Chapter 16

2152 Words
With everyone's help. Everyone fell in silence after hearing what Killian said. It was as if they weren't expecting it… no one's really expecting those words that he said. Yet it didn't take a while when Lux suddenly clapped his hands followed by Zion's shout in applause— as if they're supporting Killian, their classmates, and it's the cue when all of us awoken by shocked at what Killian said. Right, it's Killian. Why do I even expect him to say something nice? I sighed heavily as I shook my head. Really… this section is hopeless… with these kinds of people in one place, I don't know anymore. I've always seen those two act like that. I mean, at first, I thought they are quiet and who are responsible enough like Ashton or Keanu, but then, I'm not saying that they're irresponsible, but the way they act, it was as if those two are supporting everything, they are willing to go with the flow and yeah, they're always after fun and challenges, which I think is what makes our dormitory as lively as it is already. “Shut the f**k up! We will be the first!” We heard a loud voice just beside our line that all of us looked at it, and saw the person who is matching towards the front, yet Lux and Zion wouldn't want him to take the spotlight since both of them go in front of our line too. “Oh yeah? Come on here, you arrogant square-faced man!” Lux said and laughed devilishly before we saw some fire appears at both of his palms. Zion laughed with him as from my peripheral vision, Keanu shook his head before he placed his electric-shaped earphones on his ears. “Those are idiots,” I even heard him whispered before my attention focused on Killian who just smirked before giving back the microphone to the bunny girl who seems like still shocked, as she was only awakened at when Killian give back the microphone before walking down the stage right now. It was followed by other Freshmen shouting that they will get the first rank and that they will trash everyone who will get into their way. I don't know why I'm smiling a little, as some of my classmates are chuckling right now. Yeah… this is what challenges are, and this will be what would make you do everything in able to win. “I see that the Freshmen this year are energetic,” The bunny girl said and chuckled, yet her words were almost couldn't be heard because of the shouts from others who are telling them that they will win. The whole Gymnasium was now surrounded by voices and shouts inside their heart, slowly spreading through the whole place with hope and trust with themselves. Yeah, they must rise their words, not their voice to be heard and felt. It's their words that should've been heard. “Okay, okay, attention!” Thankfully, everyone stopped when they heard the bunny girl speaks again. Who wouldn't? She just made a pink bunny illusion that's so big and it was enough to get the attention of everyone. Looking satisfied at what she did, she started explaining the next rule that what must be done in able to start the game. “We didn't announce it since it'll ruin the element of surprise, but everyone, get the most gorgeous and handsome person in your section and do everything that you could to represent them as your muse and escort! Make them wonderful and pleasing at the eyes of the judges' laters. This is the first game and it'll be counted as how we will score the overall points. Now, go read the brochure at how the activities will proceed in our five days Intramurals!” Suddenly, a brochure appeared in front of our line that Sapphire got before she gave it to Ashton. Before the voice of the bunny girl appeared again. “The first game, which is the pageant, will start at 10 AM! Now all of you have two hours and thirty minutes to do everything you could! See you there at 10 AM!” She said and suddenly, she disappeared right in front of the stage as the lights surrounding the whole Gymnasium suddenly turned dimmed, and it means that they're closing the gym for now. But… heck? It's really an intramural since we weren't prepared for this one! And we didn't even think about having it at our every meeting so right now… We're so doomed! “Oh my gosh, who will be our muse?!” Zariyah said as she's looking so problematic right now, looking at the land, somehow panicking of whatever will happen to our section. “Yvonne!” Yuki said as we all transferred our looks at Yvonne who's looking at us with wide eyes right now. Just before she took a step back, started shaking her head and with her hands too as if she doesn't want it. “What? Why me?!” She said and for the first time, we caught her unguarded and truth to be told, she looks so cute with her cheeks reddening in shyness. “Your charm can capture everyone! Please?” Yuki said before she transferred her gaze into Dashiel, “And Dashiel?” An escort! We all transferred our look at Dashiel who just coolly nodded his head. My eyes widened as my smile widened too. Oh my gosh, it'll be such a good duo! “Great! Let's go to our designated room!” Yuki said before she holds Yvonne's hand. “Wait—” She couldn't even be finished what she's saying as Yuki pulled her. We quickly followed and with haste in our walks. While walking, Yuki's giving order so everyone has something to do. “Bruno, please can you get some materials? Finest materials, if it's okay?” Yuki said while beside her, she's holding both Yvonne— who's pouting as I could see her cheeks reddened, and Dashiel on her other hand who's just coolly walking as he's letting Yuki pull him. Right, these two will be great, after all, Dashiel is really cool with his personality and of course, his soft face and Yvonne is the barbie doll of our section. “List them down,” Bruno answered. I quickly got my small note since I'm always holding one— in case of emergency and of course, note-taking, but I stopped when I saw Lucian's