
1171 Words
Savina  I hear footsteps coming upstairs, I feel panic rise up in my body. He was going to come in here any second. Just then the door bursts open,  “What the hell are you doing?” He slurs at me, staggering towards me.  I don’t respond. He pulls the sheet off me, scanning over my body with his eyes. He licks his lips as he staggers forward.  I move away from him as quickly as I can. There is blood on my bed from where I was just laying. My father sees it,  “What the hell? You don’t even take care of yourself now?” He motions towards the blood on the bed, “Clean yourself up, that’s disgusting!” He yells at me, throwing a towel towards me. I grab it and cover myself up quickly. He turns to leave but stops at the door.  “Now that you're a women you can play daddy's little girl with me” He says, his eyes lustful.  “I will never let that happen, over my dead body!” I scream back at him  “Listen here you b***h! You live under my roof, you eat my food. You will do as I say! If I say I want to f**k you whenever I want then there's nothing you can do about it!” He roars at me. I grab the closest thing to me that I can and throw it at him. It was a textbook, hitting him in the back of the head. He stumbles forward before turning back and charging at me.  He starts to blindly wail on me, senselessly and maliciously. He beats the living hell out of me for a few minutes before he tires himself out. I have just enough energy to pull myself up off the bed and grab my coat. I run as fast as my broken body will take me, out the door. I catch the first bus that comes, not caring where it goes. I end up at the ocean once more, I sit on the sand and look to the ocean. It's dark now, nobody can see me here. This is it, this is my only chance to get away from it all. Let it all go. I remember Hayden’s phone number is in my coat pocket, I pull it out, along with my phone. I quickly dial his number, he answers on the second ring “Hello? Savina is that you?”  “Yeah, it’s me..” I am crying, I try to hide it in my voice. “What’s wrong?” He sounds panicked “Nothing… I just.. I wanted to thank you. You are the only person who has really ever been kind to me. It meant a lot to me. So I just wanted to say thanks. I wanted to hear your voice.. One last time”  “What do you mean Savina? Where are you? What’s going on?” He asks his questions rapidly “It doesn’t matter… all you need to know is that I’m going to someplace better. I hope”  “Savina wait… don’t do anything stupid” He sounds angry now “Goodbye Hayden.. Thanks again” I say as I hang up the phone. It starts to ring immediately, non stop. I throw it to the sand.  I take a deep breath and get up, walking to the ocean. The water is freezing cold, my feet are numb after only a few steps, but I am determined to keep going. This has to end. My life is meaningless, there is nothing worth while waiting for me. I can just let it all go and be free. Maybe I’ll turn into an Angel. I am waist deep now, my heart is beating like crazy. I keep walking, taking each step slowly, my body doesn’t hurt anymore, it burns slightly but the pulsing pain I once felt is diminishing. I feel the water hit my chest, my heart feels like it might explode from the cold, it is beating in hyper drive trying to keep up with me. One last step and I can’t touch the ocean floor anymore, my head slides under the sheet of water. I push myself further into the water, treading.  I feel myself getting tired already, this won’t take very long. Short and painless. I feel my legs start to give up on me, making me slide further into the water, a few more minutes and my arms can’t keep me above either. My head slips under, I look up at the night sky and my body starts to slowly sink.  I feel at peace, calm for once. My body feels weightless, I feel free. I’ve never felt this way before. I close my eyes as my heart beats slower and slower. I finally let out my breath I’d been holding, the ocean water fills my lungs. I panic for a few moments, but I can't move my body so it’s pointless. It burns, but I don’t care. It will be over soon enough.  I feel my body being jerked upwards. My head breaks the surface of the water, but it’s too late.  Hayden  She hung up on me. She actually hung up on me. I could hear the ocean in the background, she must be there. I grab my keys and run out of my apartment, running full speed towards the ocean. Luckily it’s just across the street. I scan the beach for her, not seeing her I try her phone once more. I can hear it ringing a short distance away from me. I pick it up off the sand, I see footprints leading into the ocean. She’s trying to drown herself.  I look around to make sure nobody is around before pulling my wings out. I fly overhead to try and see where she is from above. About twenty yards ahead I see her small pale figure under the water. I dive down, reaching for her. She’s about fifteen feet below the water, I pull her up. She doesn’t cough or move at all. She is limp in my arms as I fly us back to the beach. I lay her down on the sand gently, starting CPR on her lifeless form. I can hear her ribs cracking under thee pressure from my hands, it makes me feel sick.  After about five minutes she finally coughs up some water. I pick her small fragile body up in my arms and start walking back to my place.  She is unconscious and her heart is beating slowly but she is alive. I intend to keep her that way. I lay her down on my bed. I see she is in just an over sized shirt with a long coat over top. She has no shoes, and is bleeding from many open wounds on her body. The most noticeable is a large blood stain coming from her lower reign, her panties are red with blood, as is her shirt.  I quickly call a Dr to come take a look at her. I nervously pace back and forth as I wait. After Examining her and tending to her wounds the Dr comes out of the room. She looks horrified.  “Well? Is she going to be okay?” I ask as I stop pacing around the room.
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