
1202 Words
Savina  My alarm goes off, startling me from my sleep. I get up as quietly as I can, taking a quick shower. I get ready for the day, putting on sweatpants and a tank top, pulling my sweater over top. I walk carefully down the stairs, going to the kitchen. My father is passed out drunk on the couch. I try my best not to wake him, I grab an apple and make my way out of the house.  When I get to school I see Troy with another girl, he is making out with her on the school’s front step. I can’t even say I’m surprised to see it. I walk right past them, heading to my locker. I throw my bag inside. I see Vanya coming up to me, looking perfectly perky.  “I did warn you didn’t I?” She snips as she flicks her long blonde hair over her shoulder. I slam my locker shut and hurry past her. I’m not even mad at Troy for doing what he did, I’m mad that I let him treat me like crap for two months.  I quickly go to my first class, sitting in the back of the room. Of course Troy is in the same class and he comes sauntering in as the warning bell rings. He looks right at me and makes a point of sitting beside me, smiling at me.  “Hey Savy” He smirks, winking at me. “What do you want Troy?” I sigh “Why are you in a mood?” His smile grows, he knows I saw him with the girl.  “I don’t want to do this Troy. Leave me alone, okay?” I whisper as the teacher starts his lesson.  “You don’t get to decide when this is over Savina” He threatens me  I ignore him and try to pay attention to the lesson.  As soon as the bells rings I jump from my chair and go to the door, I can feel Troy following me.  “Savy wait up!” He shouts at me.  “Just leave me alone Troy! I don’t want to see you!” I run out of the school, leaving him behind. I make my way to the forest. The one place I feel safe. I go to my favorite spot, there is a small river and a boulder I like to sit on. I take a seat and place my head in my lap, looking at the river flow.  “Did you really think I’d just let you go?” Troy says from behind me. I shoot to my feet, putting distance between us.  “What are you doing here Troy?” My voice shakes, I take a few more steps away from him. My back hits a tree.  “You honestly thought I’d waste all that time on you, just for you to walk away from me? Do you know how that makes me look?” He closes the distance between us, putting his hands on either side of the tree, blocking me in.  “What do you want?” I repeat.  “What I’ve been working towards all this time.” He says as he shoves his face into mine, forcing his tongue into my mouth. I bite his tongue as hard as I can, tasting his metallic blood.  He pulls back, whipping his hand up and slapping me across the face.  “You b***h!” He yells at me as he holds his face.  I take the opportunity to make my escape from him. I push off my left foot, making it all of four feet before he grabs me by the back of my head, pulling on my ponytail, ripping me backwards.  I scream out in pain as he pushes me to the ground. I flail my arms and kick my legs as he puts his weight onto me. I feel like I’m being crushed, I can’t catch my breath. His hands are all over me, pressing into my bruises, my breasts. He squeezes one of them, moaning as he does.  “Stop it!! Get off of me you son of a b***h!” I scream at him  “Scream all you want Savy, we are in the middle of the forest. Nobody can hear you” He smiles sickly at me. I am able to move my legs a little bit, I lift my knee making contact with his hip. He groans slightly before punches me in the gut. I cough, trying to catch my breath.  He punches me once more, in the face. My head lulls to the side, I feel myself slipping into unconsciousness. I feel Troy pulling at my sweatpants, pulling them past my knees. My underwear is next. Before I can even think about what is happening he forces himself inside me. I scream out in pain as he pushes his way in, tearing me as he goes.  “Shut up! I told you. Nobody can hear you so just shut up!” He screams in my face as he thrusts into me with all the force he can muster up. I feel myself crying, after a while I don’t make any more noise. No more screaming. Nothing. I just lay on the forest ground and wait for it to be over.  After what feels like eternity, he finally gets off of me. He has a satisfied look on his face as he pulls his pants back up, he kneels beside me.  “If you tell anyone about this, I will kill you. Don’t think I am lying. I will kill you Savina” He warns me, standing back up. He delivers one final kick to me, right in the back. Effectively making me scream out one last time. I feel like I can no longer move, shooting pains go through my whole body.  I lay on the forest ground for hours after he leaves. After a while I am finally able to move, just slightly. Enough to pull my pants up and roll to my side. I start to cry, softly at first then it turns violent. By the time I am finished my eyes are almost swollen shut. I slowly get to my feet, falling back down when I do, I crawl until I feel strong enough to stand again. I take each step with caution.  After an hour and a half of walking slowly I make it to my home. My father’s truck is not in the driveway. Thank God. I make my way to the bathroom, peeling off my clothing. My body is so badly bruised now, purple and blue shadows all over me. One of the worst is on my lower back, spreading across my hip. I fill the bathtub, watching the water rise. I step in and let my body be consumed by the warmth. I hear the door slam downstairs, father is home. I try to get up from the tub but I am in too much pain. I sit there for a while longer before forcing myself up.  Pulling an over sized t-shirt over my head and some fresh underwear I scurry to my bedroom, hoping he doesn’t hear me. I lay myself down on my bed, gently pulling a sheet over me. After I focus on ignoring the pain as best as I can I feel my eyes droop.  “Savina, Where you at girl?” I hear my father slur from downstairs. I bury my face in my pillow, trying to pretend I didn’t hear him. He probably just wants another beer.
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