
To Become Number One

magical world
special ability
Writing Academy
70 Days Themed-writing Challenge

Let me tell you the story of how I became one of the top Mages of this world. And how I met that foul-mouthed guy who helped me from reaching that dream of mine. This story is about love, but in terms of friendship, companions, and trusted people.

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PROLOGUE + Chapter 1
Let me tell you the story of how I became one of the top Mages of this world. And how I met that foul-mouthed guy who helped me reach that dream of mine. *************************************************************************************************************** The Beginning of how I became one of the top Mages in this world. Today is just a normal day... for normal people but not to me. Looking in awe at the beautiful and tallest building that's in the middle of this town- Ice Nation, and which means, yes, it's in the middle of these tall snowy mountains. I placed both of my hands in front of my lips and blew hot breath on it. It's really cold, even with my thick clothes, beanie, gloves and of course, scarf so my neck wouldn't be hurt by the cold. It's just September, and the start of enrollment to this Academy, the number one Academy of our country. When I said it's the number one, what I mean is, it really is. All those famous people who are known as defeating evils are from this Academy. However, the passing rate of the entrance exam is only 0.97%, since the examination is divided by two: one for written, one for practical. I don't have knowledge of what the practical exam will be but I think I'll be able to do it, right? I blew hot air on my palms again as I started shivering, yet I don't mind it. My dream Academy is right in front of me. And with this Academy, I'm going to reach my dream of becoming one of the top Mages in this country. Don't mind the cold. It's always snowing here since it's located in the northern part of Earth. The only time it'll stop snowing is when it's summer, of course, but when it's December, you know it. No one could even get out without wearing thick clothes- I mean, thicker than what I'm wearing right now. And yes, I wanted to become one of the best Mages. Who wouldn't? I wanted to save other people with the powers I've inherited from above... they say that I shouldn't just show this to everyone since it's really a very rare ability coming from our generation today. And also the reason why I couldn't really control it... But yeah, I wanted to be one of the best Mages in this world. I wanted to be able to save people. I wanted to fight evil creatures and win. I wanted to learn- I have pushed away when someone suddenly bumped into my back, and thankfully, someone prevents me from falling. "Don't f*****g get in my way, you dumb nerd." Said by someone, I think the one who bumped into me. I don't know but I shivered at his words. It's too cold, yet his voice is much colder than the atmosphere. I looked at his back as he walked with his hands on his pockets as if he's the ruler of this Academy. I never even thought that he will... someday. "Hey! That's rude!" Said a boy who catches me as he helped me to stand up again. I think he was just walking at the entrance of this school but then, he saw what happened. Or maybe... they're together since they're wearing the same uniforms. He smiles at me and I saw how innocent and soft his face is. "Don't mind him. He's just so full of himself," He said as if he knows him already, and he's assuring me with this one. "Thank you," I said with a small voice. He smiled at me before he turned his attention to the ash-blond spiky-haired guy- the one looks so delinquent. Unlike him who has a soft face and green hair, who looks like a typical boy next door "Excuse me," He said to me before he smiled again as he faced the rude guy again. "Kill! Wait!" As he runs toward the guy who didn't even stop as he continued to walk. I sighed heavily as I fixed my uniform. It didn't take a while when I saw someone who stopped in front of me. I lifted my eyes as I was dumbfounded at her beauty. Gosh, does a woman like her even existing? "Hello, I'm Yvonne. Are you new here?" She said so softly that I'm almost mistaken that she's an angel who fell from the sky. I blinked fast to wake myself up as I nodded before giving her a shy smile. That's when I noticed she's wearing a Junior High uniform of this school that my eyes widen in shock. "I see. Come on, let's go together!" She said smiling and I thought she's just like a shy girl I've ever seen from our school, especially that she's from Junior High Department that I think, she'll also join the entrance class here since this Academy is treating everyone as equally as they are. Even you're from a high-ranked Universities, you must still take the entrance exams as how others do. But yeah, she's so talkative. She told me that she has many strong classmates that will enter thus Academy too, and when I heard strong, I instantly felt low. I don't know but... right, I don't even know how to control my ability, and being with the strong students... I shook my head. It's not as if I'm so sure that I'll pass, right? I sighed heavily. I think she didn't notice it since she's walking ahead of me, but then, I heard her screamed. "Oh my gosh, Dashiel!" as she pulled me towards the who faced us when he saw his name being called I think? That I gasped because right now, I'm looking at the man who has half silver hair and half red one! The guy just looked at her as he nodded, before turning back his attention to the one he's reading at. At those actions, I could clearly see already that he's a snob. Well, having those face of him, even he's snob, for sure women will surely still line up for his attention. But Yvonne couldn't be stopped. I hope she's aware that she's pulling me. "Have you seen the others? I want to see them now!" That's when her attention goes to me as she was kind of surprised- finally, she remembered she's pulling me! But it didn't take a while when she smiled sheepishly, before turning back her attention to the guy she called Dashiel. "Dash, remember when you said your types are those who have silver eyes? Look at her!" She even pulled me closer to that Dashiel that finally, looked at me as I saw him looking at my eyes. "She's... wait, what's your name again?" Yvonne said that I sighed as I look at her. Yes, you didn't ask my name despite that I've been with you ever since earlier. "I'm Artemis," I said so short. I could still feel the stares of the man in front of me but I didn't fully think of it. It was when we heard the microphone being opened- the sound every time someone picked it. And with that one, we already know that the examination will start. "Please go to your designated rooms for the written exam. Good luck, future students!" A