Chapter 13

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Slowly, those mysteries are being appeared. “We must wait for whatever the doctor will say, maybe they could already have a solution to this kind of problem,” Ms. Hera, who's trying to be positive, said even I could see that she's really not sure of what's happening especially that… I think they know what are the side effects of having a boss's venom inside your body. I've never heard any news about it, so I don't know why they're like this and I'm not really sure what's happening or what's going to happen but one thing for sure, Killian's in danger, and if I could help, I will do everything to help him. This time, I'm going to help him with everything I could, just as how he helped us to escape from those bunch of demons. And because deep inside me, I'm blaming myself since if it wasn't because of me, maybe Killian won't be on the place where he is right now. Ms. Hera led me as I look back towards my classmates as Mr. Monaghan's voice echoing through the room. He's asking them to stay still since it's already dark, and going there with everyone would only bring disturbance to the hospital itself. Lucian even asked to come but Mr. Monaghan promised that he'll get some permit from the principal to let them go out of the Academy and let them visit Killian once the sun rises, which they have no other choice but to accept it. I waved at Yvonne who's looking at me with concern on her face since Mr. Monaghan also said that I must've been tested too since a little wound or even a drop of the boss's blood in our skin could do many things including this. As we walked through, Ms. Hera's explaining things to me regarding the boss's blood and venoms. “There are many bosses and you could determine them the way they stand and even the size they have, in which the boss that Killian defeated is just one of the big boss's underlings,” She looks at me as if watching my expression. “You get me? That's why they must test you too even you're unwounded when we saw you. Just to be clear.” “It's okay for me, Miss...” I bit my lips as I tried myself not to continue it. But it seems like she got what's I'm trying to say already since she sighed. “It's not your fault. We don't even know that the boss contains fast regenerating venom inside him, now I'm wondering how Killian Astaroth killed him… unpredictable child,” She said those last words as whispered as if she's just talking to herself before she looks at me and continued her lectures again. “As I've said, the bosses have different abilities, and that fast regeneration is one of them. Normal demons, those that you could've always see in the news regarding assault, doesn't have an ability to think and speak as the only thing they could do is to hunt and prey for their foods.” “However, the bosses are different, since they contain a little power that's from something, which we assumed that there are someone… or somebody after those bosses just like what Killian killed. A boss… or a group of big bosses that are giving some of their powers to their underlings in able to conquer this world.” I carefully listen to everything she's saying as I put every knowledge I've learned inside my mind as new information that I should be learning in this world, since this is a vast land, and it means there are still some random things we haven't explored about. As Ms. Hera looks at me, “That's what we are trying to stop, and that's the reason why we, Mages, exists in this world.” I hugged my body when she opened the glass door of the entrance of this dormitory, as a cold breeze from outside engulfed my body. I haven't had any time to wear thick clothes since everything happened so fast, as inside of this dormitory has a heater so you wouldn't feel the cold atmosphere outside of it. And yeah, when it's dark, the coldness is intensifying until I just saw myself shivering as I tightly hugged my body, before I made the air around me a little warmer to ease the coldness I'm feeling. Ms. Hera smiled when she felt it before she put her flames around me like caging me but truth to be told, she's just warming me up, and the reason that my air right now is hot, her flames ignited a little that caused her smile to widen. “You know how to ignite a fire, huh?” She said that I looked at her questioning before I shook my head. Her smile faded as her amazement turned into disbelief, “What, you don't?” “I'm not doing anything, Miss, aside from making my air warm…” Maybe my warm air is the one who made her fire ignited? “Weird,” She whispered. Our attention quickly turned into the machine that stopped right in front of us. A limousine, that a butler suddenly got out before he opened the door for us. Ms. Hera removed her ability that surrounded me as I intensify my warm air around since it's really cold. Just as when Ms. Hera entered and I followed, we were quickly assisted by someone who gave a thick furry jacket into me since I'm only wearing thin clothes. “Report what happened to me, Hera,” A voice from the darkest part of this limousine said, that I'm having a hard time seeing the person's face since yeah, it's really dark. But based on what the person is wearing, with white tuxedo all over his outfit, he's a man. “Yes, Headmaster,” As my eyes widen when Ms. Hera said it. I quickly stood