Chapter 15

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Let the game begin. So right when the Intramurals came, all of us are wearing our prescribed jersey uniform which is red and black— the color that Mr. Monaghan picked at which has sleeve like a tee-shirt, and yeah, even it's at the length of our thighs— for girls only, of course, it has some kind of heater inside that's enough to make us calm despite the cold atmosphere around us. No, actually it feels so refreshing. Thankfully, the sun's rising right now yet the sunlight isn't harsh into our skin and it's enough to give us some kind of warm feeling inside. However, you could still feel the cold that surrounding this place since the mountains that cover the surroundings still have those snows, after all, last night, it's really snowing. “It's so fast, right? It's been almost two months since we've been with each other…” Yuki said while looking up at the clear sky right now, in which I followed what she's doing to see how beautiful and peaceful the sky is right now. And she's right. It's almost two months since all of us met and I could say, those weeks are the best thing that happened to me. I mean, I've never been friends with everybody else, just at those times where I transferred into this Academy. But if I were to choose, I would still study here despite everything since studying here is the best choice I've ever done in my life. I've met these friends where I'm treating them as my family already, and I could feel that they are doing the same too. It was as if we developed those bonds that are enough for us to click with each other despite the difference we have in our personalities. Maybe, it's because of how our leaders maintain us. Ashton's really strict but Yuki is such a warm jolly leader so I must say, it's all balanced. All of us are so closed with each other's but of course, they have priority to do that's why they are already inside the Gymnasium since yeah, they're so early bird. We are the only one left since… Yvonne's really slow at fixing herself as I've waited for her as always, added Zariyah who's even nervous that she forgot the time even no matter how she woke up, she said, and yeah, because Yuki woke up a little late due to being too excited last night. But looking at them, I couldn't help but smile as I whispered, “Thank you for being the sisters I've never had…” Since they became the sisters who helped me to cope up with the surroundings I am. Especially Yvonne. As I've said, I've never experienced being friends with other kids like me in my childhood, and it's the first time I've ever felt the feeling of having friends. The ones that you can always count on. The ones that will help you grow. The ones that will make you go out of your zone to explore. All of them looked at me. Selene even chuckled a little but I could see the warmness at the way she looks at me— her eyes are speaking for her since she's somehow shy whenever we're talking about something like this, that's what I've noticed. Yvonne pouted at what I've said and avoided her gaze— another person who's shy at this kind of talk but good at teasing people, representing, Yvonne Levina Clover from Class 1-A. “Hey, don't be too dramatic! But... yeah, we're like sisters and brothers from other's wombs,” Yuki said who looks at us before I saw her sighed heavily. But despite it, I could still see the smile plastering on her face. “Yeah, and they said it's the bond that was created is the best through the good memories are the best than those bond that was there ever since you were born,” Zariyah said while looking at somewhere that made us fell into silence. Because those words could've to be heard coming from the bottom of her heart. When she realized the change of moods we had, she quickly looked at us and shook her head in haste, with eyes wide as if she just said something she mustn't. “No, no, I mean, argh! How could I explain it? You know,” She laughed hesitantly. I have this feeling that she doesn't want to talk about it. Maybe not yet since she wasn't ready. We kind of understand it, after all, not because we're friends, we are obligated to say everything. Being friends means you respect their privacy and you will always be here, waiting until they could finally say what's their problem or even they don't. It's about trust after all and making her feel and secured that she could trust us, it's already fine by me. “But yeah, you're right with what you've said. Just... don't fall in love with someone inside our classmates since that could've been i****t, okay, Zari? Don't fall in love with Lucian,” With what Yvonne said, Zariyah quickly changed the mood from guilty into embarrassed, as the redness of her cheeks suddenly could've been seen since she's really a fair-skinned human being, as she quickly denies it. “What? No! I'm not falling in love with Lucian!” She said as she quickly shook her head with her hands waving for a sign ‘no’ as if the two would believe her. No, once it's Yvonne and Yuki, you have no other choice but to keep in silence since they will only believe what they wanted to believe, or even pushes you to admit it even you don't want to admit it. And just as when Yuki made face as if she doesn't believe what Zariyah just said. “Oh? Having a crush only? Everyone could be seen how you two are becoming so close to each other! Yieee! Right Selene?” She even looked for some companion which is thankfully, the kind Selene who joined her trip! “Yeah, she's right Zari!” She chuckles. Yvonne's evil laughed could be heard around us but for people are looking at us right now, they will only notice how sweet and soft Yvonne's laugh is. Well, since we've been with her for those weeks already, of course, we already know how wickedly she could really is. Regardless of how innocent she looks, lies a very evil Yvonne. That's why they said you must not trust someone who's as fragile as glass since who knows what's hidden underneath their sleeves. But Yvonne's not that ‘evil’ evil, okay? She's kind though, she's just only wicked. “What? No!” Zari said as she's trying to push it, but the way her cheeks reddened is somehow spilling her secrets. It's really true that people tend to say what their actions are saying in the opposite, just like what she's doing today. “Oh! Don't forget the first one we shipped with each other's,” Yuki said and suddenly, all of them looked at my side with evil malice in their eyes as if… uh-oh, I'm next! My eyes quickly widen