Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 Well, this sucks a** Pax The next day I got up and got ready. Pops stayed the night to make sure I showed up for my job. The others went to apply for jobs while I came downstairs, finding Pops waiting. He gestured me with his finger to follow him, and we went to the local bakery. Pops also felt the need to talk to me on the way to the bakery. “Pax, I’m not doing this to be mean. If you’re busy, it will keep you out of trouble,” Pops said. “Well, it’s not like I will do anything, considering I’m on probation and single,” I replied, shrugging. Pops gave me a look, and I sighed. What more is there to say? After my stunt, if I had any chance with Shaun, I blew it. We arrived, and an older guy greeted us. “You must be Lex and Pax,” the guy said, shaking Pops’ hand. “Are you Frazier?” Pops asked. “That would be a big fat no,” the guy said. Then another guy came out who was much older. “Welcome to Kate and Frazier’s sweet treats! Where we make all your sweet dreams come true. It’s like Disneyworld in your mouth,” the much older guy announced. The other guy pointed at the much older guy. “That is my dad, Frazier. I’m Nik,” the guy introduced us. Frazier walked over to us and looked me up and down. “Didn’t anyone tell you if you hit a skank, you get a classy lady to do the job?” Frazier asked as I looked at him. “That is true. Uncle Ryan disapproves of us touching women, so we find women who can touch another woman, except me,” Nik said. That answer made me confused. “Nik’s gay, so he gets his sister to do his dirty work,” Frazier explained. This information surprised me. “I want my son to stay out of trouble, not get into it,” Pops informed both. “Oh, you don’t worry, we will make sure your son stays out of trouble. Plus, I like Maggie,” Frazier said, smiling. “Your dad needed some work, but I’m glad he got his s**t together,” Frazier told Pops, who gave Frazier a look. “Don’t give me that look. I’m happily married to a crazy woman who’s Nik’s mom. She gave me four crazy kids,” Frazier explained. This conversation is getting weirder now. “Come on, Pax. I’ll show you around the bakery and get you situated,” Nik told me as I followed him to the back. We left Frazier and Pops to talk. Nik showed me where everything is and gave me an apron; then, he showed me the cash register. As I learned the cash register, a door opened, and someone said, “Sorry, I’m late. I had to take care of something.” We stopped and turned to see Shaun come in from the back. Shaun saw me as I stood there. “No worries. It’s not like you’re always late,” Nik said. I stood there, saying nothing. “Shaun, this is our new employee Pax. He will wait on customers while you help me with orders,” Nik told Shaun. “Sounds good. I’ll get to work,” Shaun said as he put on an apron. Nik taught me the register and let me try it a few times before turning me loose on it. It didn’t seem hard as I picked it up. Nik left me to get situated as Shaun brought out a tray of muffins to fill a container. I stood there like a big dope. “I didn’t know you needed a job,” Shaun mentioned, filling a container. “Yeah, Pops thinks we all need a job to stay out of trouble,” I answered. Shaun looked at me as I sighed. “Don’t worry, I got the hint and won’t bother you,” I said as I shifted from foot to foot. The door chimed as Pops and Frazier turned to see Sable entered. f**k. I turned and walked into the back, away from crazy. Sable walked over to the counter. “Can’t a girl get some service?” Sable asked with a smirk. This b***h is trying to get me into more trouble. I hid in the back. If anyone from the school catches me near Sable, I will get kicked out. “It looks like someone isn’t doing their job,” Sable announced. “What are you doing, Sable?” Shaun asked. “Well, I want to order something, and your co-worker isn’t doing his job,” Sable sneered. “Pax can’t wait on you or be around you, and you know that,” Shaun told Sable, who smirked. “Oh, well, I will let everyone know not to come here since you get lousy service,” Sable declared. Great, now I will get fired because of Sable. I looked at Nik and removed my apron, handing it to him. Nik looked at me with concern. “I don’t want to cause problems for you and your dad. I can’t be in the same place as that chick, or the school will kick me out. So, yeah, I need to find a job, and I doubt I will,” I said as I walked past Nik and Shaun as Sable smirked. I walked over to Frazier and Pops. “I’ll pack and return with you, then I’ll