Chapter 8

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Trials for being part of the Mages section.   “Hey, stop it,”   We all turned our attention to Mr. Monaghan when we heard him speaks. I sighed in relief as I saw that I’m not the only one who did that. The girls around in our room look so tense as if they were saved by someone unexpectedly… which is true.   Mr. Monaghan stood up, that’s when I noticed that his eyes are red right now as his attention is focused at Killian.   Killian, on the other side, groaned. “Let me go! They provoked me,” He said so harshly as if defending himself before looking at where Zariyah is. If I were the girl, I mean, a soft girl like her, I might already be crying in fear especially when Killian’s eyes will stare at her. However, Zariyah’s kind of courageous girl as if she’ll do everything to reach that dream of her.   “I told you no breaking of things, Mr. Le Doux. And you, provoking him despite that you already know he isn’t the type for that position, Miss Cross. One’s fault is everyone’s fault. Change into your PE uniform and meet me in the field. Right now!” His voice echoed to the whole place just as when he turned his back and started walking towards the door.   Right after he got out, the ragging Killian cursed aloud as he goes out of the room furiously as we’ve heard the door being closed in much force that even I, that was far from it, covered my eyes from that sound.   “Oh em gi, I’m sorry guys! I never thought he’ll get mad at that petty thing! I’m really sorry!” Zariyah repeatedly said as I could see that she’s really guilty. I know that she didn’t expect the outcome that’s why she looks like that.   Ashton came to her aid as he patted her shoulder. “It’s okay, it’s already done. Just don’t do it next time, okay?” He said as Zariyah nodded repeatedly.   “I won’t. I’m really sorry,” She said as she looks at our classmates. They nodded and smiled at her.   “Don’t worry about him. Maybe he’s just like that. Don’t be scared,” Said Keith, another kind man from this room. No… everyone’s really kind, except Killian, of course. “Let’s go? Maybe Mr. Monaghan will be mad more if ever we let him wait.” And he has a point.   I stood up. I am nervous about what will happen, but yeah, everything happens for a reason, right?   We quickly changed our gym clothes just before we proceed to the field that Mr. Monaghan told us to. As when we gathered there, we saw him waiting for us impatiently on his face as I thought we’ll get shouted at, but he just looked at me and said.   “Let’s play a game, my students.” He said that all of us looked at each other.   I don’t know, but I instantly became nervous at it.   “We’ll play track n field. There’s no rule aside from don’t kill your classmates,” Mr. Monaghan said as he looks at Killian, who scowled a little bit more while his hands are crossed at his chest with his sour expression still. I quickly look back at Mr. Monaghan as he was saying who the teammates are.   “… Clover, Vermillion, Raven.” My eyes widen as I look at Yvonne, who gave me a thumbs-up, as beside her is Dashiel, who just nodded. Mr. Monaghan said the other teams too as I gasped since Zariyah is with Killian and Lucian! Uh oh…   I looked at Ashton, asking a favor like a parent to look for his children. It was as if he got it. After all, he’s the class President. Even the selection of officers wasn’t still done, we already trust him.   “Alright, the first one to complete five tracks will be the winner.” Mr. Monaghan said as he holds his stopwatch in his right hand, setting time at it. As all of us lined up at the track n field, readying ourselves. “Ready—”   As Killian spoke. “We are allowed to use our ability,” He said as he’s just at the right side of us, only two people dividing us from each other— and thankfully, Dashiel is one of it. And he wasn’t asking, but he’s stating it as Sir Monaghan nodded to confirm it.   “Go,” As he said it, I heard explosions from Killian’s ability itself, just as when in just a blink of an eye, he’s already far ahead of us!   “Oh my gosh, follow him, Dash!” Yvonne shouted that I heard before she pulled me to her with another three teammates of ours. It didn’t take a while when the entire path became frozen as Dashiel started sliding on it at a fast speed. The other classmates of ours stumbled, just as when we heard Mr. Monaghan speaks.   “The group who will be placed at the lowest spot will clean the whole dormitory,” And as if it’s the power button of them that they started to get their ass up and produce their own abilities, as Yvonne pulled me and I just noticed her wings!   Oh right, that’s why I’m moving already.   “Lux, Keanu, Zanea, can you fight with your abilities? Artemis here couldn’t control her air, so we must guide her.” Yvonne explained to me as I saw them nodded their heads.   “I can slide at this ice,” Zanea said as it didn’t take a while when I saw water coming through her palms, just as when she did it as if she’s riding it!   At the front of us, I saw my classmates using their abilities to stumble others so they’ll get in their ways. After all, we must fight in able not to be placed at the lowest spot.   “I can too,”   “Basic. Let go of us Yvonne, we’ll win it,”  Lux and Keanu said as before Yvonne let them go. And they are right since I saw Keanu and Lux just ran as they’re using their abilities— fire and lightning, to support themselves.   