
1026 Words
Savina  I finally got the results back for my last exam, getting a near perfect score has put me over the moon. My graduation ceremony is tomorrow and I am so excited. Things have seemed tense since Hayden’s dad stopped by, he seems to be moping around the house.  I’m sitting on the couch, reading a spicy book while Casper lays on my lap. After a while I get frustrated with the book, it’s sad to read about a better s*x life then you own. I snap the book shut and gently pick up Casper, placing him back down in my spot on the chair. I grab a sweater and head outside, walking along the beach is calming. I take a seat on the sand, pushing my hands through it feeling the cool sand underneath the surface.  I am zoned so out that I don’t hear someone talking to me. A shadow blocks out the sun in front of me, I look up to see a man standing before me.  “Hello!” He says smiling at me, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. They are filled with anger and disgust.. He probably thinks I’m homeless. He is tall, over 6 FT, his skin is extremely pale and he has light grey eyes.  “Hi” I smile back, looking past him to the ocean hoping he will go away.  “This is a private beach..”He states, pointing to a sign posted behind us.   “We just moved in last week,” I nod at him. What is he trying to say? That I should leave? “We?” He pushes for more information. I feel his eyes raking over my body. It feels dirty having them on me.  “Yes, We. Me and my… friend… What is it you're trying to ask me?” I wanted to call Hayden my boyfriend but it seemed awkward. We haven’t really talked about what we are yet. I’m just a stray he took in.  “Nothing.. Sorry.. I’m not used to new neighbors… I’m Kaiden”  “...I have to go” I stand up and go to walk away but Kaiden grabs my arm rather roughly. I pull my arm away from him. “Sorry. I just.. Um.. Sorry” He puts his arms over his head interloping his fingers together. He shrugs at me as I walk away from him slowly. That entire interaction felt creepy and inappropriate. I shudder as I walk back towards the house, I look over my shoulder and see him watching me still. I keep walking, right past the house. I don’t want him to see where I live. He gives me the chills, I make a lap around the beach, once I’m sure he is no longer watching I make a run for the house. I make sure to lock the door once inside, I turn around smashing my face into Hayden.  “Where’s the fire?” He jokes with me, I have never been so happy to see him. I try to laugh it off as I rub my nose.  “I’m going to take a shower” I say as I walk to my bedroom. I grab my robe and go to the bathroom, turning the water on hot. I take out my speaker and put it on the counter playing some music loudly as I shower. I feel sore on my arm where Kaiden grabbed me. I scrub my body thoroughly. Once I am done I sit down in the shower, letting the hot water wash over me. I feel uneasy, it still feels like something is crawling under my skin.  After a while I finally drag my now very heavy feeling body out of the shower. I wrap myself up in my robe and comb my hair. I step into a pair of panties under my robe and slide my slippers on. I make my way through the house, finding Hayden on the couch watching TV. I plop down beside him and rest my head on his shoulder. He puts his hand on my knee as he hands me the remote.  “Hayden?” I say after awhile of mindless TV reruns. “What is it? Are you nervous for tomorrow?”  I shake my head at him, “Can I ask you something?”  “Of course, what’s on your mind?”  “Are you and I… are we together? Like officially?” I felt a knot form in the pit of my stomach even before I asked him.  “I would like to be, but it’s really up to you Savina… Like I said I’m not going to rush it” He looks into my eyes as he speaks.  “I would like that..” I whisper softly.  I see a spark in his eyes at my words, he leans in and kisses me softly on the lips. My heart is racing now. It can feel it beating in the back of my throat.  By the time Hayden pulls away I feel light headed. I place my head back down on him, this time he wraps his arm around me, I listen to his heart beat.  “Do you know any of the neighbors?” I blurt out, I can’t stop thinking about the strange interaction from before. “No, I haven’t met any of them yet. I hard they are all pretty quiet though from the realtor”  “Oh” I sigh and try to forget about it. “Why do you ask?” He looks down at me. “It’s nothing I’m sure.. Don’t worry about it” I assure him. He stares at me for a moment but lets it go.  Some time later I fall asleep, I feel Hayden lifting me and carrying me to bed. I'm too tired to wake up.  I have a strange dream, Hayden is there, chained up in the corner, he is unconscious. There is something else there though, a man with fangs glistening with blood. He steps forward coming close to me. He has a wicked smile on his face, he plunges his teeth into my neck. I try to scream but I feel paralyzed with fear. I can’t move my body at all. I feel like my heart might explode though. A Voice break the silence,  “Do not drain her.. We still need her for our plans” The person who the voice belongs to steps out from the shadows his eyes glowing red in the darkness. He man releases me from his grasp, and I fall to the floor screaming.
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