
964 Words
Hayden  I found Savina on the beach, passed out... of all the places. I was on a morning run on the beach when I saw a lump of fabric resembling a person. Curiosity got the best of me and I walked closer and seen the face pressed into the sand, I couldn’t believe who it was.  We are in a cafe now, she went to the washroom to clean up. I feel a burning rage inside me, when I saw her face, she has a black eye forming and a large dark bruise on her jaw. It makes me wonder what other bruises she has on her precious body. I have to focus all my strength to cage my anger and keep it deep inside. I don't want to scare her.  She comes back and sits down at the small table across from me, she has her hood pulled up, trying to hide her face.  I watch her closely as she sips her tea, she picks at her muffin for a while.  “Are you alright?” I ask her  She avoids eye contact and nods her head, then shakes it sadly after. “No.. I don’t think I am” She says as she stares at her muffin “What are you going to do?”  “The only thing I can do... Go back home and deal with the consequences”  Consequences? For what... what could she have possibly done to earn this kind of beating? “Can I drive you?” I practically beg her to let me do something for her. Anything. She simply nods once.  We finish our tea and muffins and walk back to my place, getting my car. She sits in the passenger seat like a statue. The last time she was in my car she had an excitement in her eyes. Now they just seem dull and lifeless. I feel saddened by this, I don’t like knowing she is sad and hurting.  “Where do you live?” I ask her, hoping she has moved from her childhood home, my heart drops when she hesitantly gives me the familiar address.  I drove in silence as she stares out the window. I want to say something to make her feel better but I don't know what to say.  “Can you just pull over here?” We are still half a block from her house, I pull to the side of the road. She is embarrassed and she doesn't want her father to see her coming out of a strangers car. She is scared.  “Listen, I’m going to give you my number… If you need anything at all you call me okay? Day or night. I don't care. Just call...” I pull a napkin and a pen out of the glove box, my fingers brush her knee. I jolt down my number and hand it over to her. She takes it, shoving it in her pocket as she opens her door.  “Thanks for the ride Hayden” She says as she closes the door and starts walking towards her house.  “Anytime” I murmur to myself. I watch her walk up the walk, onto the porch, she hesitates before going inside. I sit there for a while, just watching her house. I start the car and go back home, thinking of a plan to get her out of her terrible living situation. I could just steal her away in the middle of the night, but that doesn’t sit well with me. I drive back to my place and park my car, walking towards the beach. I find the same spot I had found Savina this morning, sitting down. I never knew my mother, she was killed after giving birth to me, but when I feel lonely I like to talk to her. I feel like she is listening, somehow she hears me.  “Hey mom.. I’m having a hard time.. There’s this girl, I met her a long time ago, I don’t think she remembers me. She and I had made a deal once upon a time and it’s finally time for me to collect. I don’t know what I should do, she is living a nightmare and all I want to do is take her away from it, but I’m scared she will hate me if I do before she’s ready. All I want is for her to have a better life.I think she has a lot going on in her life, she needs to resolve before she can be happy. I don't know if I can help her with hat or not. ” I sigh and watch people pass by me, looking at me like I’m crazy for talking to myself. I give them each a small wave as they stare. I keep my eyes on the horizon, watching the sun set. I try to imagine how life with Savina could be.  Will she eventually love me? Can she love me once she finds out what I am, who I am?  I keep checking my phone, hoping she will call or text. Something, but she doesn’t. I sit on the beach until nightfall, heading back to my apartment.  I have a long hot shower, thinking about the events of the last few days. My encounter with my brothers makes me feel uneasy. How did they find out I was on Earth, and why do they care so much. What will happen if they find out about Savina?  My father’s warning about me being more powerful than they think. I don’t want to find out what he meant by that. If it comes down to it, I will use my powers. I will protect her, at all costs. Even if it means wiping out my brothers to ensure it.  I turn off the shower, getting dressed and climb into bed. I lay there with my hands behind my head.  I fall asleep after hours of staring a the ceiling and hope for tomorrow to be a better day. 
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