I look at Yvonne as I felt her aura changed. Now, she’s smirking while holding my waist. “Rock ‘n roll!” Just as when she speeds up through the path that we successfully passed through our classmates.   But of course, they wouldn’t let us as slowly; they started throwing some of their abilities to us that Yvonne quickly invading. However, it was kind of hard since she’s carrying me as she knows that once she didn’t, we’ll get the lowest spot since I couldn’t use my ability with this one.   But… even just for a bit… just to support her… I want to try.   I look at those abilities they are throwing at us as I concentrated. Just as when I lifted my hand and pointed it to them, suddenly, it was as if there’s an invisible block in front of them that made them stop as they slide through Dashiel’s ice. They clustered in one place as I heard their “awws,” and “ouch” as I smile at what I successfully did.   I heard Yvonne’s chuckles. “I told you, just trust yourself when it comes to your ability; after all, it’s you who’s controlling it,” I heard her said just as when she increased her speed.   The field is massive. But it didn’t take a while when slowly, we’re coming closer to those who are leading. It’s Dashiel and Killian as I saw them fighting with their own abilities that they didn’t notice Lucian with his fast speed— as I noticed that maybe his ability is lightning? Like he’s inflicting those lightning through his body, so his strengths are increasing? Maybe   And at Lucian’s back are us, both Yvonne and I.   It didn’t take a while when… Bruno? Walked past us with his super-speed? My eyes widen as earlier; he’s just running at his natural speed! And when he saw my expression, he smirked and saluted at me.   “I’ll be going, if you don’t mind, pretty ladies!” He said as he passes through us. He even passed at Dashiel and Killian that were both shocked at its speed, just as when those two finally stopped fighting with each other as they saw Bruno as their enemies.   “Stop right there, you speedy shrimp! I’ll be the number one!” Killian shouted just as when he made an explosion— a thunderous and powerful explosion that even Lucian and Dashiel and, of course, Yvonne and I were affected by its pressure! Even we’re flying, and we were almost stumbled backward at how powerful it is!   “Damn! that rank one is so powerful!” Yvonne, for the first time, I heard her curse. I was kind of shock, especially when I look up. I saw her face even annoyed— far from her being the most innocent and soft girl I know since once she used her ability, she’s like getting the demon’s personality too!   She’s scary!   “And the number two doesn’t want to lose,” I heard from our back as from there, I saw Zariyah with herself as if floating too, that I couldn’t help but to wonder how the hell she did that, since I know her ability isn’t air!   Just as when I gasped since Zariyah only holds Yvonne and slowly… “What the hell?” Yvonne said as she is gradually turning back into her real self once she’s not using her ability, as we both looked at Zariyah who’s smiling big, that’s when I noticed that… oh, ice on her feet. Ashton’s making her float, I think.   “My ability is about negating magic! Sorry, Yvonne! You have three minutes cooldown!” She said as before she slides at the ice again, and at her back is Ashton supporting her.   Yvonne pouted. “Cheater! I thought we’re friends!” She said aloud, just as when others started to get passed at us.   Zariyah laughed. “We are! But not when it comes to cleaning, I hate that!” She shouted as the distance between us increased.   We’ve already passed three tracks with Yvonne’s ability, so it means, once they completed another one, it means we’ll be at the lowest spot even Dashiel made it. We don’t want our team to lose, especially since even Lux and Keanu are doing their best.   And come to think of it. It’s only Yvonne she holds, so the only one she negated the magic is Yvonne, which means…   I felt the air around me as Yvonne looks at me with wide eyes. “Wait… don’t tell me,” She said, a little shocked, but I could still feel the smile on her face.   I was kind of nervous since I haven’t really control it entirely as to how I want it to be. So I am kind of hesitant right now.   And it was as if Yvonne felt it, so she suddenly holds both of my shoulders. “Artemis Valkyrie, you aren’t named after war names for nothing. Artemis and Valkyrie are both powerful people, so I know you are powerful too. Trust yourself and the ability you hold,” As I’m putting in my heart everything she said to me.   Just as when the air around us increased, that even from a distance, I felt their stares through us as I know, they felt the air too.   Just as when I sighed before looking at Yvonne. “Would you like to ride into a small tornado?” After all, if I maintain my ability at its minimum level, I might control it.   Yvonne repeatedly nodded as I saw her expressions— both excited and… excited again. She didn’t even know that she might lose her life once I got out of control, but of course, I won’t let it, and I wouldn’t break her trust of believing in me since I said, if someone believes in me, even she’s the only one in the world who keeps believing on me, I’ll keep striving forward.   