Chapter 6

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With those people who could make you feel the meaning of home.   Since we haven’t finished cleaning and designing our room, we have decided to do it first before we have our meetings and of course, I think they’re doing this best room thingy so the awkwardness we all have will disappear since all of us are family here.   Sighing heavily, as I looked at the room, I’ve fixed into my liking. As much as possible, I’ve tried to design it in just a minimalist clean girly bedroom, which is the majority color is white and pink so I could focus more, since seeing your room clean is the best little thing I could’ve asked for.   “This is fine,” I whispered as I turned my back towards the door. They said once we’re done, we should’ve already gotten to the living room on our dorm’s first floor.   And no, I’m not talking about the very first floor of this building. Actually, this dorm is enormous and vast, since we aren’t the only one occupying here. Only that the section, Mage 1-A’s dormitory is located in this section, but inside this dorm, the other sections are located above or even below us, since I’ve said, it’s tremendous and the Academy’s huge.   As I opened the door, I saw that some people are already in the living area— the first floor of our Section’s dorm, as if they’re planning already. When they heard my door closing, they looked at me as they smiled widely and waved their hands in the air.   “Artemis, come here!” Wilhelmina said as I nodded and started walking towards their place. As I get closer, I could hear what they’re talking about.   “How about we divided by teams and utilizing in one group, there are people who could cook and who doesn’t so it’ll be balanced?”   “Yes, Yuki, you’re right,”   Just as when Selene gets closer to where I am as she whispered. “Do you know how to cook?” I nodded.   “Yup, my mother taught me. How about you?” That I instantly regretted as I realized… she’s a Princess, so she wouldn’t know that.   She bit her lips as she shook her head. “I don’t know anything at chores,” She admitted. I chuckled.   “Don’t worry, you’re still learning.” After all, it’s just the beginning, right?   “Why did you chose this Academy, Art?” She asked as she looks at me. I smile a little. Why did I choose this one?   “Because unlike other Academies, this place is the only Academy that recognizes peasants,” I said, one of the primary reasons why I chose this one. “After all, choosing the best Academy, despite your status, is one step towards your dream, right?”   “Yeah,” She chuckled. “My mother graduated in this one as I saw her portfolio with the Academy’s background. Of course, it wasn’t still this big back then, but knowing that my mother treasures this as she always told me when I was young, that soon, I’ll be able to find those people whom I will surely treasure,” She said as she looked at the glass wall on our dorm. I couldn’t help but look at it too.   We’re located in the middle part of the high dorm as the view here is really excellent. It’s still sunny, but we could’ve seen some homes from people living here, so right now I couldn’t wait until the sky gets dark as they said, this Academy is really fabulous when it’s night.   “Those people who will make you feel the meaning of home,” She added which caused me to look at her and stare for a while. It didn’t take a bit before she chuckled. “Am I too dramatic?” She asked me; I was about to answer when we heard someone speaks from those groups in front of us.   “No, I think that’s wonderful since I’m here because I wanted to find my own home too, where I would find happiness with those people, as together, through thick and thin, we’ll be with each other no matter what happens.”   “Same here,”   “Likewise!”   Both Selene and I look at each other before we chuckle. Right. This is what she’s talking about earlier.   “So what’s up?” Yvonne, who’s walking through the stairs,  said when she saw us clustering in one place. “Everything’s done planning?” As she looks kind of haggard a little, maybe because she’s been fixing her things.   “Yes, the teaming for every day is the only thing left.” Said the one with the authority to be our president; we all nodded our heads.   “Everyone’s here? So we could start planning things.” as I looked around and saw that others are coming here. Maybe they’re done fixing their things already. I saw others even gave me a smile, which I smile back the best way I could.   “Is there anyone still in their room? Call them, please. So we could also start our introduction, right?”   “Yes, that’s right,”   Just as when we all looked at the man— a man who seemed who’s familiar enough to me as if I’ve seen him already.   “I think Killian’s still not here,” He said so calmly while I’m looking at him thoroughly. That’s when he found my stares as I saw him slightly shocked, as recognition entered on his face as if he saw me already too! Where did I meet him again? I don’t remember anything from it, but he seems so familiar with me!   “Who’s that?” The woman named Yuki asked, confused too, as to how we look at it.   That’s when we heard the elevator opening as from there, and I listened to the familiar harsh voice— as I looked at the source of that voice as my eyes widen in familiarity! He’s the one who bumped into me at the entrance examination!   “Me. Have a problem with that, trashes?” He said so harshly as my eyes widened when his stares met mine that I quickly avoid looking at him. Gosh, he looks so scary with those sharp eyes him! Thankfully, his eyes aren’t shining, or else we might mistake him for those evil creatures because of his bright red eyes!   Instead of going to us, he proceeds to go towards where the stair is with his hands in his pocket that I noticed there are some snows on his back and… did he go out with only those clothes? It was as if he’s just wearing a black sleeveless shirt!   And if I were the leader, I might order them to let him since he’s terrifying, however, I think anger got into them, especially to Zariyah, who shouted.   “Hey, participate in our meeting!”   As my heart suddenly felt nervous when he stopped walking through the stair, as slowly, his sharp glaring eyes met us that I even felt Selene hold into my arms, as Zariyah took a step back from it.   But we all sighed deeply in relief when he turned his gaze back towards the stair as he started walking again, yet we heard him speaks.   “That’s boring. All of you could do that, stupid freaks! I prefer going to sleep than being with all of you.” He said so harshly and cold as we watched him until he disappeared from our sight.   All of us looked at each other after it, as I think there will be someone we will be having a hard time being with. He’s so scary that I don’t think we won’t be able to live in peace with him on the same roof with us.   I secretly shook my head to erase my thoughts. No, my parents didn’t raise me to become judgemental. Maybe he has some problem, that’s why he acted like that, right? I should’ve known him more so I could’ve helped him even he’s terrifying. Yeah, that’s right!   “I think that’s Kill Astaroth? The top 1?” I look in front, at them, when I heard someone speak. Thankfully, the living room is vast, that’s why everyone’s fine here. I lean on the side of the couch as Selene sits down on it.   “Yeah, his full name is Killian Astaroth,” We all look at the man with green hair when he speaks. No, it isn’t the light one, but the dark shade of green that’s on his hair, and I don’t know if it’s natural. Yvonne has silver hair, so no doubt if his hair is natural. He looks like the guy who…   “Do you know him?”   My eyes widened as I finally remembered him.   He was the one who helped me when that Kill rudely bumped into me on the entrance examination day!   “He’s my childhood friend,” he answered our questions as I couldn’t help but to creased my forehead. Really? Then why…   “Really? Then why does he acts like that?” Yvonne said my thoughts as I could’ve seen that she’s also curious. It could’ve to be seen in her eyes, especially when she’s too visible, as if she doesn’t know how to hide her expressions. That’s when I said she’s too innocent.   But the man only lowered his stares at the ground. Uh, oh.   I think there’s some kind of problem between these childhood friends, huh?   Love Quarrel? No, I don’t think they’re gay. I mean, I don’t have any problems regarding gay people, I even think they’re cool! But these two, I don’t believe they are gay.   The way they move and their body… it’s just that they’re so manly with everything they do— even this fragile-looking guy in front of us. Most importantly, that rude guy… err, why do I even see him as manly when he’s too harsh? I shouldn’t compliment him! He must apologize to me and us first!   No, I don’t think he would. After all, he doesn’t even do anything wrong to apologize at.   “It sucks having a foul-mouthed childhood friend, huh?” Zariyah said as she pouted as if imagining having a childhood like that.   I couldn’t even imagine it too.   