Chapter 12

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Make the impossible thing possible. Because of what happened, and the reason that the place was almost destroyed with their fight at those demons, the Academy decided to just build a big house in that place that will be the new house of those people, and in which, it was said that the house will be built with fine materials and of course, with tight securities so those demons couldn't harm them anymore. They are really taking responsibility for what happened even when they just protected the people from those demons, and which is more reason for me to look up to this Academy right now. Ms. Hera, together with Mr. Monaghan and other professors in our Academy discussed it with us since they said that we shouldn't be worried about it anymore. They even gave us applause— both Killian and I, since we successfully evacuated those people since if we didn't do it, maybe those people are already dead today. One thing I've learned from Ms. Hera, those demons could smell someone who's about to die from illness, so even without my light that shone that time, they're still going to that place to feast with the woman who was about to die. And thankfully, I've healed her— which is still unknown to us, especially to me of course. It happens earlier that the woman really came to see me, who's crying in joy as she almost bows her head to the land from the gratitude she's feeling. In my case, of course, I'm willing to help her, and for me, I'm also thankful for what happened since that's when I realized I have some abilities hidden beneath myself, and it isn't just about air, but an ability that's already thought to be dead for decades. Now, looking at both of my hands, I still couldn't believe that I hold that kind of ability. Healing… an ability that was believed to belong to the myths. And now we are going back to our Academy but then… “Artemis, sit with Killian! Zion and I have something to talk about, right Zion?” Yvonne's voice surpassed my ear once I entered the bus and was about to sit at our seat earlier but then, I heard what she said. But Zion, who's beside her, looks so clueless. “Ah, yeah?” Yet he decided to join at Yvonne's trip by sitting on the place where I'm supposed to be, even whatever Yvonne's trip is. So I got no other choice but to go in Killian's seat since it's the only available seat as everyone already settled into theirs. I got some sympathetic stares mixture with pity and nervousness for me, but I'm fine. I'll be fine, maybe. I sat down in silence as I thought Killian would shout at me, telling me to sit anywhere but beside him, but he just shoots me a glimpse before transferring his gaze outside the bus's window. My classmates completely come back into their own business but I could feel some of them watching us, waiting for what Killian will do to me. But I think, he's fine. He's not that scary, because of the way he looks at. He may have a foul mouth but he wouldn't be Killian if he isn't like that. Just don't push him to the limits of his patience. I took a side stares at him as the first one I've noticed is the little bandages on his right arm, what about his left side, right? Since I really saw his uniform earlier and it was full of blood. If it may be the demon's blood and he has wounds on that side, then it'll be more dangerous since the demon's blood is toxic, and the venom might enter his body through his wounds. “Are you okay?” I asked him since I couldn't stop myself because of what's I've been thinking and was quickly engulfed in embarrassment when I noticed his headset. I was fully focused on his wounds that I didn't notice that something's on his ear! I decided to face in front and act as if nothing had happened when I was kind of shocked when I heard him answered my question. “I'm fine, no need to worry,” As I look at him, that's when I noticed the other side of his headset— at the left part, isn't on his ear! My face quickly heated up at the realization as I quickly averted my gaze from him and nervously laughed. “Alright then,” I bit my lower lip as I could feel the fast beating of my heart. I know it's only because of shocked and nervousness. But please calm yourself, Artemis Valkyrie! My eyes accidentally stopped at the seat where Yvonne is, and I saw her eyes looking at me and even Zion, who's acting as if he's playing on his PSP, I could still feel him taking a glimpse at us from time to time! I glared at Yvonne but the woman just laughed before she completely got Zion's attention as they started walking about something. I sighed heavily as I look in front, but then I realized I still have foods I didn't finish eating— Yvonne made me bring them! I got my Ruffles in flavored Sour Cream as I opened it, took a piece, and placed it in my mouth before I turned into Killian to offer it. Just like earlier, he just gave me