and before they could speak at, I quickly butt in. “Hey, let's just go! We are going to be late” I said as I pulled who are close to me, and it was both Yvonne and Zariyah who just laughed at my way of escaping the teasings. Yuki and Yvonne laughed too before they followed us. My cheeks are actually heating right now and I hope that people around us don't hear what they said— uh… right, they didn't say anything about it after all. But heck! People don't need to know about it! As when we came into the Gymnasium, I've noticed that there are so many people here… right, even the higher years will be participating at the first day, but starting tomorrow, there will be assigned schedule and it means we don't know if when will be our next game is. We were asked to line up with our classmates as I roam my eyes at the upper part where there are people watching us, which I think, are not studying here. There are also some families cheering for others but most importantly, those people who are wearing tuxedos and have those matching shades and hats are the ones whom you could easily be noticed at. Ah, trespassers are allowed on the first day, but those people are allowed here every day which I think, they are the one that Mr. Monaghan is pertaining to scouts. “Good morning! Are you all excited?” A bunny-girl MC said and when I said bunny-girl, she's wearing a black bunny fitted outfit with bunny ears and black mask only covering her eyes in which I don't know if it's required. Maybe. To make everyone enjoy and focus their attention on her, especially boys who don't like listening to something like this. It's a good way of thinking after all. Shouts from excited people could be heard at the whole Gymnasium, in which, I almost covered my ears. Like I've said, it isn't just us, Freshmen, but also those higher years— Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. And everyone is here, including Mages, Supports, and Technicians course. Well, to be clear. Mages course are the ones who have the all-in inside the battlefield, in which I mean, the one who has both offense and defense when it comes to protecting people from evil creatures. They're the one who is blessed to have powers which they must be used in order to protect humanity in this world from those evil creatures lurking in the darkness. Supports are the ones who are supporting the Mages— they are an ordinary citizen who doesn't use any power— which is so rare, however, since they wanted to help, they could have given a chance to fight with us by using the Technicians' inventions. Supports are in the category of Archery, Fighters, or Warriors. Archers are the ones who use ranger weapons and remains on the back. Fighters are the ones who fight besides Mages inside the battlefield. While Warriors are the front liners. Technicians, of course, the one who creates inventions is able to support both Mage and Support courses and truth to be told, they would be considered as genius and tech-geeks, since at this age of generation, technologies are vast and quickly improving, just as how we, Mages, are evolving into becoming a better one. “I know you are already well-informed at how the Intramurals will go on but I will still explain it. Today is the only day in which everyone could participate with other courses, including their higher years, aside from finals of course. Since all of you have different schedules of games in able to use wisely those five days of Intramurals that were assigned to all of you, and if you're lucky, you could have faced off with your Seniors at when the finals come. For example, Freshmen or Sophomores representatives versus Juniors or Seniors. That's why you must do your best. But don't worry, there will be awarding of top 3 at every year— for Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior.” The bunny girl explained that all of us nodded. Basically, what we will face are those Freshmen like us first, then once we got the winner, we will have a face-off with Sophomore, Junior, and Senior winners before we reach the top one. It'll be a long journey I think. “Before we start, let us call in the stage the Freshman who topped first at the Entrance Exam, Killian Astaroth Le Doux!” Said by the bunny girl so all of us looked at where Killian is. He's standing at somewhere in our line and that's when I've only noticed that the red colored overall jersey suits him especially the ability he holds. He walks towards the huge stage where the MC is standing at while holding a piece of paper and a microphone in her hand, smiling at Killian as we all watched him go to the stage yet the man remained emotionless with his hands on his jersey's jacket's pockets— right, everyone is wearing theirs too, and underneath of it is our jersey tee shirt. He's so calm, yet it reminds me of the famous saying, ‘the calm before the storm’. He stood up high and mighty, representing Class 1-A's jersey right in front of everyone. He's so calm, that it made me gulp in nervousness and I even saw my classmates are also the same as me. Yeah, one of those things I've learned regarding him. Killian's much scary when he's calm instead of when he's being so loud. Because every time he's calm, you don't know what's running into his mind and knowing how genius he is— well, Yuki's always the first of course, but at how Killian's using his mind in every situation, I think everyone would be amazed on him. He isn't just a foul-mouthed guy after all. “What could say before we start our Intramurals?” The bunny girl said as she's smiling when she gave the microphone into Killian, who calmly got it before he looks at us, and swear, the way he looks at us brings shivers into my body in which, I don't know why but the way he looks right now, is like a mighty authoritatively King who's looking down at his soldiers. And I think I'm not the only one who could feel the intensity of his stares coming from those sharp eyes of him that everyone would be scared to look for a fight to the very person right above us. Just before he speaks those words with his sharp voice, sending shivers to my body, and even the bunny girl's smile faded on her lips after she heard how scary the voice is. The voice that we always heard in our dormitory. “I will f*****g defeat everyone and get the first rank, losers. Mark my words.” He said it as if he's so sure with it, and since he's Killian Astaroth, I know he'll do everything to make it come true.  
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