Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 A new day, same old bullsh*t Pax I figured out my school and work schedule, which are my basics, and okay. Nik scheduled me for the evening. I started classes, keeping to myself. My brothers and cousins tried to talk to me, but I stayed to myself. I did in high school and now, college. Ma called, and I spoke to her. She tried to continue a conversation, but I wasn’t in the mood. She asked if I wanted to talk to Pops. I declined. My family thinks I’m a screwup anyway, especially Pops. At the bakery, Shaun tried a conversation. I kept it brief. He made himself clear that one night. So why make conversation when you’re disinterested in dating someone? I don’t understand anyone. Everyone is on my case about the s**t that I do; then, everyone wants to talk when I walk the straight and narrow. I don’t want to talk. I want to get through school and move on. “Man, this sucks,” Mason said to the others. “So much for the four of us taking on the world. One took a siesta from life,” Kaxon mentioned. “It reminds me of high school all over again,” Pat sighed. Kaxon and Mason looked at Pat. “People jumped on Pax more than anyone, making him shut down. I miss my twin,” Pat told Kaxon and Mason. They all looked at each other. I walked across campus as I heard someone call my name. Now what? I turned to see Parker walking towards me. I furrowed my brows. “Hey, how’s your first day?” Park asked. “It’s okay, but I got to get to work,” I said. “Are you okay?” Park asked. “I’m fine, but I need to go,” I said, walking away. Markus walked up to Parker. “What’s up with Pax?” Markus asked. “A lot,” Park answered, sighing. While my brothers hung with my cousins, I kept myself busy. I showed up to work and got ready for my shift. “Hey, Pax,” Shaun greeted me. “Hi,” I replied. I waited on customers. “How was your first day?” Shaun asked, making conversation. “Okay,” I answered, not engaging as I waited on people. Shaun got the hint as I worked. I helped close the bakery as Shaun tried to make conversation. He talked, I worked. “So, I thought we could hang out,” Shaun suggested. I wiped off tables and straighten chairs. “We could grab a bite,” Shaun mentioned. “I’m not hungry,” I mumbled as I grabbed a broom and swept the floor. “Okay, then we can study together,” Shaun offered. “There’s no need. I have basic classes,” I declined as I finished up. “Pax,” Shaun said. I looked at Shaun. “You’re not ready and disinterested in me. My family would rather tell me I’m a screwup than help me. Your sister enjoys making my life hell since high school. Now everyone gets their wish,” I said as I walked away from Shaun. “What do you mean Sable made your life hell since high school?” Shaun asked, following me. “It’s nothing,” I mumbled as I removed my apron. “Pax, talk to me,” Shaun said. “Nope, I’m okay, talking to no one. Now, excuse me,” I said, leaving the bakery. It doesn’t matter what I say, no one will believe me, anyway. I walked back to the house as I encountered Sable. Well, this is fantastic. “Since you enjoy beating on defenseless girls, you need a lesson,” Sable said. Someone tapped me on the shoulder. The minute I turned around, someone’s fist met my face. “You want to jump my sister, tough guy. Now, enjoy the beating of your life,” Ben yelled, beating the hell out of me. I couldn’t even defend myself since he got me pinned. Sable laughed as Ben beat the hell out of me as he did in high school. Ben would corner me alone, knowing he didn’t stand a chance with Pat and me. He finished his beating and spat on me. Then they walked away as Sable laughed. I groaned, getting to my feet. Well, that will hurt like a b***h in the morning. I held my side as I walked to a house, trying to stop my bloody nose. Yeah, I can’t go home and explained to my brothers why I didn’t fight back. They wouldn’t listen, anyway. I can’t go to my cousins because they would tell my brothers. No way in hell, I will let Shaun help me. I don’t need his pity. I sat down on a bench and removed my shirt, holding it to my nose. I thought college would be fun, but it sucks. Let’s see, I’m on probation, I work with someone who doesn’t want me, my family scolds me, and I got the s**t beat out of me. These are fun times, I tell you. I sat there, contemplated my life as I heard some guys walk up to me. “Look what we have here, boys,” one guy said as I looked at the guys. Well, this sucks. Britt Josie and I were on our way to meet Payton and Patton when we saw someone lying on the ground next to a park bench. We looked at each other and walked over to see if it was a homeless person until we realized it was Paxton. “Oh, my god,” Josie said as we hurried over to Paxton and helped him. “Paxton,” I said with concern. Paxton pushes us away. “I’m okay,” he said, getting to his feet. We stared at Paxton, shocked. “I will find a place to clean up, then sneak home.” “Paxton, you need a Doctor,” I said. “No doctors or hospital. I don’t want my family to know,” Paxton told me as I furrowed my brows. “My life sucks, and this is another thing to add to it.” “Then let us help you,” I offered. Paxton looked at us. “Please,” I offered. “Fine,” Paxton