a small gaze as he shook his head before transferring his gaze at the window in which I got the message. He doesn't want it. Well, I want it since I haven't eaten some potato chips like this and when I saw how much it is, I don't think I would waste too much money on a piece of junk food, Yvonne does. As I didn't realize I've completely dozed off from that long trip going back into our Academy, as I only woke up when I felt gently pats on my cheeks that's when I opened my eyes, I was quickly shocked as my eyes widen when my face welcomed Killian's glaring eyes. “Get up, sleepyhead. Your head's too heavy and I couldn't get out because of you,” And because of what he said, I quickly stood up but then, my vision almost turned black from the sudden standing, and thankfully, I was able to hold into a seat. “Tch, careful,” Killian said before he completely goes off. That's when I noticed that some of my classmates are already out so I gathered my things too and started to go out of the bus. As when I got out, I saw others trying to help the professors of getting the remaining things but my eyes quickly find Yvonne who's grinning at me. I walked towards her as we are about to go into our dorm with some of my classmates, just as when I heard Zariyah speaks. “I saw it, Artemis. You, leaning on Killian's shoulder. Thankfully he didn't kill you,” She said and laughed. I grimaced at what she said. I didn't… I mean, I never asked myself to fall asleep especially the trip is too long! I secretly wipe the side of my lips to see if there are some… you know, and thankfully, there's none. “Well, Zion and I took a picture of them,” As Yvonne showed her phone, as my eyes widen when I saw my face on it. I mean, it's close up as if she zoomed it so our face could really be seen at those pictures! “Hey!” And before I could get it from here, Zariyah quickly hide it, as I noticed that she's already holding her phone and she's clicking something on it! “Let me have a copy of it, Yvonne! I'll show it to Lucian!” “Okay! Just don't delete it hmm?” As I couldn't do anything but to watch them, as to how our classmates are watching those two at what they're doing, and just as when Yuki and the others asked what is it and now, I don't have any choice but to just act deaf for whatever's going to happen to me. And I wasn't wrong, because when the dinner came, Yuki and Yvonne look at me with a malicious expression on their face, as they are grinning from ear to ear as if they're planning something. And I think I know whatever it is. “Who'll bring Killian's dinner to his room?” Ashton asked, and since it's Yuki who always brought Killian's dinner to his room like a royalty that he is, but the reason that Yuki's planning something so she said she couldn't bring Killian's dinner as she's doing something she couldn't tell. And the glint on their face is saying that… “Artemis will bring his foods,” Yuki said as she looks at Yvonne, and both of them giggles. Ashton, who's oblivious to what's happening since he was busy helping the professors earlier, nodded in confusion. “Sure?” As he looks at me as if asking for my permission. Do I have any other choice? So I just nodded my head and proceeded to go to his food. “Artemis, can you ask if Kill's okay?” Lucian said after a while that made me look at him and stopped for a while. I noticed how concerned he is, yet he couldn't come to Killian, and I know the reason why. They are letting their pride engulfed themselves. And it's not a good thing. But I just nodded and gave him a little smile. “Sure, I got it.” He just nodded at me before he proceeded of going to where the others are. I decided to go into Killian's floor with too many thoughts in my mind. Maybe if those two would only become okay, maybe we weren't problematic of the upcoming Intramurals. Mr. Monaghan said we should aim for the best, which is the first since there are scouts that could help us especially at our upcoming On The Job Training, which we will be assigned into some company and train with them as a Mage and to help to protect the people in this world. But still, right now, I still don't know the real problem within those two, and the reason why Killian's really mad of him to the point that he wouldn't go out of his room to participate even just by eating with us. Does he loath Lucian that deep? Maybe. It's been weeks after their battle and ever since they haven't really interacted with each other. As I said, they're letting their pride to win. Now, since I'm on the right floor, which is the last floor of our section, Ashton said I could just knock on Killian's door and leave the food outside his door but I'm don't like the idea of it, so now that I'm in front of his room, I knocked and waited, while holding the tray of foods in my hand. I noticed he's being too slow at opening his door to get his food. Maybe he's sleeping? As I was