figure out something when we get home,” I said to Pops, who furrowed his brows. “Your rules.” I turned and walked away. Someone hates me enough to make my life a living hell. As I walked, Pops caught up with me, stopping me. “Pax,” Pops said as I turned and saw my tear-streaked cheeks. That’s all it took, and I broke. Pops pulled me to him as I cried. I’m not one to complain about anything, but I felt like everything is falling apart. Shaun I look at Sable. She did that s**t on purpose, and I know she set Pax up, knowing his temper. Sable stood there like the cat that ate the canary. The bell chimed, and two girls walked into the bakery. They stopped to speak to Frazier for a few minutes, then walked over to Sable. Nik came out of the back to watch the exchange. “Can I help you?” Sable asked the girls. “It depends if you want to keep your t**s,” one girl said, cracking her knuckles. “Excuse me,” Sable said, appalled. I said something when Nik stopped me. “You touch me, and I will go to the school,” Sable told the girls. “Go ahead, then we will explain a few key details to the school about the s**t that you’re doing,” one girl said. “I will have you kicked out,” Sable announced. “How will you do that? Do you even know who you’re talking to here?” The other girl asked, looking at Sable like she’s stupid. “I will go to the dean,” Sable answered, acting proud. “Good, you tell her the Shaw family says hi,” one girl said as Sable looked at the girls confused. “Since you don’t know who you’re talking to, we will tell you. I’m Jesse Shaw, and that’s Skylar Shaw. Our family owns the school.” Sable’s face contorted in horror as I stood there. “You’re in our family’s bakery, which means we can deny anyone service, including you. Isn’t that right, Uncle Frazier?” Jesse asked as Frazier walked over to us. “That is correct. Now, run along and don’t come back. If you feel the need to leave a critical review, go ahead, but be careful. There are a lot of Joneses, Shaws, and Fraziers attending this school. I doubt your critical review will make them happy,” Frazier informed Sable, smiling. Sable slithered away like the snake she is. “Excuse me, I have to persuade someone to take a job,” Frazier said, leaving as I shook my head. More people came into the bakery, including two guys, whom I recognized as Kaxon and Mason. “Why is Pax bawling like a baby?” Kaxon asked. “Because Sable showed up,” I answered. They looked at each other, then at me. “What?” I asked. “Don’t tell me you defended that hoe?” Kaxon asked. “Nope,” I answered as I finished placing the muffins in the case. “Then do us a favor and don’t play with our cousin,” Mason told me as I looked at him. “Pax doesn’t deserve head games.” I looked at Kaxon and Mason as Lex walked back in with Pax. Pax walked past me as Nik handed him an apron. “So, how can I help you?” Pax whispered. We all looked at Pax as he avoided eye contact. “We would like two cappuccinos and two apple muffins,” the girls ordered. Pax nodded and retrieved the order as I watched him. Pax said nothing to me as he got the girl’s request. I watched as he waited on people, not saying much. That bothered me. Pax Pops watched me, as did others as I waited on people, waiting to see if I got out of line. There’s nothing like someone putting you under the microscope while working. Once Pops felt satisfied, he left to check on my brothers. My cousins tried to talk to me, but I didn’t say much. The less that I said, the better it was. Everyone got what they wanted. I kept my mouth shut, along with my anger in check. My brothers showed up near the end of my shift and said something to me. I kept working, restocking the cases while waiting for people. When I wasn’t filling cases, I cleaned up. “Paxton,” Parker said as I moved from table to table. “Paxton, talk to us,” Payton coaxed. “What’s there to say? I’m behaving myself and working. Everyone got what they wanted. So do me a favor and leave me alone,” I whispered as I worked. “Pax,” Pat said. I could hear the sadness in his voice. I looked at Pat as Kaxon and Mason walked over to us. “I’m sorry that I hit you and Kaxon. Now, I’m behaving and acting like a behaved child. If I’m lucky, I can graduate college with no issues. Now, excuse me, I need to finish up. I have to get ready to figure out my schedule since we’re starting school,” I said, walking away from everyone. God will take mercy on me and put me out of my damn misery. Then again, I’m not that lucky.
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