holding his note too. I chuckled shyly as he lowers down his note, a little embarrassed before he asked me to do it which is I nodded. We entered the room in which I sat on one of those available chairs as I started listing down the things I know that we could use. Newspapers Glues Glue Gun and Glue Sticks— I stopped writing it down. I realize something. “Hey, can someone go into our dorm to look for some available materials? So it won't be going to be too expensive,” I said as I list down what could be found on there. “I'll get it,” Keanu said so I gave him the paper which it didn't take a while when he disappeared. I focused my attention on the paper as I started brainstorming what we could've been used. “Silky cloth, but what color?” Zanea asked them. Just as when I heard Lucian speaks as if he's thinking too. “What's our theme?” He asked. That's when I stopped writing as I realized it. Right. We don't have any theme. “Oh my god, it's so hassle!” Yuki said as she sat one of the chairs too. Looking so problematic right now. “What do you want, since our jersey color is red, let's come up with something like a volcano?” Ashton said which we all nodded. “Alright, alright! Red silky clothes, paint and glitters for some effects and—” Yuki wasn't even finished at what she's saying when Sapphire suddenly butt in. “Let's use our abilities at other things! Bruno, go!” Just as when Keanu came back as from his hands, I saw the glue guns, scissors, and some tools we could use to create a dress. “Got it!” He said as Ashton gave him a card— for the budget, I think before he disappeared with his speed again. I quickly stood up and go to Keanu to get a measuring tape before I come closer into Yvonne who's pouting at me. “How about their make-ups?” I overheard Yuki asked, before Zariyah's voice echoed in my hearing. “I got it!” Zariyah said. “We'll create some banners,” Lux said, smiling sheepishly— it was as if they know that they wouldn't be able to help us at creating their outfit. Well, it's a girl's thing after all. On the other side, Yuki started getting Dashiel's measurements so I proceed at going to Yvonne as I smile before start taking her measurements. “Good luck!” But she just pouted more, “You know it isn't my forte,” She said which I chuckled. “I know, but make use of your amazing charm, hmm? Bewitch the judges,” I said that she playfully rolled her eyes. “Do I have any choice?” Just as when everyone became busy especially since Bruno came back with the things we will be needed in able to create the desired costume that they will wear. Right, everyone's ability could be felt around the room and yeah, I'm the one who's assigned at drying the paints and of course, the glues that they created into some textures that look like a volcano's body with some kind of lavas. “Remember, Lux. Once Yvonne turn, you'll make the end of her gown to ignite so—” Selene said that Lux suddenly cut off. “I know, I know.” My attention focused on Dashiel's outfit as my attention caught Killian who's designing the top. Truth to be told, he's really talented since the way he mixed those colors are so good as if he's such a born painter. It was actually his idea about the effects and right now, even without using abilities, the outfit that our muse and escort will wear looks like it's alive and dancing. “Artemis,” My attention turned into Sapphire as I saw her walking closer to me. Ah, right. She's one of my classmates I'm looking up because she's so really cool. Her ability really suits her. “Yes?” I said as I lifted the gown in the air as I couldn't help but be amazed at how beautiful it became! Killian's the one who painted the top and of course, the lower part is made of cloth that Lux would make it blaze in his fire. It was well planned and right now, I just need to make Dashiel's dry since their make up is somehow done, and all they just need to do is to style their hairs and wear their outfit. “You can now control your abilities unlike before, I can see it.” I stopped from what I've heard, as I look into her and saw her smiling at me. “Continue using it, so you could get used to them, okay?” She said as I smile at her and nodded. “Thank you, Sapphire,” I said. She nodded at me, still smiling before she pointed somewhere. “Killian's done. Go to him and help him dry Dashiel's outfit,” She said as I nodded. After all, thirty minutes from now, the pageant will now start. Killian felt my presence yet he only lifted his eyes on me to take a glimpse before looking at the design he did again. I sat on the floor beside him. He stopped using his ability's heat as he let me dry those paints with my own ability which is air. Up to now, I still couldn't believe that we were able to finish it even how unprepared we are. As I thought about its game, I think it's about being unprepared, but still able to perform it perfectly and do the duty as to how it's supposed to be. And I think it wouldn't be turned out like this without his help. “Lucian wasn't wrong. You're good at everything,” I voiced out my thoughts like a whisper only, just as when I heard his infamous ‘tch’. “That rascal said it?” He said. I don't know why I chuckled. Right. He's Killian and he wouldn't be Killian if he isn't foul-mouthed. “Yeah, look how he cares to you.” I look at him in which, I saw his face turned sour as if only the clothes in front of him are alive, they're already dead at how sharp the way he glares at them. “Care my ass,” He said and stood up before walking towards the door in which I just let him. It's not as if he's angry. He's just like that. He's so honest with what he feels in which, if he doesn't want to talk about it, he would leave it and wouldn't talk about it. If everyone could only understand what he feels… if only he'll open up…  
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