
1081 Words
Savina  I can hear noises coming from another room, Hayden must be awake. Last night was strange, we were arguing about who should take the bedroom and I suddenly felt an overwhelming urge, I got up and walked to the bedroom, not looking back. I slept all night through without any nightmares, which is saying something.  I slowly push myself out of the bed,walking over to the door. I see a robe hanging on the door, I pull it on before exiting the room.  “Good morning, how did you sleep?” Hayden sees me and greets me immediately. I walk over to where he is in the kitchen, looking at what he is doing.  “I slept great actually.. What about you?” I see he is cutting up fruit, I assume making a fruit salad. There are blueberries, strawberries, peaches and cherries all in a bowl.  “Looks tasty” I comment nodding to the bowl “Well dig in, I thought after yesterday you might like something lighter” He places the bowl on the table with serving bowls.  After we eat Hayden turns to me.  “So… We need to talk about something important” He says, crossing his arms across his chest. I gulp down my last bite and look him dead in the eyes.  “Okay.. what is it Hayden?” I am suddenly nervous. “I think if you're going to stay here, with me, we need to go get your stuff..” I was not expecting that.. But it makes sense. I can’t keep wearing his clothes everyday, I need my stuff. The very few things I have. It all fits into a box.  “Okay.. I guess that makes sense” I start to speak “Don’t worry, I won’t let your dad hurt you. We can go in half an hour if you're ready for it?” He rubs the back of his neck with his hand.  We get ready and head down to Hayden's car. The drive to my house is filled with silence and on my end, panic. I am so scared to face him after what happened. “C-Can you just stop? I need a minute” I suddenly cry out about a block away. He quickly pulls over, turning the car off.  “Are you alright?” He turns towards me in his seat.  “No.. I’m scared Hayden. I don’t think I can do this” I look down the road, at my house. The familiar dinghy roof, missing shingles and tape patch jobs from storms tearing it apart over the years. The front porch missing rails and falling apart. I can already smell the mildew inside. The dark hallways from having no electricity for the last four months. The staircase going upstairs, avoiding certain steps to not fall through. I feel terrified to go back to it all.  As if he can feel my fear and uneasiness, Hayden puts a hand on top of mine, giving it a small squeeze.  “I will be there with you the entire time Savina. Don’t be scared” His voice is almost demanding, as if he is losing his patience with me and wants to get this over with. I nod my head, we get out of the car and walk the short distance down the road. I point to the loose steps letting Hayden know to look out for them. Once inside I go straight to the bathroom and get my things out, then head to my bedroom. After fifteen minutes I have all my earthly possessions, everything fit into a box, just as I predicted. As we are going back downstairs I hear the front door open. I freeze on the step, looking to Hayden. He can clearly see the fear plastered on my face. He takes another step, getting in front of me, we get to the main floor and see my father.  “Who the f**k are you?” He slurs, pointing a shaky finger at Hayden. “And where the f**k you been girl?” He takes a step towards me. Big mistake. Hayden grabs him by the scruff of the neck and pushes him backwards.  “f**k boy. Get off me!” My father shouts, clawing at Hayden's arm. Hayden doesn't budge, his grip is firm and unwavering. His eyes almost look black with rage.  “You will not touch her! Never again!!” He sneers at my father.  “Who the f**k are you?” My father asks again, sobering up slightly, just enough to hold his ground and not fall on his ass. Hayden backs him up and pushes him into the wall.  “Savina get out of here, go to the car” He calmly looks over to me, frozen in place still on the step. I watch in horror as Hayden pins my father to the wall. Suddenly my father lashed out and punches Hayden right in the face.  Hayden is taken back for a moment, just long enough for my father to start beating on him.  “STOP IT!!” I scream as I race down the last few steps, my father is landing punch after punch on Hayden, who is just taking it.  “Hayden!! Oh God!! You're going to kill him, stop it!!!” I scream at my father once more. He is in a blind rage and hears nothing going on around him.  Hayden looks over to me and...smiles. “It’s alright. Get out of here” He reassures me  “No.. I can’t just leave you here. He’s going to kill you!!” I cry out  “Savina.. Remember what we talked about, trust me. I will meet you outside” He is calm.  Reluctantly I head outside, with one last glance back I see Hayden grab my father's fist midair, he twists his arm behind his back, my father screams out in pain. I go outside and sit on the grass. I can hear my father screaming for his life. After a while it stops. There’s nothing but birds chirping in the distance.  Hayden comes out, blood splattered over his shirt. He looks rough but for the most part he is unscathed. I stare at him in shock.  “How… Hayden, he was hitting you so hard.. How are you not hurt?” I look him over “I’m tougher than I look. I told you to trust me. The only thing that matters is that he won’t ever hurt you again” He states, bending over and picking up my box of belongings. He starts to walk to the car, I have to jog to catch up with him.  He starts the car, driving in total silence back to his place. I am scared to ask him what happened inside the house. I know it was nothing good.  On the one hand, my father won’t be bothering me anymore, but on the other… Hayden could be dangerous, he could turn on me.
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