
1094 Words
Savina  “What do you mean? Why would I make this up?” I feel sick to my stomach, I felt like coming here was a mistake from the start.  “I believe you Savina, I do.. But I have to ask..I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t. I’m going to get a sketch artist here in a bit, unless you have a photo I can use of Troy?” I shake my head, “No.. we never took pictures together..” Troy never liked to take photos, I thought he was just shy in front of a camera. I never thought much of it.  “Alright well. I’ll get someone here soon” She leaves the room once more, leaving us with more questions than answers.  “I’m so confused.. How could he not be on the school’s student list?” I turn to look at Hayden, knowing he doesn’t have the answers I need, but it still feels better than staring at the walls or the table.  “We will figure it out, don’t stress out too much.. You’ll make yourself sick”  We wait for a little while before there is a small knock on the door before it opens. A tall skinny man comes inside.  “Hey I am Spenser, I’m here to make a sketch of your assaulter.. Are you ready to start?” He sits down across from us in Officer Walker’s chair.  I nod, “alright let’s start with the shape of his face?”  “Oval I’d say, a slightly long chin, but not thin.. If that makes sense?” He nods for me to continue,  “What about his eyes and nose?”  “Umm, his eyes are light blue, almost grey… they are spaced out evenly.. Oh he has a small scar under his left eye… His nose is long and squared off at the bottom”  “Okay that’s really good so far.. How about his mouth next, then his hair?”  “His mouth… his lips are small but full, his top lip is fuller than his bottom, but not in an odd looking way… his hair is blond and shaggy. It falls to his shoulders”  He finishes the sketch and turns it over for me to see, it is an accurate resemblance of Troy, one I don’t want to look at for too long. I feel Hayden stiffen beside me, his hand clutching mine harder. He doesn’t say anything but his face has changed. He looks furious. “That’s him… it looks just like him” I say when I realize Spenser is looking for me to say something. He nods with approval before packing up his things and leaving us alone again.  I’m getting tired of this room, I just want to go home, wherever that is. I think it’s with Hayden now. I want to go home with Hayden.  “Alright Savina… We have enough information to go off. You’re free to leave..just leave a number we can reach you at with the front desk please. I’ll contact you as soon as I find out what is going on… thank you for coming in today” Officer Walker rushes us out of the room.  I can’t help but feel like we were pressured to leave, or maybe she was pressured to dismiss my case?  “How about lunch?” Hayden asks when we get outside. I hadn’t realized we spent most of the morning at the police station, my stomach was hurting.  “Alright” I say, he puts his arm over my shoulders in a comforting way leading me to the car. He opens the door for me, closing it and heading to the drivers side.  “Do you think I made it all up too?” I ask, my voice so small I don’t think he heard me at first.  He spins towards me, taking my face in his hands. “Don’t do that!! I would never think you would make up something like this. Don’t even think it, Savina!!” He practically yells at me. I feel tears welling up in my eyes once more. When will my hormones stop freaking out? Using the pads of his thumbs, Hayden gently swipes them away.  He stares into my eyes with such sadness and regret for a moment before pulling away and starting the car. He drives so effortlessly I can’t help but watch him, the way his arms contort the muscles each time he shifts gears. His t-shirt snug against his body, I can see every muscle flexing. I want to reach out and touch him.  “Hayden?” I ask suddenly, he looks over out of the corner of his eye at me.  “What is it?”  “Well.. I was wondering.. Would you do me a huge favor.. I mean I know you have done so much for me already so I have no right to ask but-” I start to ramble on when he cuts me off “I would do anything for you Savina… what is it?” He smiles at me  “Can you teach me to drive?”  A huge smile spreads across his face, an ear to ear grin.  “Of course!”  I feel excitement fill me as I watch him, his smile makes me feel a million times better.  I turn on the radio and “KISS, I was made for lovin’ you” comes on. I smile as I listen to the music,it feels relevant somehow. Hayden pulls into a drive in, turning off the engine. He turns to me.  “I was wondering.. Would you like to go on a date with me?”  Before I can answer the server comes over, she is wearing roller blades. She tries to flirt with Hayden as she takes our order, but she seems uninterested, she roller blades away from the car, swaying her hips so much I’m worried she is going to fall. He turns back to me, I have been staring at him the entire time.  “So what do you think? I really like you Savina.. I don’t want to rush things, but I needed to tell you how I feel... I want to take you out” He looks me in the eyes, begging me to say something.  “If you're serious and not just trying to make me feel better… then alright” I say as I study him for any kind of reaction.  “Oh I am surely serious. I will make you see how serious I am about you Savina”  Something in his voice makes me believe him without a doubt. He makes me feel safe and secure, I don’t want to mess this up. If I do I will have nowhere to go, no way to survive. I don’t want to feel like I am only here with him because I need a place to stay, it’s more than that. I feel a connection to Hayden, I can’t explain what it is. I can feel something pulling me towards him, something deep in my soul.
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