give them the satisfaction of explaining anything to them. Fuck no. I got dressed and went down the hall to wait for her. And this time, she showed up. She had her head down as she walked closer towards me. And all I could think of was to get the ceremony over with. The earlier things ended, the earlier I could begin to have my revenge. And by the end of it, I stood before allied packs and other guests with my new wife, ready to show them just who her father was and what he had done. There was no need for a reception. That sort of thing was done by people who had something to celebrate. If anything, I think I just about told everyone to get the hell out of my pack and land. I had a reception done before and I wasn’t about to indulge it with someone I far more than hated. “Now that the wedding is done for, take my wife down the cells. She needs to learn what it means to go against me. As for that f*****g guard, I want him banished with the rest of his family.” There was no questioning or hesitation. My order was obeyed and no one wanted to cross me again. For their sakes, let’s hope they don’t. Zaya’s screams were heard and I loved the sound of her in pain. Again this was nothing compared to what her father made me go through. The bastard didn’t even have the decency to show his face for his daughter’s wedding, not that I would have allowed him into my land anyway.

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