
1153 Words
Hayden  Savina fell asleep on the couch after making us tea, I’m trying to get the paperwork done for the beach house but seeing her fast asleep on the couch is distracting. I get up and walk over to the couch, looking down at her.  I see something strange on her neck, a small puncture mark, I push her hair back to get a better view. She’s been bitten by an energy snatcher demon. The only person I can think of is her new friend Samantha. I slide her up into my arms and bring her to the bed, tucking her in. I take her phone and send her friend a text, pretending to be Savina. I ask Samantha to meet me down the street at a cafe, she agrees. I grab my coat and head out, determined to find out what is going on.  I sit down in the back corner of the cafe, having a direct view of the entrance and the back exit. Now I wait, two iced coffees later she walks in. I can smell her as soon as the door opens. Rotten meat mixed with floral undertones. Demons always stink, humans cannot smell it for some reason, they can only smell the undertones.  She sees me and instantly her tone changes, she recoils, ready to bolt. I use my mind control to make her walk to me and sit.  “Samantha?” I ask, she nods once.  The waitress comes and takes her order, leaving quickly, probably sensing the tension in the air.  “What are you doing here?” She asks, her voice low.  “I could be asking you the same thing” I raise my eyebrows at her, taking a sip of my coffee. “I’m just following orders..”  “Who's?”  “Adrian, King of Hell… but I’m guessing you already knew that”  “Why are you feeding off of Savina?” I’m losing patience now. “He wants her weakened, I don’t know why”  I think for a moment.  “You are going to leave her alone, leave town if you have to but don’t come near her again.” I warn “Please.. It’s not what you think. He ordered me to kill her at first… but I couldn’t. I told him my powers didn’t work on her. I lied to protect her…. He thinks she has some kind of power… I truly care for her. She is kind and understands me. All I want is to live above ground in peace… I wish her no harm. My venom will wear off quickly..”  I debate this for a moment, “Alright.. You say you care for her?” She nods vigorously. “Fine.. you can stay, but if you hurt her I will rip your tongue out with my bare hands. Then kill you. Understand?”  She stares at me horrified, “I asked if you understand” I repeat, she nods slowly.  “Now tell me, how did my brother find out about her?”  “Prince Zagon told him”  Of course Zagon would blab his filthy mouth everywhere before he died.  “Alright, remember what I said, no more feeding. If you cross me one more time I will follow through on my promise.. Do not let Savina know anything is wrong” I say as I get up and leave the cafe. If he is after her, after us, I need backup. I walk to the closet cemetery and enter the hollow grounds, being of Angel blood I am able to go pretty much anywhere. I walk to the oldest tree in the cemetery, bowing down before it. It is an ancient tree, full of wisdom.  “I, Hayden, 7th Prince of Hell, Prince of Light ask for your assistance oh great one” I whisper in a low voice. A few minutes go by before a voice answers.  “What are you doing here Prince of Light?” A sultry voice calls out from behind the tree. “I need help, protecting something extremely dear to me” I respond  “Why should I help you? You have a death toll on your head from down below”  “I’m going to destroy the throne.. But I cannot do it alone” I look up as a shadow comes out, a white cat appears in front of me.  “I accept your request.. Now tell me what am I protecting?” The cat is fluffy and large, but not overweight, it has striking yellow eyes. “A human… my bride” I look the cat in the eyes, it smiles a very toothy and slightly creepy smile.  “Very interesting.. I had heard rumors but never thought the Prince of Light would actually do such a thing”  I have been called the Prince of Light by many in my life, because of my Angel blood I was never considered a real Prince of Hell by a large population, both above and below.  “You still accept?” I ask sternly.  “Yes.. Yes I do. Lead the way…”  “It’s a long walk” I say as I scoop the cat up into my arms, “ You must remain in your form unless it is a matter of life and death, she does not know of our kind.. Not yet.. I will tell her when the time is right. But for now you are simply a cat I found on the streets”  “Of course..”  An hour later we are inside the apartment.  “She is asleep, in the bedroom. Do not wake her. She had a long day” I warn the cat, I still have my reservations on how much to trust it, but when I am not around it will be good for someone else to have an eye on her. Just in case.  The cat simply swipes its tail at me and pushes its way into the bedroom. I see it hop up on the bed beside Savina and lay down, starting to purr.  Guardians have useful healing powers, but they seldom use them on others. I watch for a little bit before my head falls back on my pillow, a deep sleep comes over me.  I wake in the morning to the smell of bacon and eggs with strong coffee.  “Morning!” Savina gently calls from the kitchen, she looks refreshed and energetic.  “Good morning, you look better” I observe out loud.  “I feel amazing, the best sleep of my life last night, plus I woke up to this cutie beside me.. You didn’t say anything about getting a cat. I love him already!” She picks up the cat and snuggles it for a moment before kissing its nose, placing it back on the floor. It rubs against her legs. “I found it on the streets last night.. Are you going to name it?” “I’m sure somebody is looking for this cutie, we should put up some posters” She looks sad now, maybe the thought of the cat being lost, or having to give it up? “No, I wouldn’t worry about that” I assure her as I pour some coffee. “What makes you so sure?”  “I just have a hunch…”  She slides the food across the counter towards me and I dig in.  “Well… he is really cute and I always wanted a cat..”  “So we are keeping him?” I ask hopefully  “Yes… but we will need to go to the store and get some supplies for him”
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