Are you sure?

1145 Words
Hayden  She must be afraid of me by now. I don’t know what to say to make her feel better. She sits beside me in total silence, almost unable to speak. I turn on the radio to try and calm the air, I see her relax slightly. I pull off to a side road just off the highway, turning off the engine. I turn to look at her, she stares straight ahead.  “I didn’t kill him, if that’s what you're afraid of” I say, raking my hand through my hair.  She whips around to look at me, “Why not?”  I am taken back by that, “Did you actually want me to kill your father?” I stare at her, expressionless. She thinks about it for a moment, “No, I suppose not.. It’s not worth it for you to go to jail.. But sometimes I wish someone would… So he can’t hurt anyone else..” I can see a tear slide down her cheek. It breaks my heart to see her cry, especially over a worthless man who doesn’t deserve her tears.  “I understand what you mean, but it’s better this way. You don’t want his blood on your hands, even second hand. Trust me on this, it’s better” I say as I wipe away her fallen tears.  She nods and looks at me, right in the eyes, “Do you think that makes me an awful person? Wanting him dead?” “Ha, not at all. In fact I’d be surprised if you didn’t” I can’t help but laugh, not at her but at her innocence. Her head hangs low for a moment.  “Savina?” I say her name, making her head snap back up, looking me in the eyes, searching for something. “What is it Hayden?”  “Well.. from what you told me, I really think you should file a police report about Troy..” Her eyes go wide as she stares at you in shock.  “I don’t.. I don’t think that’s a good idea” She is so freaked out, I feel bad for bringing it up. “If you're scared about him hurting you, you don’t have to be. I will protect you”  She stares blankly, not saying a word.  “Savina?” I call out her name, trying to make her snap back to reality.   “I don’t want to.” She snaps, her eyes lighting like fire. I feel taken back by her anger. I know I shouldn’t push it anymore, but I feel like telling someone is the right thing to do.  “If you don’t tell someone, he has nothing stopping him from doing it again...and again and again. It would be your guilty conscious eating you up if he does. Do you want that to happen Savina?” Suddenly she reaches over, slapping me across the face. The next moment she bounds from the car, slamming the door and starts walking down the street.  I sit in total shock for a moment before I get out and start to walk after her. I shouldn’t have said that to her, I feel like s**t now. I lick my lip, feeling a prickle of blood. I have to admit I am impressed with her, I didn’t think she had it in her. I smile to myself as I watch her walk away.  She has fight in her that’s for sure.  I catch up to her after letting her cool down for a few minutes, walking beside her, I can feel the heat coming off her body in waves.  “I’m sorry” I say evenly  She doesn’t slow down, just turns the corner, making a loop back to the car. She looks lost in thought.  “Fine I’ll do it, let’s go.” She mutters as she gets back in the car We drive in silence to the police station. I put my arm around her shoulders as we walk up the stone steps. I tell the receptionist what we are there for, she looks at Savina with pity and says someone will be right with us.  We are led to a small room, dimly lit, a table and three chairs are all that adorns it. A short woman with grey hair comes in behind us.  “Hello Savina, my name is Officer Walker… Can you tell me what brought you in to see me today?” Officer Walker sits down across from us, placing a pen of paper on the desk in front of her. She clicks the pen in her hand and hovers her hand over the paper.  “I uh.. I need to report an assault” Savina mumbles. “Alright, can you tell me what happened?”  Savina sits silent for a few moments before Walker speaks again, “Maybe this might go better if your friend waits outside?”  “No..please let him stay..” Savina begs her, as she grips onto my arm.  “Okay, it’s okay.. He can stay” Walker softly says raising her hands in defeat.  “Take all the time you need Savina. I’m ready when you are”  Savina nods once, and determinedly starts,  “It was my boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend now… H-he raped me… almost a week ago” She sniffles slightly  “Okay, I’m glad you came in to see me. I know this is going to be hard to talk about, but I need you to tell me what happened in as much detail as you can…” She reaches over the desk and takes Savina's free hand.  I sit silently as Savina retells her story, trying to keep my calm when she goes into details. I feel the rage embedding inside me, making me crazy. I want to jump up out of the chair and bolt from the room. I want to find this Troy kid and beat the living s**t out of him. I want to feel his life leave his body.  At the end of her statement Officer Walker sighs and sets her pen down for a moment, she rubs her eyes gently.  “So you said his name was Troy Parks? A senior at your high school?”  “Yes he transferred to our school last semester” Savina nods  “Alright, I’m going to run a check on him, sit tight for a little bit. I’ll have someone bring you some water” She gets up from her seat and walks out of the room.  Savina is silently staring at the table,  “Are you alright?” I place a hand over hers.  “I feel scared Hayden.. He said he would kill me if I told”  “Shh… it’s okay. I won’t let him touch you… He will never hurt you again”  She throws herself into my arms and sobs, her small body shaking.  Officer Walker enters a moment later, Savina pulls herself upright, wiping her tears on her sleeve. She holds my hand as Walker sits down again.  “Are you sure the name you gave me is correct Savina?” She looks frustrated.  “Yes.. Troy Parks… He goes to my school.. You can call the school and ask”  “I did call the school, there is no record of Troy Parks at your school. None in the county in fact. I’m going to ask you this, just once Savina… Are you telling the truth about being assaulted?” Her eyes seem sad, like she doesn’t want to be asking.
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