As I closed my eyes and let the air surrounds me, just as when I hold her hand before I could feel ourselves floating and I could hear her “Wow,” from what I did.   I slowly commanded my ability to push through while keeping at its minimum level. Yet, my minimum is like flash, that I felt Yvonne’s grip on my shoulder tightened just as when we successfully passed through them and in just a blink of an eye, we already passed through Bruno. He slowed down to watch at us, as we’re already at the finish line… with Killian when I let my ability disappeared.   “Wow, that was amazing, Artemis!” Yvonne said as she’s looking at me so proudly, and it didn’t take a while when Dashiel entered the finish line with a smirk on his lips. As my classmates followed, just as when we heard Sir Monaghan spoke with his loud.   “Congratulations, both Killian and Dashiel’s team. However, I’m just kidding with what I said that the lowest spot would clean the whole section of your dorm. It’s the one who got the first spot, and since two teams won, you will decide how you would do the chores, and one of them is cooking. I’m looking forward to eating with you later, my students.” Sir Monaghan said as he smiled… more like, smirked, while it was as if our world just crashed right in front of our face, as we heard our classmates’ laughs and glee.   “That’s unfair, Sir!” Killian said with his harsh voice while looking at Sir Monaghan, followed by Dashiel’s protests.   “He’s right, Sir. You must proceed to what you’ve promised.” Yet even he said it, he’s so calm. Why does these two are completely opposite of each other?   But what Mr. Monaghan said brings dread to our feelings. “I promised something? I don’t, right? And are you opposing your mentor?” He said so dangerously that both Dashiel and Killian couldn’t answer his question and decided to stay silent.   “My words are absolute since I am your mentor, and you must follow me since how could you become the greatest mages if even a simple command, you could follow? Now, do what I said. Go back into your room and just a little change. Everyone will design your dorm into a beautiful one. I’ll look at it later and give you a grade regarding your performance, dismissed.” He said as he started walking away from us.   So, in the end, we’re all here, and we’re doing our best to design the whole dorm. No, actually, they are, since Killian and I was assigned to cook in which, we have no other choice since if I just helped them, I think I might just make the work slower and if Killian’s on there… I guess he’ll destroy things with his anger.   That’s why right now, even at his calm facades, the way he slices those ingredients are so fast as I couldn’t believe what I am seeing. I don’t know if he’s really good at it or he’s mad from earlier? I don’t know, really, since I couldn’t understand him.   “What are you looking at?” He suddenly speaks using his harsh voice to quickly turn to faces what I am cooking at. I didn’t answer him for fear that he might get mad. Truth to be told, I’m petrified of him.   But curious enough to know the reason why he’s so mad at Lucian. I could feel it, that there’s a deeper reason why he acts like that and right now, that we’re alone; I couldn’t help but ask him.   “Why are you mad at Lucian?” He stopped at what he’s doing. I instantly regretted what I did.   “Why do you care?” He said using his harsh and loud voice that even a lion, the king of the jungle, would get scared at what he’s acting right now.   “I’m just curious,” I stammered. Just as when I heard his mockingly laughs.   “Right, birds with same feather flocks together.” I don’t know, but I got hurt by his words that I could help but fight back.   “You’re so harsh, Killian. Why are you like that?” I took all the courage to ask him that question, but when I saw his sharp eyes boring into me, piercing through my soul, I couldn’t help but shiver especially when I heard his question.   “Are you sure at who you are questioning about?” He started walking towards me as I stepped back in fear… the fear of being close to him as if he’ll do anything to me. “Do you want to be at a hospital right now?” He said, that just added gasoline into my igniting fear that’s why it’s too big right now!   But... “I know you c-can’t do that,” I said, stammering as I stopped when I was at the corner already, and it didn’t take a while when he cornered me.   He placed both his hands on the wall behind me just as when he lowered himself to equal my gazes, as right now, I couldn’t escape his sharp, scary bright red eyes.   “I could. Do you want me to kill you?” He just whispered those words, but it brought too much fear through my whole body. I couldn’t answer in fear as I could feel my body shaking. “Good. So I was hoping you wouldn’t talk to me and keep pushing me to my limits. Your voices are irritating me, all of you. Just shut up and do your things.” He said so sharply before he turned his back and go to where he stopped at that I wanted to cry as I continue what I was doing, but I couldn’t. I stopped myself from crying.   I shouldn’t cry over petty things, right? Be brave, Artemis. Be brave.   Don’t cry in front of him.   This is just one of the trials you must face.  
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