about to knock again when it suddenly opened. Killian, who's catching his breath welcomed into my sight. He quickly got the tray in my hand as I noticed some sweat on his forehead that I think he's just done working out, but then… this isn't the breathing of someone who just done working his body out. This is the breathing of someone suffering. So before he could close the door, I quickly stopped it with my hands and look at him with full of concern. “Killian, are you okay?” I am really concerned right now, that I noticed he's somehow sweating and having a hard time to breath and I don't think it's just something we must let go. “I'm fine, just go,” Even his voice sounds hoarse from having those feelings. I didn't even think twice to step inside his room and placed my hand on his forehead that my eyes widen since… he's as cold as an ice! “s**t!” I whispered, just before my eyes traveled into his left arm which is now bare and no bandage at all, but then, I saw it forming into violet something that the first thing that came into my mind is the demon's venom! “Killian, s**t! Why didn't you tell us about it!” I didn't even wait for his answer before I ran down towards the stairs… from the fourth floor of his room to the first floor where our classmates are brainstorming about what they are planning to do in our Intramurals. All of them look at me when they saw me running as if I'm running for my life, but no, I'm running because any minutes from now, as that venom spread into Killian's body, his life will be at stake. “Artemis, are you… what's happening?” Zariyah asked as I ran towards the telephone that's connecting our dorm to the headquarters of this Academy. I wasn't even answering her when I saw Lucian ran towards the stairs as if he knows already what's happening. Zion and Lux followed as Dashiel came into the telephone as he's the closest to it. I was catching my breath as I look into Zariyah who's looking at me with a scared expression on her face. I sighed heavily before answering. “Killian… the venom's spreading on his body,” I answered, stammering a little before I saw her facial expression turned into terror. “Holy s**t,” I heard her said, just as when I looked at Dashiel who's already asking for medics. Yvonne's already calling someone with her phone as I even noticed her biting her nails in nervousness. Bruno suddenly ran out of our dorm as the others run towards the stairs. And it didn't take a while as I saw medics inside our dorm as Bruno's carrying the nurse with his arms as I noticed the same liquid on the nurse's hand. It was followed by both Mr. Monaghan and Ms. Hera and beside them is Ashton who's catching his breath. “What's happening?” Mr. Monaghan said to me when they're finally in front of us. There are some students who are looking at our dorm right now but now isn't the time for this one! “The venom, Sir,” Just a little information I've said, yet they quickly got it. Ms. Hera's face turned into horror. “They successfully removed the venom inside Killian earlier, how did it happen?” “It's like, it's just slowed down the spreading of the venom but it wasn't fully removed.” Mr. Monaghan said as he's thinking something. “The demons' boss is what Killian killed, and every boss…” He couldn't even continue what he's saying but I quickly got it. Demon's bosses, their blood, and venoms are different from ordinary ones. I heard Yvonne's gasped, “Oh my god!” As Dashiel quickly intertwined. “I've already called the best hospital in our place, Sir,” “Good,” Mr. Monaghan said as Ms. Hera quickly assisted them by her fire so they could've quickly landed at the entrance of this dorm, that they wouldn't need to use the elevator. Just as the nurse quickly came in front of us. “Report, Sir, Miss. The venom inside his body is vastly mutating and we need an SSS+ cure to kill it.” As I got frozen from what I've heard. If it's an ordinary venom, they could've already kill it with the antidote they have in their care but since… it's the boss's venom, as what Mr. Monaghan is saying earlier… “But healing doesn't exist anymore… and the experiments are dangerous to use without completing the Phases.” Ms. Hera said problematically as she looks really scared of what's going to happen. But healing… I look through my palms. If only I could do what I did back then… I bit my lips as I look at them, that's when I noticed Mr. Monaghan watching me as he gave me a little nod as if he got it already despite that I haven't even speak a little before he looked at Ms. Hera and to the nurse. “Let's bring Ms. Raven and let her do the impossible,” Mr. Monaghan said with full trust, just before Ms. Hera looked at me as in her eyes, I saw realization— maybe she remembered that it was me who used a healing spell to heal that woman back then. I sighed heavily. “I'll do my best,”    
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