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Hayden Our new home is nice, we each have our own space. It is large enough that I could give Savina a study so she has a space to finish her schooling, in a few days she will have her diploma. I want to do something special for her.  My thoughts are cut short by a messenger from Hell interrupting me once more, it’s becoming more frequent these days. Adrian is getting angry at me for ignoring him. Because he does not know where I am he cannot portal to me, only this message is not from him, but from my Father.  He is asking me for permission to enter our home by portal. I give it, the portal opens and my Father steps out, he looks worn and tired.  “What are you doing her Father?” I ask as I walk towards him, cautiously. “Your brother has made the toll on your head more severe. You need to sort things with him before it’s too late” He says sadly. “I do not like seeing you fight, or kill each other…” He adds “Father you know I had-” I start to explain once more “No choice I know. I understand your reasoning” He brushes past the topic.  A knock comes at the door, Savina. “Hayden?” She calls out, I look to my Father with concern, what if she sees him.  My Father simply nods at me to get the door, not caring that he is seen.  I open the door revealing me and my Father.  “I thought I heard you talking to someone. I was about to make some lunch, would  your friend like to stay?” She politely nods to my Father.  “Forgive me Dear, I did not mean to interrupt you and my son. I thank you for the humble offer, but I must be going”  He says curtly to her.  “Oh my your Hayden’s Father? It’s so nice to meet you Mr. Fox” She reaches her hand out for him to shake it. I am surprised when he actually shakes it, he hates touching humans. I eye him suspiciously.  “Please, call me Mathias dear..”  “Savina” She smiles as she retreats her hand softly. “A-Are you sure you wouldn’t like to stay for lunch?” I give him a stern look, saying don’t even think about it. “I really should be heading home now. Next time dear. Hayden may I have a word with you outside before I leave?” He swiftly passes by Savina, leaving her in a daze as to what is going on. I give her a weak smile and follow him outside.  “What was that all about?” I demand  “Would you prefer me be rude?” He counters I don’t reply.  “Your brother is planning something big. I don’t know what yet, but I know it’s not going to be good for you… You need to be careful” He turns the next second, creating a portal and stepping through.  I don’t have time to say anything else before he is gone.  I go back inside finding Savina in the kitchen, making sandwiches  “Is your dad gone?” She doesn't look at me.  “Yeah. He won’t come by again”  “Was it me? I don’t think he liked me much… I’m sorry if I overstepped” She always looks at her hands when she is nervous or uncomfortable. I reach out and take them in mine, making her look up at me.  “It was not you. You did nothing wrong. My Father is complicated. Don’t worry about it” I assure her.  She doesn’t look convinced.  She slides a plate over to me and walks away, going back to her study. I know she is stressing out because she has one exam left.  I look down to see Casper looking at me questioningly. I sigh and nod towards the patio, walking over, he follows me. I fill him in on what my Father had told me.  “So what’s your plan?” He asks me  “I need to take them down one at a time, starting with the weakest…”  “And who would that be?”  “Morfran” I say “ He is half bird basically. A griffin.. Easy enough to take down..” “What about the others?” “Well..Azazel has Giant blood, making him very strong, but not impossible.. Abaddon is a succubus, he needs to feed off humans to survive. He sucks the souls out of them essentially, over time they  age quicker until they die.. Zagon was a serpent. Asmoddeus is the only one I am not looking forward to, he has Dragon blood. I am hoping he will see reason and not engage with me.. I hope if I can take down Adrian then Asmoddeus will take his place as King… we can avoid bloodshed if I can get him on my side” I explain  “What powers does Adrian hold?” Casper asks, clearly thinking about how screwed we are. “He is a siren, he can make people hallucinate whatever he wants them to see.. Putting them under a spell”  Casper says nothing, just sits looking at the beach.  “This will not be an easy task Hayden” He says  “I know”  I go back inside and knock at Savina’s door. She doesn’t answer, I open the door to peek inside. She is hunched over her desk with headphones on. She doesn't notice me standing there. I close the door and grab my keys. I get in my car and drive to town, I found a necklace online at a local jewelry store I want to get for her. It is not too far away, I get the necklace and see a ring on display as I’m leaving the store. I stop and take a step towards it, it is beautiful. It looks like it has leaves all intertwined together with diamonds encrusted in it. It has a matching solitaire diamond ring that fits around it. I pay for the set, not knowing when I’ll give it to her, but knowing she will love it.  I head home and shower the day off me. I make dinner and bring a plate to Savina who is still working. I can hear a storm brewing outside, twenty minutes later the power is off. As I’m lighting candles thunder shakes the windows. Savina comes out of the study shaking like a leave.  “Scared of the storm?” I ask, she nods her head slowly as another round of thunder hits, she jumps like a scared cat.  I sit down on the couch and pat the spot beside me, she curls up beside me, laying her head on my lap. I stroke her hair and hum a lullaby to her. Some time later she fell asleep on my lap. The storm is still raging outside. Every now and then a big roar of thunder comes and she grips onto my legs. Casper comes and lays beside her, purring to make her calm down more. I fall asleep with her on the couch, waking up in the morning with a massively sore neck.
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