We heard a clap. “Alright, let’s start planning without him. Just tell us what he could do uhm…?” The man— who has authority and personality to become our president said. Right, tomorrow will be the start of our classes, yet at the schedule we received, the first week is homeroom since we should plan already everything, and one of it is voting for our officers, so everything must be placed into pieces.   “Lucian. And yeah, he could do everything,” Lucian answered and… what did he say again?   “Everything?” They all said in unison as we look at that man— Lucian as if he’s kidding. He’s kidding? No, I don’t think he is since he seems so severe at what he’s saying!   But really? That rude guy could do everything? And… what does he mean everything after all?   But then, as he started explaining things, we couldn’t help but be shocked at what he’s saying it, and it was as if he’s been with him ever since they’re children that he knows him already!   “Yeah, everything. Including cleaning, washing, cooking, acing the examinations and such, playing instruments— if you’re curious about that, and many more.” I heard some of the girls gasped, as they are shocked at that revelation. I am shocked too! I don’t think someone’s also perfect to be able to do those things!   Is there any person existing like that aside from him?   No, the question is…   “Is there anything he couldn’t do?” I heard Yuki said. But Lucian just shook his head.   I really couldn’t believe it! I don’t think Lucian’s joking because I think he wasn’t the type like that. Especially when he’s saying those words as if he’s so serious about it! Gosh! Really… oh my gosh!   “Wow, he’s almost perfect. Just his attitude that’s needing to be fixed,” Yvonne said as she chuckled. And would you believe me when I said she said those words innocently as if she’s just praising him?   Gosh, the power of Yvonne Levina.   “What a lucky, talented bastard.” Our future president said as I still don’t know his name is. Right. We have to introduce ourselves today, or else we’ll do it tomorrow. Introduction… I'm not too fond of it. I really don’t.   “But you could count to him when it comes to fighting,” Lucian defended him, and for me, I’m kinda saluting on him since he’s even trying to clean that rude guy’s name even I could see that he doesn’t even treat him good. Having that kind of childhood friend is unique, after all, the one who will be with you at everything, and such, despite everything you’ve done.   I just hope he doesn’t get tired of chasing that man.   “He isn’t number 1 for nothing,” Selena whispered that I think all of us heard.   I saw the familiar hairstyle in my peripheral vision, and I think he’s the only one who has that kind of hair in this world… maybe? As I was about to ignore him but then, Yvonne being Yvonne.   “But our Dashiel here is almost perfect, right?” Yvonne said as she pointed to Dashiel, who just came down from the stairs while he’s wiping his eyes as if he just woke up. Girls around us suddenly gasped, as I think I saw their eyes turned into the heart a little after seeing Dashiel.   I looked at Yvonne and saw her grinning while looking at our classmates’ faces. It isn’t just girls who are shocked after all, since boys are even surprised when they saw him, but only a few of them since some of them look neutral— I mean, it was as if they’re used to Dashiel’s presence.   “Dash! Oh em gi, we’re classmates again!” Said some girls as I noticed some boys who just nodded their head at him.   That’s when I realized what Yvonne said back then. Their classmates took an examination, and she’s asked Dashiel if he saw them, but maybe they have different schedules; that is why the only ones I’ve been with were Dashiel and Yvonne only.   “Hi. So, what do we have here?” He said so naturally with his naturally bored expression as he walks closer to us. It was as if he completely forgot that we have our meetings today…   “We’re on meeting!” Yvonne explained as she giggles. Realization entered Dashiel’s face as I saw his eyes widen a little from shock, but he quickly fixed his expression.   “Oh… right. I forgot.” He said so short and… really? Does he really look so bored almost all the time?   As girls watched him just before he sits at one of the couches. “So what are we going to meeting at? It isn’t finished yet, right?” He asked so attentively, and that broke what’s the imaginary bubbles we have inside of us that made us back into the right path.   It was as if everyone just remembered the reason why we’re here. We got too curious regarding that Killian guy that we forget our real agenda here.   Killian Astaroth… named after an evil demon and kill, what a weird and unique name he holds. I wonder what’s his ability.    
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