grumbled as we helped him back to our dorm. Pax I sat on Britt’s bed as she and Josie helped me. Selena walked into the dorm room with another girl as I sat there, a bloody mess. “Oh, my god,” Selena gasped. “Yeah, God isn’t helping me at the moment,” I mentioned as Josie and Britt cleaned new up. “What happened?” Selena asked. “Well, Ben Andrews beat the hell out of me, and then four guys jumped me. I’m having a terrible night. If you could not tell my family, that will be awesome,” I said with a look. “Pax, your brothers, need to know,” Selena said. “Nope, they don’t. So, I will let Britt and Josie finish cleaning me up, then sneak into the house. It’s not the first time that this happened, and it’s not the last. If you cannot say anything to anyone, that will be super,” I said with sarcasm. The girls looked at me with concern as Josie finished. I pulled on my bloody shirt and got up. I left the dorm room and went home. Now, I needed to sneak past my brothers and into my room. I climbed a tree, making my way up to my window. I opened it and climbed inside the bedroom. I started stripping when my door opened, and someone turned on the light. I stopped and looked at my brothers. “Pax?” Payton said, shocked. “I had a shitty night and prefer no lecture or jokes,” I said, looking at my brothers. “Who did this?” Parker asked, walking into the bedroom. I grabbed some clean clothes. “No one, I’m clumsy,” I lied, knowing my brothers didn’t buy it. “Tell us, Pax,” Pat said. I looked at my brothers. “No, and don’t ask because I still won’t tell you. Don’t call Pops because I need no more punishment,” I told my brothers. “Pops won’t punish you,” Payton mentioned. I looked at Payton like he was on c***k. “Oh? Because to Pops, I’m a screwup. Thanks to me, he made you all get jobs. If Ma had Pat and not me, it would be better. Who wants to deal with someone who’s a screwup and gay?” I said, emotionless. “Is that what you think?” Parker asked. “It’s what I know,” I answered. “Pax, no matter what, you’re wanted in this family. Yeah, we fight, but we’re brothers,” Payton assured me. “We know that’s bullshit. Let’s be realistic. Ma and Pops help you. I get punished for something that someone else did,” I said. “What are you saying?” Parker asked. I looked at my brothers and dropped a bombshell on them. It’s going big or go home time. “Sable set you up, and I found out. I went after Sable. She sent Ben and his cronies after me in high school. They waited until I was alone and jumped me. Every chance they got, they would jump me, including Shaun. Then they told everyone I was gay, even though I denied it because I wasn’t ready to come out. That’s why I didn’t believe Shaun when he confessed to me. When he helped Sable, I knew it was all bullshit,” I admitted. My brothers looked at me with concern. “Yeah, the Andrews family got me into a lot of trouble when they started it, but I got punished for defending myself. If you want to know why I didn’t want to give Shaun a chance, there you go. Now, excuse me, I got to study so I don’t get kicked out,” I said as I finished dressing and picking up a book. I didn’t want to talk about this anymore. Now, people will leave me the hell alone. Parker We left Pax’s bedroom, and Payton went looking for Ben Andrews while I went looking for Shaun. I never knew what happened between Pax and that family, but this isn’t right. I found Shaun at the bakery, locking up. “Explain to me why you feel the need to mess with my brother,” I said as Shaun turned around to face me. I walked up to him. “We helped you and didn’t know what you and your family did to Pax. Why?” Shaun furrowed his brows. “Because I was an asshole, but the truth is I care about Pax,” Shaun said. “Your sister set my brother up along with me, and you did nothing but help her,” I said. “Because I hid my sexuality and drinking. Do you know what it’s like to hide things and deal with a family you don’t like? You of all people should know this, Parker. Look, I’m not messing with Pax,” Shaun said. “Then, what are you doing?” Parker questioned. “I’m opening myself up to Pax because I’m in love with him,” Shaun admitted, surprising me. “It’s taking a lot of time in therapy to understand who will and won’t hurt me. I planned to take it slow with Pax, but he rushed things.” “Well, good luck, because you’re back to square one with my brother,” I said as I walked away from Shaun. My brother might be many things, but he doesn’t deserve someone to mess with his head. I returned home and went upstairs. I heard sniffling coming from Pax’s bedroom. I turned the door handle and opened the door to see Pax wiping his eyes as he worked on homework. I know the feeling of broken and feeling like no one cares. I felt that way after what Sable did to me. I walked in and crouched next to Pax. He looked up as tears fell. I pulled Pax into a hug as he cried. Sometimes a simple hug speaks more than words. I heard footsteps as I turned to see Payton and Patton standing in the doorway. I nodded as they both came into the bedroom and offered comfort to our brother. It’s something Pax needed from us.
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