
7th Son of Hell

supernature earth

Hayden is the 7th Son of Hell, in love with a human whom he met many years ago.

Savina is a tortured soul, trying to get to a better life. She doesn't remember him.

Will he be able to make her fall in love with him?

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First Glance
A young girl no older than six, enters an ice cream shop, unaware she is being watched. She is alone, her dark hair is tied up into two pigtails. Her bright blue eyes shine as she orders a cone. She steps outside, beginning her walk back home. She rounds a corner, bumping into a young man. He is about sixteen, with dark hair, olive tanned skin and striking green eyes. He has a solid build, broad shoulders and muscular arms. Many tattoos covered his body, peeking out from his t-shirt. He is tall, standing at 6’2”. She apologizes to the young man before she scurries off.  It struck him as odd that humans allowed their young to run off alone. He was no human, but a Demon, a powerful one at that. He had been wandering around all day, waiting for something exciting to happen. He did not take a liking to children normally, but something about this young girl struck his curiosity. He watched her run off with her mint chocolate chip ice cream cone in hand.  He noticed he was not the only one watching her. A man across the street has taken a liking to her as well. He is in his mid forties, a bald muscular tall man, he looked to be in good shape, he would have to be for his profession. Stalking little girls. The young man went against his better judgement and decided to follow them. Normally he would keep his nose to himself but he felt drawn to the girl. A block later they were alone, the little girl oblivious to her follower. The man was picking up his pace on the girl, crossing the street. He was only a few steps behind her now. He closes the distance, grabbing her small arm.  The girl cries out in pain.  “Hey! Leave me alone booger head!” She screeches at him. He takes his other hand and covers her mouth. She bites down on his hand, but it doesn’t do much good. He grunts at her but doesn’t move his hand.  The young man closes the distance between them, placing his hand on the older man’s shoulder.  “I suggest you let her go and leave her alone.” His voice was menacing.  The older man spun around, his hands still on the girl, he dragged her in front of him.  “Who the hell are you?” He asked “I said let her go.” He ignores his questions. The man shivers slightly. The young man steps closer to him, his eyes swirling between the striking green and black.  The older man suddenly lets go of the girl, pushing her forward. She stumbles and hits the young man in the stomach. He reaches out holding her close to him.  The older man looks horrified as he watches the young man.  The little girl does not dare to look up. She stares down at her melting ice cream cone which she had dropped. It took her a whole month of allowance to save up for that ice cream.  “What are you?” The older man asks the young man.  “I’m your worst nightmare” He replies, his eyes are fully black now, a wicked smile plastered on his face “You’re going to leave this place. You’re not going to think about this little girl again. If you do, you are going to be so overcome by guilt you will off yourself.” He states matter of factually.  “Who do you think you are, ordering me around like that?” He spits at him “Leave now.. Or else you will not live to see another day” He snarls at him. He is going to kill him either way, he would just prefer not to do it in front of the child. He would track him down later, at night. Sneak into his home and finish him off. Before he can hurt anyone else.  The older man sees he is outmatched, he turns on his heel cursing under his breath and runs down the street.  The young man takes a moment to adjust his eyes so he won’t scare the girl anymore than she already is. He kneels down in front of her, tilting her chin towards him. She has tears running down her face, her blue eyes look like the ocean.  Using a bit of his powers, he conjures a new ice cream cone in his hand, he gives it to the child. Her eyes light up at the sight.  “Thank you!” She peeps.  “Are you alright, Little One? Not hurt?” He scans her for injuries. “My arm hurts a bit, but I’m okay. I’m strong!” She says as she takes a lick of her cone. She looks up at him, smiling. He feels something inside his chest cavity flutter.  He stares down at her, looking at her arm, there is a red mark on it. He gently presses his hand to the spot, he concentrates on the spot and heals her.  “Better?” He asks. The little girl nods, licking her ice cream again.  “Are you a wizard?” She asks in awe of him “Of sorts, does it scare you?” He is scared of her answer.  “Nope! Want some? I don’t have anything else to trade you…. Unless…” She trails off. “Unless what?”  “Unless you wait until I’m 16. My daddy says he will sell me off when I'm 16 to be a bride to pay off his debts. But I think I’d rather be your bride than a stranger.” She whispers. “Plus I don’t wanna share my ice cream..” She adds. "How old are you now?"  "Six!"  “I accept your offer” He states, feeling disgusted that her father would say such a thing. He would definitely have to keep an eye on her.  “What’s your name?” She asks  He did not know what to say, he was just known as a ‘Son of Lucifer’. He was not given an actual name.  “You can call me…Hayden” He liked the name, had read it in a book once.  The little girl yawns.  “I’m Savina” She says. He reaches down scooping her up into his arms.   “Where do you live? I will take you home” He says, the girl gives him her address as she rests her chin on his shoulder, licking her ice cream. She is light for her age, like a feather. After walking for ten minutes he reaches her house. A run down dingy looking place. Broken porch steps and busted windows. Before he lets her down, she kisses him on the cheek. She scurries off into the house, “Thank you Hayden!” She calls out.  He watches her go inside. Now he has something to look forward to. A bride. Ten short years he would wait. Keeping an eye on her, making sure she stays out of trouble. He will watch her grow into a beautiful young woman. Watch her with a pained heart as she loves another man. She is his after all. They had a contract, She promised herself to him. She is his bride. 

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