Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 Trouble with a capital T Pax Pat, Kaxon, and Mason met up with me in town. We walked around town until some dumbasses messed with us. “Look what we have here, boys,” one guy said, rubbing his hands together. “It seems the i***t train derailed and resulted in assholes.” Pat and I looked at each other, then back at the stupid asses in front of us. “They look like nothing but fags to me,” another guy remarked. Pat and I looked at the tool who thought he’s funny. “Here we go with the derogatory remark about someone’s sexuality. Didn’t anyone tell you Nancy boys that make you an asshole?” Kaxon asked as we stood there. “What the hell did you say, rim job?” A third guy huffed. “Are you deaf on top of stupidity? Damn, I didn’t know this campus holds that many ignorant fools,” Mason mentioned. As these tools tried to one-up us, which they failed at it, someone walked up. “If it isn’t the pee-pee brothers,” Sable said, making the guys who stood in front of us laugh. “You reek so much that Shaun won’t lower his standards for you,” Sable told me, waving her hand in front of her nose. “Ah, hell, here we go,” Kaxon said. Pat and I laid the four guys out, then I grabbed Sable’s hair. I dragged Sable while holding her hair as she screamed. “You want to run your mouth, then I should give you a reason to run it, you cumdumpster,” I barked as I dragged Sable. Sable slapped at me, but I didn’t care. She deserved it, considering the bullshit she put Parker through in high school. I got Sable to the campus and held her down as I removed her clothes. “Whoa, Pax. Don’t you think that you’re taking things too far?” Kaxon asked. “Shut the hell up, Kax. You can help or keep your trap shut,” I snapped as I stripped Sable down to her underwear. “Let go of me,” Sable screamed. “You get everything you deserve, you stupid b***h,” I said, yanking Sable up and smacking her. “Pax!” Pat yelled, trying to stop me. I released Sable, shoving my brother as she started running. I caught Sable as she kicked and screamed. I’m not finished with this b***h. Pat and Kaxon tried to stop me as I went after Sable. Mason left to get help. I have a temper like no other. “Get off of Sable!” Kaxon yelled as I hauled off and hit him. “Paxton!” Pat yelled, trying to subdue me. I ended up hitting Patton as Sable screamed. During this incident, people arrived, seeing everything happen. The situation got messy when I heard people yell and restrain me. I didn’t stop until someone said something. “Paxton,” I heard someone say and looked to see Shaun standing there, furrowing his brows. I looked at Shaun as he helped Sable. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Shaun asked as I stood there while Parker and Payton restrain me. Shaun shook his head as he helped Sable. They walked away, and I said nothing. Payton and Parker released me as I turned around to face them. Mason, Kaxon, and Pat gave me a disapproving look while Kaxon and Pat rubbed their jaws. “I get that you’re upset, but what was that?” Payton asked me. “Sable deserved it for what she did to Parker,” I answered. “Pax, you hit Sable and stripped her clothes off her like an animal. That’s assault,” Kaxon informed me. I looked at my family as they shook their heads. Campus security showed up, and my brothers explained what happened, but it didn’t matter. I was in trouble for what I did. Security took me to the Dean’s office, who called my parents, fantastic. Pat We waited near the Dean’s office to find out if the school is kicking Pax out for what he did to Sable. “School hasn’t started yet, and Pax’s in deep s**t. Pops will kill me,” Payton said, pacing. “Not if Pops doesn’t find out,” Parker mentioned. “And how will we keep that from happening?” Payton asked. We all looked at each other and made a call. We explained what was happening, and the person agreed to help. Let’s hope this works. Pax I sat in the Dean’s office, waiting for Ma and Pops to arrive. That’s all I need now. Then I heard two voices as I looked at the doorway to see Aunt Larkin and Uncle Maverick enter the office. What the hell are they doing here? “Mr. and Mrs. Gray?” The Dean asked. “You betcha,” Maverick answered as Larkin elbowed him. I sat there, saying nothing because I’m hella confused. “I expected you to look different,” the Dean mentioned. “Well, we’re old,” Lark said. “Okay,” the Dean said, confused. “Let’s cut to the chase. Pax has a temper and let it get the best of him,” Lark said. “Your son assaulted Sable Andrews,” the Dean said. “Sable Andrews assaulted our other son, Parker. She distributed child p*********y,” Lark informed the Dean. The Dean looked at Lark, shocked. “Dean, this is a misunderstanding, and Sable told Paxton that she gave him the Clap,” Lark said. I sat there, shocked. “Wouldn’t you want to hit someone who gave you a nasty STD?” Lark questioned. “Oh, my,” the Dean said, stunned. Lady, you’re not the only one. “Look, we promise Paxton will not do stupid s**t again if you let him off with a warning,” Lark said, shooting me a look. “Well, if your son doesn’t commit any other serious offenses, we can give him probation,” the Dean offered. “We’ll take it,” Maverick blurted as I groaned. “That includes no campus parties or anything college-related for six months. If there’s no further incident, I’ll lift the probation. Paxton Gray must keep a distance from Sable Andrews,” the Dean informed us. “You got a deal,” Lark agreed as I shook my head. She turned to me. “Let’s go, you twit.” I stood up and left the office. I came out to find everyone waiting for us. “Well,” Payton asked. “I can’t attend any college functions, including parties. I can’t have any contact with Sable. If I’m a good boy, they will lift my probation. I also can’t misbehave,” I answered. “You got off light. Be glad your dad didn’t come,” Lark told me. “Yeah, sure. I get to attend college single and with no social life. I’m living the dream,” I retorted as I walked away. I know I should be happy that the school didn’t kick me out. This reinforces the fact Shaun messed with my life as he did in high school. As I walked down the hallway, I heard someone say, “Before you storm off, we should set some ground rules.” I turned to see Maverick walking towards me. I furrowed my brows. “You seem ungrateful that we put our neck on the line for you. We didn’t want you to get a visit from your parents,” Maverick told me. “Do you want a cookie?” I asked with annoyance. “No, you act grateful. But then again, you don’t understand the concept,” I heard someone say. I turned around to see Pops standing there. Well, s**t. Pops walked up to me, grabbed my shirt, dragging me away. Yep, I’m a dead man. We got back to the house as everyone followed. Pops tossed me onto the couch. “Stay and say nothing,” Pops ordered me as the others watched. “I’m finished with you boys and your bullshit. You’re adults, and now it’s time to act like it. Since you disregarded my warnings, this is how it will go down. Pax, you’re getting a job if you want to attend school,” Pops told me. “What?” I exclaimed, standing up. “That’s not fair!” “Life isn’t fair, and your behavior is ridiculous. You are getting jobs,” Pops told us. My brothers shot me a glare. “Where will I get a job?” I questioned. “I’m glad that you asked. You have a job waiting at the bakery. Our family knows the family that owns it. They are more than happy to give you a job,” Pops said. “But Shaun works there!” I exclaimed. “Guess you will work together,” Pops informed me. I groaned. “No jobs. No school,” Pops said as my brothers groaned. “You’ll appreciate the s**t you put your ma and me through growing up.” I sat down on the couch. So much for keeping my distance from Shaun. It will suck ass. Well, Pops punished me his way. He’s forcing me to work around someone he knows I have no choice but to interact with, FML.
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