straight. That's why his voice sounds familiar since he was the one who talked to me at the practical entrance exam! As Ms. Hera started reporting, I watched the Headmaster with everything he does. Even at his age, the way he moves shouts authority and respectable that even his movements are really fine and sharp. I quickly lowered my gaze when I felt him shifted his gaze into me, just as when Ms. Hera's done reporting and explaining the reason why I'm with them. “So Ms. Raven is here since they're requesting for her to get tested too?” Mr. Headmaster looks at me that I don't know whether I should smile at him or what. Thankfully, he quickly turned back his attention to Ms. Hera that in my peripheral vision, I saw her nodded her head. “Yes, Headmaster, to know if she'll be quarantined too, just like Mr. Le Doux,” My eyes widened at what I've heard. Oh my god! I will be quarantined? I've heard about what's happening inside the quarantine station of the hospital. It was said that the place is a living Tartarus… a living hell! You will be treated like animals and will be avoided as much as they could, especially since venom could be transferred in just a single bite or such. “Oh… that child wouldn't be quarantined.” As I transferred to Mr. Headmaster, I saw him smiled. “He's a strong man and this is just nothing to him.” I nodded. He's right. Killian wouldn't be that prideful if he's as weak as a sheep. But no, Killian is like a lion, the king of jungle… or even a dragon, the king of the sky. “But the venom, Sir,” Ms. Hera said in which, Mr. Headmaster just smiled assuredly to her. “He'll be fine, just trust our young Le Doux since he isn't someone who could be defeated by just a single venom, right, Ms. Raven?” Just like earlier, I don't know what I should answer to what he said. Thankfully, the limousine stopped as his attention turned into the outside. “Oh, we're here,” Mr. Headmaster said, just before a butler opened the door again as he's the first one to go out. Ms. Hera and I followed behind him, as from our back, the limousine starts to drive away as we proceed of entering the hospital. It was so big and so tall, and it's made of glass but despite it, you wouldn't be able to see what's inside, only the light coming from them. It was in H shape and it's located in the middle part of the city where there are too many tall buildings here, unlike the place where our Academy is located where only the Academy is the tallest building there. Before we could even enter, three nurses quickly blocked our path. They are wearing their PPEs and it's what makes those people around look into our place in wonders. “We believed that she's the one we must test, Miss,” The head of the nurses said as Ms. Hera quickly opposed her words. “She was unharmed,” It was as if she's informing them but the head nurse just shook her head. “Just to be sure, Ma'am,” She said. Ms. Hera couldn't do anything but nod as the two male nurses assisted me towards a place, in which Ms. Hera followed at our back and Mr. Headmaster is now nowhere to be a sight at. They assisted me in a very big elevator that's opposite of where some people are going. Ms. Hera remained at our back as she was let in the elevator, however, they kept a distance for us even earlier we're even close to each other. As the elevator opened, and I was welcomed by a very clean and white place surrounded by types of equipment I don't know what are those for. There are also many rooms, and I was assisted at a room where at the side of my eyes, I saw a nurse talked to Ms. Hera, enough for her to stop walking until she quickly disappeared in my gaze because of the door closing. I turned my attention in front as I saw a doctor who was looking at the telescope earlier, turned her attention to me as even she's wearing a mask, I saw her smiling because of the upturning of her eyes. “You must be Miss Artemis Raven,” She said in which, I nodded. She pointed a the hospital bed where she's asking me to sit. “Please sit, it'll only take a little since we'll just test if you're positive or negative through the virus that the venoms of demons have.” She said in which I nodded. She got a clean syringe before she clicked something on the machine, as the head nurse earlier started wiping my skin with some wipe with alcohol I think before I heard the doctor started asking things. “Have you had any wounds from the demons?” She asked as she started to collect things she'll use, like, test kits or such. I shook my head even she couldn't see me. “No, I was unharmed,” since someone protected me. The doctor nodded before she turned to face me. “Any liquid coming from the demons itself? Like, saliva, blood, or even sweat?” My forehead creased. Do demons sweat? “No, Doctor,” I answered her question truthfully. She nodded her head. “To be clear since we don't want for the same incident to happen again,” She said as she started walking towards where I am, holding a clean syringe on her right hand. I nodded as I closed my eyes. It's the first time I'll ever feel it after all. Something pricked my skin as I kept my eyes closed before I felt her removed it, followed by placing cotton on the place where she prickled me. That's when I opened my eyes and even from the distance, I saw her put my blood into a big and thin capsule-like something before