man behind it said and based on that, I think his ability is sound manipulation since I know everyone heard what he said as they increased their pace towards their designated room is. "What's your room number?" Yvonne asked me, so I answered her. "216, how about you?" "Aww, mine's 209! Those are at the end of the stairways I think! I couldn't accompany you with this one," She said, pouting. I was about to speak that it was okay when I heard the Dashiel guy speaks. "We're in the same room. I got her, Yvonne." He said that made Yvonne looked at him and swear, I think I just saw her eyes became heart-shaped or such, since right now, she's looking at us with malice, and I know that stares since my dorm mates back then had the same expressions when they're teasing someone from us! Before she cleared her throat. "Okay, gotta go! See you both later!" She said as if she was so sure before she quickly disappeared in our sight that the awkwardness suddenly could've to be felt since I'm with someone I don't know! "Do you want to stand there forever?" I looked at the guy as I noticed that he even started walking! Oh gosh, seriously... "Let's go," he said and even his voice seems so cold, colder than our atmosphere, colder than anything. I followed behind him as I slowly felt really, really low especially I could hear people's appreciation to him, that I learned which maybe he's one of those strong classmates that Yvonne was talking about earlier. We were both silent, since of course we don't even know each other and I could say that he isn't the type of man who would speak over nonsense, so I just followed behind him and let him lead the way since maybe he knows what path to take, after all, he took Junior High from this Academy. It didn't take a while since we reached the room, and what could've I say? I couldn't help but be amazed at how beautiful every room is! I know we've been living in the modern world as places here are really modern, clean and advanced. The door quickly opened when our presence was recognized that he entered, which I followed of course. But since I don't have the plan to sit with him right now- I don't want to be called a thick-faced feeling close girl, I decided to sit at the other end opposite of him, followed by the opening of the door again as I almost gasped when I saw the familiar man earlier! The one with ash-blond hair! Even from this distance, his scowling face could be noticed that I quickly lowered my head since I saw he's looking for a seat. I didn't notice the man he was with earlier so I just shrugged it, as I continue looking down at below, wishing he didn't notice me. Wishing that no one really noticed me. But maybe I was entirely wrong when someone stopped in front of my deck as I slowly lifted my head before I felt my blood left my body since looking at me is the evil guy with piercing all over his face as he looked at me as if he belittles me. "Look who's here, a lowly student from that community school. Trash." He said so harshly to me that I just quickly lowered my head since I came here to took my entrance exam peacefully. I know that I came from community college, it was because I'm saving my money to pay for everything I'll be needing to pay once I passed my exam in this Academy. Of course, being the top school for Mages, it doesn't mean it's free to study here since there's a dormitory inside that you must pay monthly unless you become one of those who would be given privilege at their scholarship program where you don't have to pay anything. But of course, if ever that I don't become part of it but still pass the examinations, that's already enough for me. But I think, my peaceful term was really destroyed, since the man in front of me just lifted my head through my hair that made me look at him again forcefully, and in pain. I accidentally closed my eyes tightly to divert some feelings on them. "Hey, I'm talking to you," He said with an annoyed voice but I couldn't even open my eyes to look at him! "Move. You're in my way," We heard the voice, that's when I opened my eyes since the man quickly let go of my hair after hearing that. As I noticed the man- a big man, is really annoyed as he glared at the man who's staring at him with the same annoyed expression as he is. "And who do you think you are?" The big man with full face piercing said, that the guy just lifted his brow in proud, as he said those words proudly. "The Strongest. Have a problem with that, trashed face?" He smirked, and I swear, I think I just saw a demon in a human's face especially that I think his bright crimson eyes shined, just like the eyes of anime demons I've been watching. But the guy's face turned into rage as I saw his hands changing, as there are some coming out of his body. "You-" Just as when we heard a loud sound, that we all quickly looked in front as I saw someone... a foul-looking guy wearing gothic clothes. "If you want to fight, don't do it inside the Academy's room." He said so cold before his eyes turned to the man who used his ability earlier. "And we don't accept students who don't follow a simple rule." Before he pointed at the words that are printed on a paper, as it is placed at the board, in which, the examination rules are on it. And number one of it is, Do not use your abilities or you'll get suspended. "Boy, go out. You're suspended." He said so simply... and so bored. It was as if he was born when his mother really hates the world. "But-" The full-faced piercing man said but then, I could feel the temperature changing, as true ash-blond spiky hair man walked as if nothing towards the vacant chair beside me, as I couldn't remove my gaze to the instructor when his eyes- black eyes became red as his hair slowly turning up. "Or I'll take you out, what do you think about it?" The full-faced piercing man quickly goes out of the room, as the instructor's face turned back before he started to distribute papers while explaining the rules in his own term. "1. No use of the ability to cheat. 2. Focus on your paper only. 3. You have an hour and thirty minutes to finish these five hundred questions. 4. No talking. 5. Get out once you're done. Now, get one then pass." He said as before he looked around the place. "I'm watching you," He said but then, he moved a swivel chair towards his back, sat down on it, and then closed his eyes and it didn't take a while that he's now sleeping. Seriously? Too good at watching us. As I got the paper from the woman who smiled at me, as I started at my own paper as I sighed deeply. This is it. This is the first step towards your dream! Now, aim high with chin high and smile, Artemis! Don't stop unless you're far from where you started. As I started my own test, the path towards my dream, and to become one of the number one Mages of this world.

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