Chapter 7

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There’s always be a first time for everything.   Last night, I really had so much fun with these people as we visit every room of each other and even males, who are quite shy to let girls enter their rooms, had no other choice since Yvonne and Yuki is really insisting, especially that they really couldn’t resist their cuteness.   As I said, I enjoyed it; we all are. I mean, entering their rooms to look at their things could’ve stated what kind of person they are, or am I the only one who thought of that? But that’s my view, as slowly, I could feel that I know some little bit of their personalities too.   And yes, we introduced each other to everyone, so right now, I could say that I’m kind of know their names. Sort of, since sometimes I still forget it. After all, it just happened last night, and memorizing all 45 names is kind of hard, don’t you agree with me?   Well, except that Killian wasn’t there… it was fine tho, I was just worried at him since he missed the fun but yeah.   And today is our first day. I looked at my full body mirror as I fix my uniform. And once I’m done, I smiled at my reflection. “You can do it, Artemis. This is one step towards your dream,” As I reminded myself before going closer to bed to get my own light pink bag— it was Yvonne’s gift tho, as I carry it on my back as I got my lunchbox on my free hand before opening my door.   I caught the attention of those walking past at my room since the stair is at the left side— if you’re going to go down. Actually, the stairs look like zigzags here— on the first floor, when you’re going to go upstairs, the only stair is the right side, where you’ll already notice it once you’ve entered. Then, going to the third floor, the stair is on the left side, so you much pass others’ rooms to go there, and going to the fourth floor— only last one, the stair is on the right side.   “Good morning! Have you sleep well?” Yuki said as she walks with me, going down.   “Good morning too! I was kind of agitated at what will happen so…” I chuckled to finish my words.   Those were true, after all. I’ve been troubling at what will happen to me in our Academy or if how others will treat me. I mean, I’m from peasants, right? If these classmates of mine accepted me fully, how about those other courses?   Especially when I learned that those who attended orientations are just Freshmen like us, this year's passing rate is high aside from those passing rates, especially seeing how many people participated in the orientation.   “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. We’re here,” She said and smiles. I could really see her as our vice president since Ashton— our future president since the officers’ election will only happen today.   Well, Ashton’s kind of authoritative man, and Yuki, being jolly, yet she knows how to make the mood light, but of course, she also has leadership skills like Ashton. Still, her concern towards her classmates is what matters the most to her; I think that’s what is suitable for being vice president. Balance.   “Thank you. Well, was it true that those top 10s aren’t here?” I asked her since it’s really troubling me.   I thought if you’re in the first section, you must expect that those powerful and intelligent people are in the same place too.   “No. It’s for balance. There are three Mages sections and in which the top 10s are divided. There are four with us, including you as the only woman, so expect that the whole section will support you.” She said, smiling proudly that I nodded.   I wonder if who are those four? Does Yvonne’s one of them?   I didn’t have time to ask her since we both saw a beautiful goddess who just stood from sitting on the couch as she walked closer to us once we finally arrived at the living room of our dorm.   “Artemis! I’ve been waiting for you!” As her eyes traveled to Yuki. “Hello, Future Vice!” She said and smile.   Yuki suddenly became shy. “I told you I don’t deserve that position.” She defended herself, but we know better.   Yvonne shook her head. “It’s been decided!” As if she was so sure at it before she turned to me. “Hey, did you bring my lunchbox?” She even made puppy eyes that I chuckled, as I lifted the lunchbox I’ve been holding.   “All done,” I said as I chuckled. Her face lightened up. Yuki, on the other side, looking so clueless.   “What’s the catch?” She asked while looking both at us. It was as if Yvonne heard the magic word as she looks at her and right now, the way she looks as if she’s going to advertise something.   And I wasn’t wrong, because she advertised me.   “Artemis is such a good cook! Well, I look forward to it later!” She said as she winked at Yuki. I instantly became shy ad I lowered my head after hearing it. I’m not used to someone being so proud of me.   Yvonne Levina… she’s so pure. I said in my mind as I lifted my head to look at her. I must protect her at all costs.   “Really? I’m looking forward to that!” Yuki said, so happy and excited as we started walking. After all, if we don’t move right now, we’ll be going to late.   “That’s right but, my lunchbox is just for me okay?” Yvonne said as I just shook my head. She really loves my mother’s pack lunch that I brought at the examination.   Right. We are allowed to use the kitchen as to how we wanted it, and right. I woke up early to cook for lunch. It was fine; after all, it was as if my body clock had been set since I’ve been waking up earlier ever since. Today’s just a little late since I woke up at 5 AM, instead of 4:30 or earlier.   Yvonne and Yuki continue talking as I remained silent since I am really nervous. The lecture room is just walking distance from our dorm, since our dorm is located in the back part of Academy, and you wouldn’t walk too long to reach it. While walking, we passed through other people as they mind their own business, and I saw that isn’t it only me who’s really nervous right now. They are too, and I could see it in their face.   “Are you one of the top 10s?” I overheard Yuki asked Yvonne that caused my attention. Right. I didn’t ask her when she told me about it since I was too overwhelmed because I didn’t just pass, but also became part of the scholar.   