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Hayden  “I don’t even know where to start” She says, still looking at anything but me.  “What is the first thing that comes to you, start there? Your childhood maybe?”  Her head shoots up at that, I must have struck something in her.  “My childhood was awful...I remember it all started when my mom died, I was around four… My dad started to drink after that, it started off small, he was still functioning fine for years. He kept losing jobs, saying it was my fault. I lost all my friends in middle school when he showed up drunk to a birthday party and made a scene. I’ve been alone ever since. He started to beat on me when I was twelve… nobody ever tried to help me. I got used to it, I didn’t have anywhere to go. I thought if I could just graduate, I could leave. If I could just get away from it all, I’d be okay.. Then I met Troy, he was really sweet to me, unlike everyone else. We dated for a few months..” She takes a big breath. I nod for her to continue,  “ He changed so quickly, turned out to be just like my father.. He would get angry and beat me… I was so scared to do anything... Nobody believed me when my father was hurting me so why would they believe me now? I didn’t know what I could do. I was so tired of all of it. What Troy did , it was the last straw. I can’t live with myself for being so weak.” She is crying now, tears soaking the bed sheet in front of her.   “Savina… It’s not your fault. What your father did.. What Troy did. It’s unforgivable… but you are stronger than you know. You can get through it. If you let me help you, I promise on my life you will never be hurt again. Just let me help you Savina, please” I beg of her, taking her hands in mine.  “How can you promise me that? You don’t even know me” She looks at me suspiciously I want to tell her so badly, but I know she is not ready.  “Just trust me, I know that is asking for a lot. It seems impossible to trust right now. I understand that, but just try okay? I promise when the time is right I’ll explain everything to you, but for now… Just try and trust me…” I try to sound as sincere as I possibly can, to make her see that I am honest and trying to help her.  Savina is silent for a while, we just sit there, “I do trust you… I think” She whispers  I can feel a huge smile spread across my face.  “Alright, you need to rest, how about some soup?”  “Actually, I really want to have a shower, or a bath.. If that’s okay?”  “Of course! I’ll get some clothes for you and I’ll get the bath drawn, just relax okay?” I didn’t even think that she might want to have a bath, she is probably very uncomfortable right now.  I go fill the tub for her and place some clean clothes on the counter for her, hoping she doesn’t mind wearing mine for now.  I get back to the bedroom and see Savina trying to get out of bed, the thin t-shirt she has on is not enough to hide her form, her n*****s are clearly visible. The shirt ends just above her knees, I am only now noticing how thin she is. Like she hasn’t eaten a hearty meal in a few months.  I help her into the bathroom, leaving her to wash up. Twenty five minutes later, I hear her come out of the bathroom, she walks very slowly, limping slightly. She is wearing a fresh shirt, once again thin enough for her n*****s to poke through, a pair of boxers are barely visible beneath the shirt. Her pale long slender legs almost seem to glow.  I am in the kitchen, making soup and sandwiches for us. She goes to sit at the island, the bar stools are high, she tries to hop up onto it but flinches.  I walk over to help her, I gesture towards the chair and she gives me a weak smile. I gently lift her off her feet, placing her down on the stool.  “Thanks” She smiles, she smells like coconut, my senses are overwhelmed by it. I walk back to the stove, pouring the soup into large mugs. I slide over one of them to her, along with a fresh grilled cheese sandwich.  “It smells amazing!” She exclaims as she starts to dig in.  “Well, there’s plenty more if you are still hungry…” I say as I start on my own food.  I watch her out of the corner of my eye, she devours her food within fifteen minutes. She holds her stomach afterwards.  “Ohh… I ate too fast” She looks like she might vomit.  I take our plates to the sink, after washing them I turn back to her, she is watching me closely.  “So...what now?” She asks  “Want to watch a movie? You should still be resting, but I doubt I can convince you to go back to bed.. Not for a few hours at least” I nod towards the couch, the large TV calling to us.  She nods thoughtfully and I help her down from the stool, she walks ahead of me to the couch.  She sits down, the shirt riding up exposing her legs even more to me. She bends her knees tucking them under her body. I sit down on the other end of the couch and turn on the TV, we flip through channels before landing on reruns of ‘FRIENDS”, Savina seems to enjoy it.  About an hour later Savina starts to yawn,  “Getting tired?” I ask  “Yeah.. you?” She nods at me, smiling  “Little bit” I lie, I have never been more wide awake.  “Well, don’t let me stop you.. I’ll see you in the morning” She nods to the bedroom “Do you really think you're sleeping on the couch?” I laugh  “Well, I can't take your bed again”  We stare at each other for a moment.  “You are not sleeping on the couch” I say sternly to her. I use a tiny bit of mind control as I speak.  She silently gets up and walks to the bedroom, closing the door behind her. I guess I used too much, all I meant to do was give her a nudge in the right direction. I need to get a hold of my powers.  I make myself comfortable on the couch, settling in for the night.
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