she placed some of the remaining blood on a rectangular something that I think, is the test kit, before she placed it inside a machine as she clicked something on it, and from there, I saw number 15 counting down. “Can I ask where's the man, Doc?” I know since she's talking about the incident… at what Killian happened. She looks at me, removed her face mask, and smile warmly at me. “You can visit him but you must use something like what they are wearing,” She said as she pointed at those men who assisted me here, in which I nodded. “It's okay,” I said, just as when the machine opened where it has some kind of red light on it before she smiled at me as she got the printed paper from it that she gave me. “Negative. Alright, please assist her since she's with the greatest Mage, we don't want to disappoint them,” The Doctor said and smile at me, which I smiled back as my eyes traveled into the name tag she has as I read her name before I smile. “Thank you, Miss Sanchez,” I said to her in which she just nodded and continue giving me the warm smile she has before the nurses assisted me in wearing those PPEs. “Just show them your certificate of the test, hmm?” She said in which, I nodded and said thank you again. As we get out, I saw Miss Hera and she's already wearing the same PPE as I am before we were assisted into a place far deeper from where we are. We even rode an elevator going down until it opened, and from here, we saw more people wearing the same PPEs, no, almost everyone here is wearing them. They continued to assist us until we reached the end of the path, in which there's a big door but right after we entered, a gas suddenly sprayed into our body before they asked us to remove our PPEs. “Just don't enter the inside room,” The head nurse said before she excused herself. Ms. Hera and I proceeded to enter another room as from there, I saw Mr. Headmaster sitting on a chair as if he's been here earlier. He stood up when he saw us. “How's the test, Ms. Raven?” He asked as he approached us. I quickly got the small paper on my jacket's pocket to show it to him. “Negative, Sir,” I said. He nodded right before he looks at the room where Killian is sleeping with a machine covering his mouth as if to let him breathe. “I was informed that his body's fighting the venoms by making his temperature hot, however, because of the fast regenerating of that virus, his body couldn't cope up with it, that's why he must be monitored here until he's fine,” Mr. Headmaster said before he looks at me. “Miss Raven, do you want to come into him?” I look at him with wide eyes but he just smiles assuredly at me. “But they asked us not to enter the inside room…” I said with a low voice, unsure if I should follow what they're saying but they just smiled at me. “Not unless they'll know about it. Go,” Ms. Hera said as when I look at her, she's smiling at me as if assuring me that I should enter inside, so I nodded. Ms. Hera opened the door with her ability in which I don't know how she did that, just before Headmaster nodded at me with a smile on his face, so I nodded too and entered the room. I was careful as I walked closer to where Killian is peacefully sleeping. I heard the door closing that caused me to look at my back, before proceeding of going to where Killian is sleeping on the bed. I sighed heavily as I look into his state. My eyes traveled into his left shoulder in which I saw the bandage covering it before I gently placed my hand on it as I carefully brushed the bandage with my finger, tracing the whole arm. Just as when I was about to remove it when I'm at his hand's level when quickly, his hand suddenly covered my hand that caused me to gasp before my attention turned into his face followed by the opening of his eyes. And after he opened his eyes, the first he did was to glare at me, before he forcefully removed what's covering his mouth, followed by his harsh voice. “What the f**k I am doing here?” Followed by a very loud explosion coming from his right hand. Before the sound of alarm echoed to the whole room that my eyes widen in panic, but I couldn't go out since Killian's holding my hand tightly and glaring at me as if asking for some answers regarding at what he asked. Before the door harshly opened as I was moved aside by those nurses before they quickly turned back into Killian who's now glaring at everyone who wanted to make him lie on bed again, as I saw one of them placed a syringe on his shoulder to get blood, give it to someone else that they placed it in a rectangular something that reminds me of the test earlier. “Holy f*****g, let me go, you dirty hags! What are you doing to me?!” Killian's voice echoed but my attention focused on someone who entered the room. Ms. Sanchez entered the room in a panic with the same machine she's holding right now. She looks oblivious to my presence as she's focused on what she's holding at before I felt Ms. Hera and the Headmaster beside me, as all of us heard what the doctor said that sounds in disbelief. “It's now negative… just when it was minutes earlier when he was tested positive in venom…” She said in disbelief, before looking back to where the ragging Killian is, who's trying to push those nurses who are even using their caging abilities to stop him.  
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