I look at them as I saw Yvonne shook her head in an overacting way. “Huh? No! Of course not!” She chuckles.   Yuki’s confusion could clearly be seen on her face. “Why not? You’ve studied here in your entire life,”   “Not that I don’t like it, but… I suck at math, eh. Maybe that’s the subject that my score didn’t pass at it. It was fine, tho. Some people need it more than me,” She said so naturally as if she’s just telling it, but here I am; I couldn’t help but be kind of dramatic especially… she’s too pure.   Her heart’s really gold. I know it since she’s the one who helped me.   And I’ll make sure to return the favor.   It didn’t take a while that we reached the lecture room for our homeroom. Dashiel’s already here when we entered, as Yvonne completely go to his place to give him a lecture regarding why he didn’t wait for us, but Dashiel being Dashiel, he just nodded his head, and like an obedience child, he said he’ll wait at the next time. I know that Yvonne’s just joking about him leaving us since it was fine but… Dashiel is Dashiel.   There are no sitting arrangements, so I decided to sit near the window but not the chair close to it since I might fall asleep if ever I sit on that spot. As at my back, Yvonne sat beside Dashiel as Yuki sat in front since she said she’ll be trying to become more attentive in these years. Right. I learned that her ability is regarding… how could I explain it? It about knowledge, and I don’t know how she passed here since the practical is about— nevermind, maybe she perfected the exam as I said, it’s about knowledge.   The door quickly opened with a loud sound— that our eyes widen since that door’s the one which is opening when it feels a person’s presence, but then, my eyes widen more when I saw who entered the room.   With his eyes as sharp as a knife, those bright red iris are glaring at everyone his eyes would pass at. His face’s scowling as he looked around the place, as his eyes stopped at the only vacant chair at my left, close to the window, and behind Lucian… the green-haired guy.   And it was as if Killian didn’t like that idea that he’ll be sitting at that chair; however, the door opened again as we all looked at it, and from there, an early twenties man— wait, that’s face is familiar!   He’s our proctor in the examination— the one who said he’ll be watching us but ended up sleeping!   So now, Killian has no other choice but to sat on the remaining vacant chair as I could still see the scowl in his face. Maybe that’s his natural looks. Yeah. I just focused my attention on the man who entered.   “Morning. Listen, everyone. I’m your homeroom Adviser, Levi Monaghan.” He said those words using his bored tone as he continues to look around the place as if in an inspection of our room. “Have you decided for officers? If not, then vote for it. Do whatever you want,” He said as he pulled the chair and was about to sit when his eyes stopped at somewhere at the back that I look at it, and only Yvonne’s raising her hand with a smile on her face is what we could’ve been seen.   “Sir! Ashton Magnus for president!” She said so jollily, and there are no protests since we’ve thought of it after all.   “Sure,” He said so short and was about to sit again when he stopped and look at Yvonne, who raised her hand again.   “Yuki Ravena as Vice President!” Again, she said so jollily, yet our homeroom adviser just nodded his head in boredom.   “Okay, President and Vice President, lead the election.” He said it so bored as in his eyes, and it looks like he lacks sleep, so thankfully, Ashton and Yuki stood up and took his role so he could sleep. Maybe.   “Secretary?” Yuki asked. A classmate nominated one.   “I nominated Selene!”   “Wait… why me?” Selene asked, pointing herself that I couldn’t help but smile.   “Why not? You love writing, right? I saw your bujo! Your handwriting is immaculate!”   “Treasurer?” Yuki asked. A man lifted his hand to say his idea.   “Dashiel’s the richest here, so he must be the treasurer,” As they nominated more officers.   I couldn’t focus on it since I could feel the dark aura coming from the man at my left side, which now is at my almost back— since I really don’t want to look at him. I know Lucian could also feel it since he wasn’t talking again, as when Killian entered the room and decided to sit on the chair at his back. And I don’t think we should even get his attention—   “Peace officers… I nominated Artemis!” Zariyah’s voice echoed that my eyes widen before I quickly look back at them, as I saw almost everyone looking at me. Huh? I pointed myself.   “Me?” I asked, unsure. As when I realized it that she’s nominating me as an officer, I quickly shook my head. Gosh, I never had any experience of it!   “Yup! And Killian!” She said so loud that my eyes widen as I could feel the danger increased inside the small room.   Uh oh. Wrong move.   Even I couldn’t see him; I felt him stood up. “Me? Peace officer?” He said so deadly as if the atmosphere in this room increased, as I don’t even move my body to look at him because even here, I could feel that he’s outraged!   “Are you playing with me, you, a woman with siopao face?” He said to Zariyah that I saw her face suddenly became red in embarrassment, but then, I saw fear on her face that’s she’s trying hard to hide it.   Who wouldn’t fear a demon in a human’s appearance?   “Hey. Are we now allowed to use ability inside the room?” My eyes widened when he said that, and I know he’s talking to our homeroom adviser!   While here I am, I completely believed that Mr. Monaghan’s really sleeping when he opened his right eye only to look at Killian as he nodded. “Just don’t go breaking of things. And don’t be too loud,” before he closed his eyes again. My eyes widen in shock, but I was more scared when I heard an explosion just coming from someone at my back. As I slowly look at him, which I think is the wrong move.   Mr. Monaghan said no breaking of things, yet just now, he broke his own desk as we heard explosion again, but I saw it on his hands— his ability is explosion itself?!   As he smirked devilishly at us. “Now, do you still want me to become a peace officer?” Just as when he let his ability’s sound echoed to the whole silent room to threaten us about it.  
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