Four - Who's There?

1385 Words
ZAYA’S POV I stared at Kade’s sister not saying a word. After being locked up by him for wanting to run away and left for dead, I should be thankful to her for taking me out but I couldn’t help that I wasn’t. Looking at her, it was evident that she was the nice sibling but why did I find it hard to feel appreciative of her efforts to help me feel better? “You don’t deserve any of this and I’m sorry my brother subjected you to a treatment like this, immediately after your wedding too.” She said drawing my attention away from my thoughts then back to her face. She was beyond beautiful and I envied her for being loved by people. I knew for sure that she was the type who had lots of friends not just because of her family’s wealth and fame, but because she had a good heart. Hearing her apologise for something she didn’t do made my heart warm. The only time I ever heard someone apologise to me was when they had done something really hurtful to me or they were about to. That was the reality for me. “I’m Mia by the way and I promise you I’m nothing like my brother. You’re Zaya right? I asked around about you.” All I did was nod at her words wondering what it was she asked about and what she heard. “The doctor will be here soon and so will your food.” She announced giving me a bright smile that further melted my heart. Something about her just made me feel comfortable around her and I smiled back at her. Sure enough, there was a knock on the door and when it opened, a doctor walked inside. Behind him was a nurse who pushed in a trolley that seemed to have equipment with them and it scared me a little bit. I didn’t want to think about the last time I was in the hospital and remember that horrific time. I let out a shaky breath and leaned my back on the bed’s headboard. I zoned out completely while the doctor and nurse took out blood samples and connected my body to some of the machines. The beeping sound didn’t help me either and I felt myself growing weaker and weaker. Shouldn’t I feel better from them checking on me? Then why wasn’t I? Why did the room suddenly feel small, the air growing thinner and my throat feeling like I was being choke, the life of me being zapped out? “You need to relax Zaya. You’re hyperventilating.” Mia noted worriedly making me realise what was happening to me. I took deeper breaths but nothing seemed to be working, but then the doctor injected a sedative to help me out with it. In a matter of seconds, I dozed off. Waking up, the room looked a lot darker and so did the outside. It was late and night already and I had been asleep all day. “Glad to see you awake Zaya. The doctor left already he had to give you a sedative to calm you down but he has told me all that there is to know about your health. You’re severely malnourished and you need a lot of rest in order for your body to fully recover. Now, here’s some food-“ She showed me a plate in her hand and my mouth watered instantly. I grabbed the plate and started to munch on the meal like a cavewoman. With the speed I ate, I felt myself starting to choke from the lack of water. She was kind enough to pass me a glass of water and even patted my hair, without an ounce of disgust that my hair was filthy. Once I was able to eat to my heart’s content, I dropped the plate on the bedside table. All this while she had been staring at me with two things in her eyes, the first one being worry and the other relief. I didn’t know how it was possible for one person to hold two contradicting emotions in their eyes but she seemed to have managed to do so. “I was worried you were going to choke from all that food. There are some clothes kept for you in the bathroom. Take a bath and I will have new sheets arranged for you.” “ Y…o..u” I croaked my throat burning no doubt sore from all the screams I let out being in locked in the dungeon. “Your throat, uhm you know what go freshen up, I’ll get the doctor on the phone.” I nodded again for the thousandth time today and hopped off the bed and made my way to the bathroom without another word. The last thing I wanted was to stay dirty knowing that I was polluting he whole house with my stench. When I opened the door to the bathroom, I gasped at how massive it was. It was shinny and it was evident that Alpha Kade sure was a wealthy man. As the daughter of an Alpha, our house was nothing close to what he owned. The bathroom alone was bigger than the entirety of my old room and bathroom together. I took off my filthy wedding dress that by now was a shade of smelly black and got under the shower. It looked like a fancy device but I was glad to have been able to set the water at the right temperature. I took some time to wash out my hair and my body then wrapped my body with a towel before stepping out. As promised there were clothes on the mirror’s dresser. It was in my size and I wondered if they were Mia’s clothes or that she had bought some for me. Stepping out in new clothes made me feel somewhat alive again erasing the horrid nights I spent in the cell. “So the doctor just called. Apparently you have sound wounds in your throat. But taking your meds will help with that and so will your rest. I’m going to head in now, I haven’t gotten any rest myself since I came and you need yours too.” I didn’t realise that she went through all the trouble for me as soon as she arrived on pack grounds. My face grew into a mortified one and I tried to speak again only to end up coughing due to the pain. She chuckled and placed a hand on my shoulder looking at me tenderly. “Its okay Zaya don’t strain your voice. I’ll see you in the morning.” She said and with that she walked out of the room and I was left alone with my thoughts. Mia was a nice woman, one with the features of a mother. Her smile and tenderness reminded me of my own mother and I was reminded of how alone I truly was. I walked towards the bed and sat on the edge of it before pushing myself all the way so that I could lie down. I thought about my father, questioning myself on what I did for him to have abandoned me the way that he did. Was I such a bad daughter that he couldn’t wait to get rid of just when I had returned back home? It didn’t take him a week, it was less than that before he let me be taken without caring about my wellbeing especially since I had been hospitalised for three days. He took me from one hell only to bring me into another, one that was undoubtedly worse. I was given up to a man who left me to die in the dungeons just because he could. Tears flowed from my eyes, the only thing left of my heart breaking again into much smaller pieces. I didn’t know it when I slept off, but as I turned to my other side, I saw a figure in the shadow that stood glaring at me. In an instant, my heart leaped out of my chest. “Who’s there?” I asked through a shaky voice. It couldn’t be him right? He couldn’t have found me could he?
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