New Home

1160 Words
Savina It’s official, we are moving into the beach house, I’ve been with Hayden for almost two months now. I am a week away from graduation, I decided to finish my diploma online. As I pack up the last of the kitchen, Hayden takes the boxes to the moving van. “Are we ready?” Hayden asks as he picks up the last box off the counter.  I take one last look around to make sure I got everything, I pick up the cat carrier and walk over to Casper and gently push him inside. He ended up getting his name because it feels like he has an old soul, like he has lived many lives. He doesn’t seem happy to be in the confined space. “It’s only for an hour Casper” I assure him.  He calms down after a minute, wrapping his tail around himself. I give Hayden a nod before we head out of the apartment, I lock the door and slide the key under. Hayden lets me in the car before setting Casper's cage on my lap.  The drive takes an hour, I am so tired from all the packing and stress from school, I dozed off halfway there. I feel Hayden gently shake my shoulder to wake me.  “We’re here Savina” He whispers as he kisses my cheek. I feel myself flush, I quickly undo my seat belt and take Casper into the house. I set him down and open his door, letting him come out when he wants to. I leave him in a separate room so he doesn’t get out as we move in boxes.  After we are half done bringing in boxes and the furniture I feel like I am a zombie. “Why don’t you go have a nap? Your bed is set up down the hall. I can finish bringing in boxes” Hayden nods down the hall to the bedrooms.  “Are you sure?” I feel bad leaving him to finish bringing in the boxes. “Yeah, go lay down. I’ll order in some food when I’m done, I’ll wake you in a few hours” At this point he is basically pushing me to the door. I stop and grab Casper, he has come out of his crate now, wandering aimlessly around the room.  “Hey buddy.. Wanna come nap with me” He rubs up against my legs, I take it as a yes. I pick him up and hold him close to me, he starts to purr. I lay down on my mattress, not caring about finding sheets or even a pillow. As soon as my head hits the soft mattress I am out like a light. It feels like I’ve only been asleep for fifteen minutes when I hear a light knock on the door.  I groan but don’t move. Hayden comes into the room, sitting on the edge of the bed. I roll over, my head landing in his lap. He starts to stroke my hair as I close my eyes once more.  “Food is ready… are you hungry?” He gently asks, careful not to speak too loudly. He knows by now that I can be super grumpy after naps.  I just groan once more. I feel his lips move against mine, my eyes fly open, he is only an inch from my face. He is looking at me with a small smile on his lips.  “If you're not hungry, you don’t need to eat. I can just leave you to sleep…” He moves to get up, but I wrap my arms around him, pulling him back down. His lips mold against mine, they are soft and warm. It feels nice to have his lips on me once more. It’s been too long since our last kiss. He pulls away way too soon, standing up and pulling me up with him. He sees that I am pouting and chuckles.  “Come on, let’s eat” He pulls me from the room, leaving Casper asleep on the bed.  Hayden ordered Indian food, one of my absolute favorites, butter chicken. Once we finish eating I start to unpack the kitchen boxes, while Hayden works on setting up the TV and stereo. Two hours later the kitchen is set up to my liking. I look out the huge kitchen window and see the sun is setting.  “Care to walk on the beach?” Hayden comes up behind me, wrapping an arm around me. I lean into him and sigh with content. He takes my hand and leads me out the patio door connected to the living room, it leads right to the beach. It is slightly chilly outside, the breeze cool. The sand feels warm under my feet, I like the way it feels in between my toes. We walk slowly along the sand, Hayden looks like he is debating about saying something. The breeze picks up and I shiver slightly, he wraps his arm around me once more. There are beach chairs sitting near the water’s edge, Hayden pulls me towards them. He sits down on one of them and pulls me down in front of him, I lean back against him as he wraps me up in his arms.  “Can I ask you something?” He whispers in my ear as we watch the last few minutes of the sun setting. “Anything” I breathe out “Are you happy? Here with me?”  “I’m very happy Hayden.. I don’t know what I’d do without you..” I say honestly, not caring if it makes me sound weak and needy. Something about Hayden makes me drop my guard, let my walls come down.  In response Hayden kisses my neck gently, licking his way down to my collarbone. I lean into him further until I am flush against him. I turn my head towards him, his lips move to mine. His tongue makes its way inside my mouth, sliding over my teeth. I moan as he sucks my tongue. I move my body so I am sitting facing him now, I wrap my legs around his waist. His hands find their way to my backside, he squeezes and pulls me towards him more. I can feel his member pressing against me. His hands explore my body as he kisses me, one hand comes up to my face, cradling it gently. The other is caressing my breasts, I keep moaning with each squeeze. After a few minutes he pulls back, I lean forward into his chest. He holds me before speaking. “I don’t want to push it too far.. Not until you're ready for me..”  “Maybe I am…” I whisper. “You may think that right now, in the heat of the moment, but I can feel you are still healing, you need more time..” He kisses my head once more before we walk back to the beach house.  I don't even know what to think or say about his comment. I don't know how much time I need but when I'm with Hayden like that I feel as if nothing can hurt me.  I have a shower before calling it a night, we each have our own bathrooms now so I take my time showering.
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